Poll: Why does Sexual Orientation Matter?


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Oops, i accidentally voted for it does matter but i dont actually think it does.

The only time i have ever given a crap about someones orientation is when they wave it around like a flag for attention... and thats more of a personality flaw i dislike rather than the fact they're gay or bi or something.

Tsun Tzu

Feuer! Sperrfeuer! Los!
Jul 19, 2010
Don't ask, don't tell.

I do not care which gender or person you are or aren't engaging in vigorous monkey sex with. I also do not wish to be informed about your bedroom preferences.

I don't need every homosexual person I meet making a point of letting me know the above any more than I do a straight person doing the same.

In short, I don't know when the bartender gets off, John/Jane, and I don't want to know what you would do to him/her with sufficient privacy, alcohol, and bondage equipment.

Nothing makes a situation more awkward than someone announcing their preferred orifice for copulation.


New member
Mar 26, 2011
Rottweiler said:
Let's set aside religious fervor
Which pretty much kills the argument, as there is no logical reason for anyone to be opposed to the existence of LGBT people. Only moral arguments.

A few people are addressing the question, of "why do they care" with statements about why they should have a right to know. I don't buy the "it concerns me because they may hit on me" idea.

It strikes me as no different to when a woman is hit on by a straight guy who she isn't interested in. She awkwardly turns him down, and says she isn't interested, and the guy knows in the future she isn't interested. We don't all introduce ourselves to women and immediatly ask them if they would ever be interested in having sex with us, why should it be any different with a gay person? Hell, I have been hit on by gay dudes, while it was slightly awkward, it was no big deal.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
I think you made this thread a little to broad by saying: does it matter? .
I am quite convinced it does actually matter, seeing as how broad you made it.
I also do not think it's a matter of opinion whether it matters or not.

The question: 'does it matter?' is only applied to things that do actually matter but might not matter in the situation where it is asked.

As there is no situation here I feel obliged to vote yes.

If you intend to have a deeply filosophical argument in a forum try to get your poll straight.

Best regards,


Random Fella

New member
Nov 17, 2010
No opinion on the matter really, if someone wants to be a homosexual, I don't care, I don't approve, I don't disapprove, I don't care at all, I wish these threads would stop going on and on and on with it. The only thing I hate is how homosexuals are up in your face about it and you feel like if you don't scream out how much you appreciate them you're a homophobe.
Honestly I just don't care, if someone wants to be gay, doesn't matter, more chicks for the straight guys


New member
Oct 19, 2010
DeadSp8s said:
Vault101 said:
it doesnt

some people are bothered/baffled as to how some base their entire Identity on being gay...but other than that theres no issue

DeadSp8s said:
I'm no scientist, but there is something called procreation and I think it's important for some reason..
because gayness is only really a recent thing and hasnt been around since like forever right? and its not like there were civilisations where it was common place right? (greece)

and of coarse the human populations right now are dangerously low right?

AND of coarse theres all that other important stuff...like hunter gathering...working out how to make fire...and fighting off those other tribes which we should really be focusing on thease days.....right?
If everyone is gay, there is no future. If everyone is straight, we're fine.
I realize your probably troling. Still I want to comment on this. You severly underrestimate the life if you believe that. Any species will go to extreme measures to keep itself for going extinct. If every human being would somehow turn homosexual, then people would just get over their sexual preferences and mate to ensure the survival of humanity. Perhaps the population would drop a little, but that would be a good thing. Also the 'problem' would be solved within a generation. Biological and cultural evolution would ensure that.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Random Fella said:
No opinion on the matter really ..... The only thing I hate is how homosexuals are up in your face about it and you feel like if you don't scream out how much you appreciate them you're a homophobe.
You seem to be lost, first you say it doesnt matter and then you generalize and judge all homosexuals.

Random Fella

New member
Nov 17, 2010
Nundkai said:
Random Fella said:
No opinion on the matter really ..... The only thing I hate is how homosexuals are up in your face about it and you feel like if you don't scream out how much you appreciate them you're a homophobe.
You seem to be lost, first you say it doesnt matter and then you generalize and judge all homosexuals.
I'm not judging them, it's not like I said they were disgusting or something like that
I just said I'm sick of how they need to report all of this stuff on homosexuals on so many threads, they get way too loud about their homosexuality, it's not like you hear people screaming out about how they are straight.


Will fight you and lose
Mar 27, 2010
DeadSp8s said:
I'm no scientist, but there is something called procreation and I think it's important for some reason..
Yes, but that doesn't mean everyone is going to drop the frikin' ball and become gay.

Seriously, were not the only species that partakes in homosexuality. It's normal. Not every part of those other species are gay, just like humanity.


New member
May 4, 2009
ezaviel said:
I don't buy the "it concerns me because they may hit on me" idea.
y'know what, that's a very logical argument. I don't find other men attractive, therefore they should be unable to hit on me. And y'know what - I don't like ribs showing and I don't like excessive wobbling, so we should deport all the anorexics and fat people. Come to think of it, blonde hair isn't my favourite either....so we'll get rid of those too.

And you know what else! I wouldn't be comfortable with my family members hitting on me, so we need to get rid of those just in case, right?


Became a mass murderer for your sake
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Because it's a dangerous and contagious disease. Everybody should fear catching The Gay.

But seriously, some people are just scared of things that are different and that they don't understand. I generally take little interest in the sex lives of others and since a consensual homosexual relation ship hurts nobody it's non of my business how people want to live their lives.


New member
Aug 19, 2011
I don't personally agree with homosexuality but I also take the opinion that what takes place behind closed doors in the privacy of someone's home is their business. Do I question whether or not heterosexual people are romping and bumping in the privacy of their own homes? No I do not, because that doesn't affect me personally, their sexuality does not ruin or impede my day in any way. I apply the same principle to homosexuals.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
DeadSp8s said:
I'm no scientist, but there is something called procreation and I think it's important for some reason..
You do realise that population of Earth continues growing rapidly despite homosexuality being more accepted today? Do you also realise that being heterosexual does not necessarily mean that you will procreate? I am for example straight and have no intentions of having children ever.


New member
Nov 30, 2008
XMark said:
DeadSp8s said:
I'm no scientist, but there is something called procreation and I think it's important for some reason..
Well, technically sex-based procreation is no longer necessary thanks to modern technology. I'm sure if some kind of gay epidemic broke out and spread homosexuality to 100% of the population, we could still continue the world's population with sperm donation even after the fabulocalypse.
Please tell me you just made that word up. Please. Because it's brilliant and I laughed for quite a while.


It's not that I LIKE you b-baka!
Oct 12, 2011
It doesn't, really. It only really matters to parents, I suppose. If your only child is gay and you want to have grandchildren, I think you'd be right to be a bit disappointed.

Being bisexual myself, I find it disappointing when someone is entirely straight or lesbian.

/joking. I'm not the sort of promiscuous person who would screw everyone they meet. Not in the slightest, actually.


New member
Apr 21, 2010
Random Fella said:
it's not like you hear people screaming out about how they are straight.

...Because straight people haven't been actively persecuted, treated as second-class citizens, and had basic rights withheld from them because some people didn't agree with their idea of sexual preference.