Poll: Will you buy HATRED?


Elite Muppet
Feb 15, 2009
The gameplay itself looked like a throwback to some silly fun top down shooter I recall from years back, only with a better engine for destruction of set pieces and such. But....without any real enemies to fight.

If they do a last minute rug pull, and go 'Hahah! Guys, we were kidding, blowing air up your butts to get some conversation going. Here is the real story we're going with, complete with actual enemies and purpose!'....then I might as a cheap nostalgia based purchase to catch a quick hour or two of 'Man, co-op top downs could be fun'.

But as is....why? Provocative content aside, I saw no appealing gameplay content due to the notion of killing stuff which isnt fighting back in a genre which is make or break by a decent challenge level.


Quiet, Odd Sort.
Jul 8, 2009
United Kingdom
Zachary Amaranth said:
Lieju said:
I need to bring that brilliant piece of marketing up as often as possible.
My mum thought it was dumb so obviously it was high art and cool and spoke to me.
I;'m glad my mom never saw it because she'd hate it and then I'd have to buy it because lol gamers are all 12 and have a contrarian mentality!

But this model has worked well for White Wolf, so...
Just about everybody I've explained that campaign to has gone some variation on 'are you f***ing kidding me? how stupid are those guys?'

For me personally, it took me from actually wanting deadspace 2, to only picking it upa long time after release when steam had it on sale for less than £3.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Windknight said:
Just about everybody I've explained that campaign to has gone some variation on 'are you f***ing kidding me? how stupid are those guys?'

For me personally, it took me from actually wanting deadspace 2, to only picking it upa long time after release when steam had it on sale for less than £3.
Yeah, I rolled my eyes and moved on.

Part of this whole thing is that it strikes me as the equivalent of a kid dressing up in mommy or daddy's clothes and proclaiming "look how grown up I am!"

We understand that's not how it works. They don't seem to, though.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Looks very much like Postal 1.

I might try it. Even though it was sort of weird, I did like Postal 1.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
chadachada123 said:
While this post may seem like an answer to a secondary question; a bit of a tangent; it explains why the second option, even if one doesn't buy the game, is the best mindset towards it. It pushes boundaries.

If we are too afraid to push boundaries in our medium, then video games will never truly be art.

True art HAS no boundaries. Even if this is terrible art, allowing it; despising it but acknowledging that it hasn't "gone too far," will pave the way for very great pieces containing elements of this.

The former half of this post should be ignored for this discussion (it is about GamerGate), but the last half is very, very relevant when talking of this. Especially pertaining to Shakespeare, etc.

"I want art to be fucking dangerous. I want artists to feel free to go as far as their demented imaginations can carry them. And if it's too much for me, or I find their work offensive, I don't need an art critic nanny to protect my delicate sensibilities. I'll just say, "that's crap," and refuse to buy the artist's work. You know, like a fucking adult with my own mind capable of determining for myself what is and is not worthwhile.

My sense of art is not democratic. It is a dictatorship. And they don't get either a vote nor a voice in that decision.

And that's probably why they squawk so much."
The irony is that the developer stated this game was created against the trend of games heading to be polite, colorful, politically correct and trying to be some kind of higher art. So in this case, any artistic value will be unintentional.


New member
Jul 25, 2014
sidewinder fang said:
Urgh, I can just see the SJWs swarming all over this like flies on a dead dog, its manhunt 2 all over again and at the worst possible time.

And, in case anyone thinks about comparing this to things like GTA or borderlands, I'd like to point out that those are much less realistic and cartoonish in nature, weather intentionally or not. Even 'gritty realistic' modern shooters rarely put you in this sort of situation yes I am looking at you call of duty.

While I'm open to the idea that this could be a very clever satire in some way, perhaps reminicent of spec ops the line, I have my doubts, while I never played spec ops I understand it played its hand a lot more subtly and didn't rely on apparent shock value imediately or all the time.

