Poll: Why all the hate on Cats?


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Mr Cwtchy said:
DuX1112 said:
Well in that case, you're right. The teeth aren't long enough to do much damage(still bloody hurts though). Although if you want get into the realm of fantasy they could cut your throat with their claws if they REALLY wanted to.

And FYI, I wasn't doing anything to the cat. In fact, I was trying to avoid it as much as I possibly could. So it probably just didn't like me.
Yeah, I know they can slit a man's throat, if they tried hard enough and the man didn't react. :) This reminded me of Bulghakov's "Master and Margarita", where the cat called Behemoth cut a man's head off with just one swing of his claws. :D Man, the scene was f*cking hilarious! :D

And I wasn't saying you did anything to the cat, but many people do. And some cats are ill-tempered, so, I understand what went on (one of my 12 cats is grumpy almost all the time). :) Best if you'd probably take it by the skin on their neck, move it away from you (watch your eyes!), and gently dispose of it in a different room or something. :D Or distract it by waggling a piece of food. :D Or sprinkle it with water, it should get all disgusted and cringe away. :D If all that fails, lock it somewhere or lock yourself away from it. :D Or, call the police. :D


New member
May 24, 2010
CaseySmith said:
gl1koz3 said:
I hate maintenance. Which makes cats quite cool. But I'm allergic, so it forces me to hate them.
I'm allergic to them also, doesn't stop me from having or loving cats... Their fur can make me sneeze, especially if I manage to rub my eyes unwittingly after stroking at cat. That's why I make sure to brush their fur of any excess loose fur; which most cats love. Haven't had a problem since, even when my cat sleeps with me.
It does help a bit, but depends on severity of allergy. Cats are still cool, though. Just have to be extra cautious.


New member
Feb 4, 2010
Housebroken Lunatic said:
Skullkid4187 said:
Its a sad sad day when people don't love cats :[
But it's a perfectly normal day when cats don't love people back. And I think that's probably the main reason why many people dislike cats.

Dogs are social pack creatures who stay loyal to their masters for good or ill, whereas cats can be "social" but more often than not out of selfish reasons.

Cats don't jump up in the lap of their owners because they want to be intimate, they do it because they want to be scratched and pet because they think it feels good. If their owner died, the cat would just go and find some other random human to satisfy it's needs and wants.

So, while cats might be cute-looking and cuddly and all that, they never really do anything for any reason other than to satisfy their own selfih needs and care little about the person who does this for them.

Then again, that's what you get from an animal that is a natural solitary hunter, and I for one don't think it's a viable reason to hate cats. But I think that is one of the key reasons why some people do...
No doubt that dogs and cats are two completely different animals and owners have either for all sorts of reasons but it is quite the misconception that cats are "selfish" or "uncaring".

Of course to an outsider they will come across this way but having lived with cats for most of my life and now have 5 of my own, I can tell you that they love me as much as I love them. They may not directly show it like a dog does, so its not as obvious but when I come home from being out, they are all excited to see me, whereas if someone they haven't seen or don't know well comes over, they become recluses. This shows they know me and appreciate me, even if they don't lick me to death to show it.

But you're right though, I think this is alot of reasons that certain people dislike cats, because they won't show instant affection to anyone and everyone..Much like people, it takes time for them to build trust but when they do let me assure anyone that they are just as loyal as any dog. Keep in mind my cats are not tabbies though, they are Burmese and Siamese and are known for their more 'dog-like' personalities so I am really only taking my knowledge from only owning pure-bred cats.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Blatherscythe said:
Cats, I bloody hate them. With their meowing and hissing, then they start to piss and shit all over the place. And their 9 fucking lives.

Cookie for those who got the referance.

"bloody cats I hate those things!"

Damn Ninja'd
do I still get my cookie?


New member
Mar 20, 2010
ThatPurpleGuy said:
They are not evil..Only someone who had never lived with them would say that because like the OP said, thats how they are always portrayed.
And if you take their most prominant traits and compare them with the word "evil" in the dictionary it's a pretty similar list.


Cats, being sacred in Egypt and the eyes of pagan gods, are automaticly "evil" in Christendom.

They were associated with witches and wizards (Pagan Wise Women/Men), also making them "evil".

