Poll: White-Washing in Movies


New member
May 23, 2010
Bat Vader said:
Ragora said:
Bat Vader said:
chozo_hybrid said:
Bat Vader said:
This kinda reminds me of the film Gandhi. Good movie but I think they picked the wrong actor for the title role. They picked Ben Kingsley a British actor to play Gandhi. That doesn't seem exactly right to me.
You realize he's part Indian right? His birth name is Krishna Pandit Bhanji: http://ethnicelebs.com/ben-kingsley a quick google search gave me that link. So people who are born of parents of two difference cultures, they can't play either? How does it work?

So long as the role is played well by the person playing it, then what's the problem.

EDIT: I see someone already let you know about Ben Kingsley, didn't see that post until after I posted, sorry ^_^;
I assumed that Ben Kingsley was his birth name. Of all the times I seen him in the news and heard other people talk about him they never mentioned that wasn't his real name. Now that I know that he is part Indian(Someone from India) I am glad they picked him for the role.

The problem is if they picked a full blooded British actor it would kind of be a slap in the face to Gandhi who was trying to end British rule in India. That us how I see it anyway. If they make a fictions film that has Gandhi in it than that they can hire any actor they like. It would not bother me. When a movie is made for factual purposes and to tell the life story of a real person. I think it is better to hire an actor that is the same race as the person they are depicting. That's just my opinion though.
The fact that stage names are stage names just doesn't come up much. Nick Cage's real last name is Coppola for example, but that only comes up as trivia.
I never knew that. I am guessing he isn't related to Francis Ford Coppola.
Francis Ford Coppola is his uncle. He took the stage name because he didn't want to just ride his uncle's coat-tails.