I'm not usually one to question peoples rights to free speech and free expression but I can't help but wonder if it would be better for this thing to die in development.
Why? If you don't like it feel free to avoid it.

If you're worried about people using this to bash games, just remind them that every medium has works that are full of disgusting things/shock value, from American Psycho to 100 days of Sodom to A Serbian Film. And all of those seem much worse than this.

Patrick Buck

New member
Nov 14, 2011
Honestly... I found it kinda boring. But I'm also kinda afraid that if everyone does that, people who make these kinda games will try harder. And personally, I think they're pushing it a little bit. I'm not one to go and say games make people do violent shit, but the game itself is just kinda tasteless.

But hell, back to the actual point, it looks dull. Not a fun game, nothing interesting added to the industry except the inevitable shit-storm. No for me.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
WhiteNachos said:
Fulbert said:
Hell no I won't. It's misogynist.
It features an angry male objectifying women, obviously. Besides, he's holding a phallic object against their heads as they plead for mercy, which is an obvious metaphor for rape.


New member
Jul 25, 2014
Fulbert said:
WhiteNachos said:
Fulbert said:
Hell no I won't. It's misogynist.
It features an angry male objectifying women, obviously. Besides, he's holding a phallic object against their heads as they plead for mercy, which is an obvious metaphor for rape.
What? He's clearly going to blow their mind. It's a metaphor about how knowledge is power and how he hates living in a world of stupid people.

In fact it probably takes place inside the world of The Giver. Why else would everything be black and white>


New member
Feb 3, 2010
looks bland and boring to be honest, I still think this looks like the video game version of a Korn album so Double-NO!

if it had more colors and maybe an interesting co-op I would consider it but then I'd just play Hotline Miami :/


New member
May 20, 2009
Im not sure if this is a piss take or not. I seen it on facebook and almost wet my pants laughing then I realised it was real. This game is fucking terrifyingly creepy. I dont play horror films or horror games because they dont creep me out and its essentially running around with a torch with possibly a few things shouting "BOO" but this really creeped me out

I like a lot of violent games. I love the GTA series because it has a lot of depth and satire in the violence. Yes you can kill random people but the tone is different. I also like hitman (another game the OP mentioned) because your character is hunting some pretty shady bastards. My 50 year old mum actually really liked hitman absolution when she watched me play it

This game just reeks of school shootings to me. Its target demographic is the stereotypical isolated kid at school who has fantasies of killing his classmates then turning a gun on himself. Its fucking disgusting and its being edgy for edgy's sake


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
A combination of both of the "no" options.

It looks stupid, but also really fucked up. I got no sense from the trailer that it was meant to be satire. It really just seems like some fucked up fantasy from the dev. Maybe I'm overreacting, but it felt a little too real for me.
Aug 12, 2013
No and here are my reasons:

1) It looks stupid.

2) I think this is a game that screams controversy just for the hell of it, and does it in the lowest and cheapest way possible.

If it were more about how the lead character gets the way he is in the trailer then you might have something, but that would require a degree of writing that is very rare in media now of days. I also don't want it banned. I think the devs have every right to make it but I also have the right not to buy it.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
BloatedGuppy said:
I'll tell you what I anticipated...I anticipated something that was really tediously "Ooooh so dark, so edgy", sort of a teeny rage made visceral sort of deal. And I expected to roll my eyes and feel very tired.

This though? I was actually laughing pretty hard. This strikes me as deliberate Swiftian satire. I might be wrong, it might just be a staggering case of a lack of awareness, but it seems too over the top, if you know what I'm saying. Particularly the opening narration. The delivery reminded me of Gob Bluth from Arrested Development.
Same boat here. Looks like they're taking the piss out of the (forgive me) shitty people who commit these atrocities (or their shitty reasoning for doing so, anyways). I've had fun with top-down shooters lately, so I might give it a whirl if the underlying gameplay is smooth/satisfying and the commentary remains so blatantly and intentionally over-the-top.