These are generally historicly accepted as the 2 biggest reasons. America, being a "Christian" nation (laws were based on God's word etc) for quite a while adopted these notions and it carried through to their pop culture.

To the OP:

Mickey Mouse has no feline adversary. He was created with the enemy of "Black Pete", a dog.

Tom and Jerry isn't such a good example either. Jerry rarely tries to eat Tom, and in many episodes they are portrayed as quite friendly. It is considered a Friendly Rivalry and Tom isnt actually "evil". Just being a cat.

Sylvester the Cat is used as a protaginost simply because he was created as one: one of three cats who harassed Elmer Fudd.

Also, Dogs aren't just for Mickey. Tom and Jerry have one, sylvester is frequently pounded by one, etc.

Cats as "evil" in american pop culture isn't overly common except that a few of them proved rather popular so were used as major chaacters. Dogs are a common protagonist, as can be seen as displayed in the Bulldog who pounds Sylvester, the Foghorn Leghorn's arch enemy, Bank robbing/gangster dogs in WB cartoons, etc. Wile E Coyote is not a cat and was used because "Coyote's eat Roadrunners". The Tasmanian Devil is also not a cat.

With Dogs being a main character in movies because of being "man's best fiend" and identifyable to children who love their canine friend, who is their widely-known mortal enemy? Cats.

A lot of it is sheer circumstance in US of A film and cartoons, not that cats are actually "evil"

Look up "The Secret Lives of Waldo Kitty" where the cat is the "hero" of the piece. I believe "Garfield" is not considered evil either.

Ah, the ramblings fo caffiene-starved bored people. Sorry :p

Mr Cwtchy

New member
Jan 13, 2009
DuX1112 said:
Mr Cwtchy said:
DuX1112 said:
Well in that case, you're right. The teeth aren't long enough to do much damage(still bloody hurts though). Although if you want get into the realm of fantasy they could cut your throat with their claws if they REALLY wanted to.

And FYI, I wasn't doing anything to the cat. In fact, I was trying to avoid it as much as I possibly could. So it probably just didn't like me.
Yeah, I know they can slit a man's throat, if they tried hard enough and the man didn't react. :) This reminded me of Bulghakov's "Master and Margarita", where the cat called Behemoth cut a man's head off with just one swing of his claws. :D Man, the scene was f*cking hilarious! :D

And I wasn't saying you did anything to the cat, but many people do. And some cats are ill-tempered, so, I understand what went on (one of my 12 cats is grumpy almost all the time). :) Best if you'd probably take it by the skin on their neck, move it away from you (watch your eyes!), and gently dispose of it in a different room or something. :D Or distract it by waggling a piece of food. :D Or sprinkle it with water, it should get all disgusted and cringe away. :D If all that fails, lock it somewhere or lock yourself away from it. :D Or, call the police. :D
Thanks for the advice. I've been recommended to pick them up by the scruff before, but I always feel like I might hurt them(or they'll hurt me ;) ). Although if he had went for me my reaction probably would have been to throw him off me and run for the door, screaming like a little girl.

But that's not very dignified, so I'm glad it didn't happen :D

Housebroken Lunatic

New member
Sep 12, 2009
ThatPurpleGuy said:
No doubt that dogs and cats are two completely different animals and owners have either for all sorts of reasons but it is quite the misconception that cats are "selfish" or "uncaring".

Of course to an outsider they will come across this way but having lived with cats for most of my life and now have 5 of my own, I can tell you that they love me as much as I love them. They may not directly show it like a dog does, so its not as obvious but when I come home from being out, they are all excited to see me, whereas if someone they haven't seen or don't know well comes over, they become recluses. This shows they know me and appreciate me, even if they don't lick me to death to show it.

But you're right though, I think this is alot of reasons that certain people dislike cats, because they won't show instant affection to anyone and everyone..Much like people, it takes time for them to build trust but when they do let me assure anyone that they are just as loyal as any dog. Keep in mind my cats are not tabbies though, they are Burmese and Siamese and are known for their more 'dog-like' personalities so I am really only taking my knowledge from only owning pure-bred cats.
Of course your cat is excited to see you. It's thinking: "Yay, that human who usually gives me food and scratch me behind my ears the way I like just came home."

Towards strangers your cat is wary and revert to become more solitary because it does what most solitary hunter animals do. They keep shy of strangers and try to gague if they can trust the stranger not to jump them at any opportune moment.

