Poll: Who is the real Dark Lord?


Slightly Sarcastic At All Times
Aug 12, 2010
The true dark lord has not yet revealed himself. If he had, he would have devoured all hope in the world and corrupted it from its innards out.

Actually, I'm pretty much just describing Zalgo there. HE COMES!


New member
Apr 18, 2010
Voldemort. All my arguments could probably be made for any of the other candidates so I'm leaving it at that.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
I vote Morgoth. He makes Sauron look like a weakling who barely knows the extent of corruption. Sauron is his lieutenant.

Edit: Darn. Ninja'd by the post above


New member
Jun 5, 2008
aba1 said:
savandicus said:
aba1 said:
dfphetteplace said:
aba1 said:
I am honestly surprised satan is hardly getting votes I mean he is litterally the dark lord the guys who controls all evil manipulates people into doing bad things steals our souls and tortures billions in the afterlife to run his kingdom of sorrow.
Well that depends on where you are looking. None of those things are mentioned in the bible, and have just be added to him for the past 2000 years.
you relize the bible is less than 2000 years old since most of it was written after jesus had died. Either way I have to admit I pulled most of that out my ass its really just the impression of what he is supposed to be that I have gathered through my life but nobody can be certain the bible bearly mentions him and alot of the stories from the bible were left out of the final version which we all read.
Actually its only the new testament that is less than 2000 years old with the old testament being around for quite a bit before Jesus.
That is not actually true the stories take place before Jesus but the old testament was written after. You could argue that most of thet stories were taken from other older religions and that would be true but they wernt actually the old testament just individial pieces without any sorta of title implicating them as part of the bible.
Ok granted, it wasnt called the old testament but thats really just a technicallity. The books that the old testament contains all have origins that predate Jesus. There are surviving manuscripts of the vast majority of the old testament that all date before Jesus as the old testament is effectively just the holy book that the jews at the time had.

Check out the wikipedia page for more details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dating_the_Bible

Man are we off topic though.


New member
Jan 23, 2011
It's gotta be Sauron, right? He had an army of 200,000 thousand, and that excludes his reserve force.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
I AM! Bow before me you puny maggots! Writhe in pain as I strip you of your mortal vessels!

no, but seriously I'd say "Yawgmoth, the father of machines" is pretty high on my list of awesome dark lords of badassery.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
Xendor [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Xendor], he practically invented the dark side of the force.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
savandicus said:
aba1 said:
savandicus said:
aba1 said:
dfphetteplace said:
aba1 said:
I am honestly surprised satan is hardly getting votes I mean he is litterally the dark lord the guys who controls all evil manipulates people into doing bad things steals our souls and tortures billions in the afterlife to run his kingdom of sorrow.
Well that depends on where you are looking. None of those things are mentioned in the bible, and have just be added to him for the past 2000 years.
you relize the bible is less than 2000 years old since most of it was written after jesus had died. Either way I have to admit I pulled most of that out my ass its really just the impression of what he is supposed to be that I have gathered through my life but nobody can be certain the bible bearly mentions him and alot of the stories from the bible were left out of the final version which we all read.
Actually its only the new testament that is less than 2000 years old with the old testament being around for quite a bit before Jesus.
That is not actually true the stories take place before Jesus but the old testament was written after. You could argue that most of thet stories were taken from other older religions and that would be true but they wernt actually the old testament just individial pieces without any sorta of title implicating them as part of the bible.
Ok granted, it wasnt called the old testament but thats really just a technicallity. The books that the old testament contains all have origins that predate Jesus. There are surviving manuscripts of the vast majority of the old testament that all date before Jesus as the old testament is effectively just the holy book that the jews at the time had.

Check out the wikipedia page for more details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dating_the_Bible

Man are we off topic though.

hahaha ya we really are though you didn't really need to post the link since you essentially just agreed with my earlier post anyways lmao


New member
Jan 21, 2011
"The Dark Lord Sauron forged in secret a master ring-"

Sauron is reffered to several times as the dark lord, and plus we only see him for like two minutes but in those two minutes he made two armies take a couple of steps back as soon as he sauntered onto the battlefield. And then after that what was left of his soul nearly took over the world, his very presence was enough to make friends and allies kill each other.


New member
Jan 21, 2011
"The Dark Lord Sauron forged in secret a master ring-"

Sauron is reffered to several times as the dark lord, and plus we only see him for like two minutes but in those two minutes he made two armies take a couple of steps back as soon as he sauntered onto the battlefield. And then after that what was left of his soul nearly took over the world, his very presence was enough to make friends and allies kill each other.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
"To do aught good never will be our task
But ever to do ill our sole delight"

"Henceforth his might we know, and know our own
So as not either to provoke, or dread
New warr, provok't; our better part remains
To work in close design, by fraud or guile
What force effected not: that he no less
At length from us may find, who overcomes
By force, hath overcome but half his foe. "

It has to be Satan. Not in the ponsy Christian sense of an Antichrist who just scatters dinosaur bones everywhere and creates people with dark skin. A real Satan, the root of all evil, the personification of every aspect of human anxiety, every shadow on the edge of consciousness, every cautionary tale told to warn mischievous children.

Satan represents everything mankind refuses to admit about itself, and I'm afraid that Satan is quite real.


In it for the Pub Club cookies
Apr 15, 2009
I voted other.

Though if you DO change "Other" to Cthulu, I will not be upset.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
Sauron. But update the OP with the picture of him when he had a body, it makes him that much more badass.


New member
Jun 29, 2011
I think lich king has the largest bodycount out of all of them but none of them seem truly evil exept sauron, but your not a lord if you're a lackey.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Sauron easy.
This made me lawl: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPzLqEUKkpo
That is probably what would happen though.
Seriously, his top minion, The Witch King, is more Badass than everyone else on this list except Vader.