Poll: Will you drop the difficulty if you're having trouble?


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
Madkipz said:
probably it is the latter. I completed the witcher 2 on normal to get a feel for the system, and in reality it is some level of fake difficulty put into it. Just spam the damage absorb ability (Quen), keep rolling and baiting for an opportune moment to attack. In addition you can make good use of both the knockback magic and grenades if they clusterfuck and stack. You'd do fine so long as you stay far away from potion mastery (bottom tree). It gets a lot easier after you get beyond the introductory levels, and I would recommend going the Roche way first, because you get more assistance from him in the later levels, and his assistant lady is smoking hot.
The Lugz said:
i was struggling until i realized i could simply avoid everything once you learn that
you're kinda slippery like a snake
That's actually what I did a lot to get to the point where I was at (shoot them with magic, tuck and roll, shoot them again).

Then I got to this part...

I was fighting this one band of murderers in a graveyard. The one guy kept throwing fucking knives at me so running away and blasting them with magic didn't work well and the area was so enclosed that when I rolled away, the woods blocked the damn camera!

I am actually hoping to kick it back up to normal to see if I can save some gamer pride but that part was just such a pain in the ass that I just gave up on it...


New member
May 28, 2008
I very rarely find myself getting my ass kicked in a game when i'm playing it through on normal. Usually if I kick the difficulty up higher its because I know the game and I want the extra challenge. So, if i'm having trouble on master difficulty, I dont drop it down for the hard parts, I either abandon that playthrough or go research how to play the game better. For just experiencing a story, I play it on normal.

P.s. I agree with people saying that if difficulty is fake difficulty, its not worth conquering.

The Lugz

New member
Apr 23, 2011
tippy2k2 said:
The Lugz said:
i was struggling until i realized i could simply avoid everything once you learn that
you're kinda slippery like a snake
That's actually what I did a lot to get to the point where I was at (shoot them with magic, tuck and roll, shoot them again)
well, combine that with traps and the magic shield and bombs and you have my basic tactic for playing the game
if i recall there was some downside to the shield, but i'm not sure what.

i had a pick n mix build with bomb effectiveness, health and just enough swordplay to hurt things
could be why my play-style was so.. eclectic.

also i don't recall getting hit with magic.. i guess i was dodge-rolling too-much lol

Fourspaces said:
P.s. I agree with people saying that if difficulty is fake difficulty, its not worth conquering.

^ that. i refuse to play games like racing sims on hardcore because the ai's simply don't play fair and throw you off the track most times i cant resist a pit maneuver at 170k, sorry but i'm just not that good.
let me run the track solo and i'll make your ai look bad

and i don't play 'clop' or any of these 'lulz look at our broken controls' games
it isn't difficult, it's re learning to walk and it's stupid


New member
Aug 19, 2012
Nice BIAS poll you got there OP.

But no, I try my best to beat the harderst difficulty/hardest challenge first THAT IS FEASIBLE TO DO SO (Not trying to do the hardest challenge with a level 1 in a RPG, for example).

THEN if I cant really past that part... I just try more and more, because pretty much no game allows you to change the difficulty in mid game, and I always chosee the hardest one! I eventually pass the fucking part.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
I used to play on Easy, when I was little, but now I'm no compromises. I play the game at the level intended or not at all. I haven't had to think about dropping the difficulty in living memory though, maybe FTL, but I really considered it in Ninja Gaiden Sigma (I think) against Alma, but the game was so condescending when it asked whether you wanted to switch to Easy mode I couldn't bring myself to do it.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
No, I wouldn't let myself do it. Voted primarily to see how others were voting, and expected 'No' to be winning by more than it is.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
aguspal said:
Nice BIAS poll you got there OP..
Would you care to explain how the poll is biased?

No options are attacking the position and each of those poll options are reasons I've heard people use to justify their decision. If none fit, there is also an "other" option.


New member
Feb 13, 2012
I've never found any fun in trying to 'beat' a game on it's hardest difficulty. The only time I've ever really strived to master a game is Left 4 Dead (And Left 4 Dead 2 retrospectively).

Ofcourse, from time to time I'll play a single player campaign on easy or normal for the experience, but I find that playing with freinds means I have to play at expert level just to avoid their whining.