But they don't "love" you because of that, even if that's something you like telling yourself because it makes you feel better than acknowledge the fact that you are nothing more than a food and petting machine on legs in the eyes of your beloved pets.

Still, that's no reason to hate cats or even dislike them for it. I can certainly enjoy the company of cats too, and many cats do seem to warm up to me pretty quick, even if they're usually extremely wary of strangers otherwise (to quote the words of Riddick: "It's an animal thing", Haha)

But I hold no pretentions about what any cat views me and their owners as, even if I don't mind what the cat views me as.

And the fact remains that my dogs would die protecting me. Heck, dogs are even known to go up against bears 10-20 times their size and strength to protect their masters when they are out hunting and accidentally stumble across a territorial bear.

A cat would just leap up a tree and watch the bear rip it's master to pieces, doing nothing at all to intervene. Sure, it might be the most pragmatic course of action for the cat to take (I mean what can a cat do against a bear?), but it's still the same solitary hunter behaviour of looking out for number one. Which is why the dog is often percieved as more "noble", because it would throw away it's own life if it means protecting other packmembers.

Of course, you'll probably not pay much heed to what I have to say about your cats relationship to you with all the usual arguments that emotional cat owners tend to invoke, and I can reveal to you that I've heard them all before, and they don't really change the facts.

But regardless of that, do understand that I don't think it's justifiable to hate cats simply because the cats are what they are. And I don't find it wierd or delusional to enjoy the company of cats either, despite my disillusioned attitude towards them.

To summarize: I don't think anyone should hate the cat for being the solitary hunter that it is anymore than you should hate raindeer for having horns.


New member
Mar 21, 2010
Because cats are jerks.

Robot Chicken says so! Did you see that cat trip that unsuspecting house man down the stairs? DID YOU? D:

Housebroken Lunatic

New member
Sep 12, 2009
Greyhald said:
Mickey Mouse has no feline adversary. He was created with the enemy of "Black Pete", a dog.
Black Pete isn't a dog, he's an antropomorphic cat, Although he was a bear in his earlier incarnations. But in the most recent variant, he's a cat. (a very fat cat, but still a cat)

EDIT: In Gooftroop however, he does resemble a dog like all the other characters, but the species hasn't really changed, and the duo dynamic of Black Pete and Goofy also play upon the usual stereotypes of cats and dogs, with Goofy being somewhat stupid and clumbsy, while Black Pete is more selfish and solitary.


New member
Jan 9, 2010
I like cats, however I have been wary of them since seeing this in Dragon Age



Yay! Custom title!
Jul 9, 2010
I generally like all animals. Of course, I'm not dumb enough to go and pet a wild Tiger or a Great White Shark, but if I could, I would ; )

But of course, I do have my favorites, and I guess cats range slightly higher then dogs for 1 good reason, they're calmer. They can lay in your lap and receive petting for a long time whilst a dog would rather want to play for 6 hours straight, drink some water and then play for another 6 hours.

I don't have time to properly care for a dog : /


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Cats can be evil bastards, but usually are just needy bastards, which gets very annoying. Mine is currently trying to step on my keyboard, even when I push him back.

Housebroken Lunatic

New member
Sep 12, 2009
stygN said:
But of course, I do have my favorites, and I guess cats range slightly higher then dogs for 1 good reason, they're calmer. They can lay in your lap and receive petting for a long time whilst a dog would rather want to play for 6 hours straight, drink some water and then play for another 6 hours.
However, that can be ascribed to individual personalities of dogs. I have a dog for instance who is one of the calmest dogs I've ever encountered. She can take pretty much anything in stride and rarely let herself be provoked by anything. Which is funny because we have another dog that is the complete opposite (she's still very much like a puppy despite being grown up). She's wild, stressed and lively and even try to provoke the calmer dog to play and run around from time to time, but she only indulge in that on HER terms and never let's herself become provoked if she doesn't feel like running around or play.

In fact the only scenario where she gets really riled up is when she's out hunting, but that's what she was bred for anyway so it doesn't really matter.

Still my point is that not all dogs want to play for 6 hours straight and then another 6 hours after having some water. Some can be very calm by nature.


New member
Jan 16, 2010
Everyone loves cats, it just that they are better at being evil since they act alone, with intent always seem so chillz