This is a placeholder
Aug 24, 2009
United Kingdom
I start every game on the lowest difficulty.
Come at me bros.

But yeah, I do that sometimes when I don't start on the easiest difficulty and get properly stuck. I like having fun and I really don't care about finishing X game on Y difficulty. I do play games on normal or higher at times after I finish them though.


New member
Aug 19, 2012
tippy2k2 said:
aguspal said:
Nice BIAS poll you got there OP..
Would you care to explain how the poll is biased?

No options are attacking the position and each of those poll options are reasons I've heard people use to justify their decision. If none fit, there is also an "other" option.

"No; my gamer pride will not allow it" Not really Nice

"No; the game will not best me!" Also not really nice..

Ok maybe I did overreact a bit, but this kind of rub me the wrong way. I still havent voted for an of the options so its not that important.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Generally I like hard games and won't lower the difficulty If I'm stumped at a section, that said I broke down and lowered the difficulty to easy at the final boss fight of Brutal Legend, (although I wasn't aware that it was the last boss otherwise I might have stuck it out)

The only other game was Gears of War General Ram, and that was because the lack of a boss health meter made the fight very tedious as I didn't know if what I was doing was actually hurting him, it was just a case of shoot the guy and hope he falls over.

Both games I was bored with playing and just wanted it to end.


Dec 1, 2011
Yes I would. I was playing on medium difficulty in Oblivion for the longest time before turning down the difficulty so I wasn't getting my ass handed to me as often.[sub](Of course, it would have probably helped if I had known I could change the difficulty in the first place)[/sub]


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
aguspal said:

"No; my gamer pride will not allow it" Not really Nice

"No; the game will not best me!" Also not really nice..

Ok maybe I did overreact a bit, but this kind of rub me the wrong way. I still havent voted for an of the options so its not that important.
Both of those are word-for-word statements that were in the potcat (the inspiration for the thread) but I will add to the OP to explain what I meant by each just in case someone else thinks I'm being not nice with my descriptions :)

I promise that wasn't my intention


New member
Aug 17, 2012
It's a game not a sport, but if beating it on insane is what I need to do to get a trophy, or achievement, then I look up a good guide, and do it.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Lowering difficulty is the last thing I'd do - I'd look at gamefaqs, video guides at youtube, etc to see what I might be doing wrong, and keep trying as long as my patience allows me.

If a game would prove to difficult, I'd either restart the whole game on a lower difficulty (I don't like changing difficulty in the middle of the game), or stop playing.


New member
Feb 12, 2013
Some games I play to relax, others I play for the challenge. The former are usually RPGs or action-y games, and if a particular boss or npc is giving me trouble I'll change the difficulty to get past that point. The latter are usually mulitplayer games, so the only hurdle I need to overcome is my clumsiness.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
I generally tend to avoid turning down the difficulty unless it is artificial difficulty, i.e veteran CoD. Or if it actually alters gameplay. E.g. I didn't want to have to keep pausing the game during combat on DA:O

I can understand not wanting to be beat by the game, but as for gamer pride? Beating AI isn't particularly impressive. Beating another human, now that's impressive.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Only when it's bullshit stopping me from going forward or I just want to feel like an invincible god monster.

For example...
The Witcher 2 boss fights against anything non-humanoid after the Kayran. BULLSHIT. On hard mode at least. Long ass fights that damn near insta-kill you and cannot be healed whilst happening. Complete bull.
But like, when I went through MW3, I just slapped that sucker onto easy and wrecked dudes. More fun, and I'm not playing it for any substantial reason.


New member
Apr 2, 2009
I typically play on medium so there usually isnt a problem. But if I die repeatedly then I just keep doing it until either: A) I beat the challenge and continue, or B) rage-quit and stop playing for a while. Beating it after changing the difficulty is a hollow, meaning-less victory. More like a tie rather than you or the game winning.


New member
Feb 22, 2013
For fun, I play the either the easiest or normal difficulty. If I want a challenge, I play the hardest difficulty. For example with Hitman Absolution, when I just want a shoot out or just kill everyone, I play the Easy difficulty. When I want to be a Silent Assassin, I play the Purist difficulty.