Poll: Will You Stop Me From Destroying the Star Wars Prequels?


New member
Oct 19, 2008
I have recently created a one-way time machine, allowing me to travel to a particular time in the past, but lacking the ability return me to my own time period.

I intend to use this time machine so that I may travel back in time and stop George Lucas from creating the Star Wars prequels (personally, my most hated movie trilogy).

My question to you, the Escapist Community. Which among you will also take a one-way trip in time in an attempt to stop me from erasing these films from the time line forever?

Give me a good reason why too. Not just a "Because I like those movies!" Or a "Oh c'mon! The movies aren't that bad!" I want legitimate, detailed reasons for you wanting to stop me at the risk of being stuck in the early 90's.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Yes. Because then something worse will happen instead. We need the prequel movies as a way of saying "What NOT to do!"

The ol' "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it." In this case you're erasing it from history so it'll just happen the first time again.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
Aenir said:
Yes. Because then something worse will happen instead. We need the prequel movies as a way of saying "What NOT to do!"

The ol' "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it." In this case you're erasing it from history so it'll just happen the first time again.
Excellent point! Hadn't thought about it like that!

Mike Richards

New member
Nov 28, 2009
Yes, because the originals weren't really any better.

They both had obnoxious main characters and dialogue problems up the exhaust port. But the prequels have comparatively better visuals and infinitely better action, and since I'm not here for the story they edge out slightly in my estimation.

I wouldn't say they're worth getting stuck in the 90s for thought. As stated above you'd have to go back much farther then that to fix most of the problems I've got (most irritating is the bland, preachy moralizing of the jedi that's played totally straight instead of introducing the possibility that they might be wrong about something for once.)

EDIT - I feel like I should clarify that I'm not usually one to step all over other people's toys. I don't care if you like the series and I don't care if you want the prequels expunged from human history. But I do have a lot of personal problems with the series and I rarely turn down an opportunity to say something about it since I hardly ever see anyone else making my points for me.


Winter is coming
Jun 13, 2009
Aenir said:
Yes. Because then something worse will happen instead. We need the prequel movies as a way of saying "What NOT to do!"

The ol' "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it." In this case you're erasing it from history so it'll just happen the first time again.
Good point.
how about you go back in time and slap Lucas everytime he thinks the ideas he had in mind for the movies were good ideas.
"Focusing on Trade Disputes? Brilliant! Base everything around that!" *slap*
"Hayden Christensen, as Anakin? Yes!!" *slap*


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Would you mind just shooting Lucas after Return of the Jedi? Just killing him dead? Because then we wouldn't have to deal with the remakes, OR the prequels. Think about it. No "Han Shot First", no "crappy CGI Jabba", no "little orphan Annie", no NOTHING.

Just the brilliant original movies... bliss...

I don't mind remastering, but actually CHANGING the films is a step too far. You're ruining perfectly good movies with your meddling!


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I'm taking the un-issued option C. I'll let you go back in time to change your own life however, I believe that I'll be unaffected by your actions since I am a believer of the idea of multiple time-lines.

So when you go back in time, you'll change the world in which you inhabit. Your world will have either no Prequel trilogy or, an altered prequel trilogy. My timeline will have missing persons reports about you and a dead-end missing persons investigation.

Instant K4rma

Aug 29, 2008
Yea, I'd stop you. You could use the time travel to do something useful, and just choose not to watch movies you don't like. That would probably be my approach.


Senior Member
Jun 22, 2009
You have my sword
guess it would be a lightsaber in this particular case


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
I'd let you, but it would be hard to justify because that would mean no Redlettermedia reviews. Damn those were entertaining, and it put some real talent on the map. Still not sure it was worth the trade-off destroying something as great as Star Wars for.


New member
Oct 24, 2010
Signa said:
I'd let you, but it would be hard to justify because that would mean no Redlettermedia reviews. Damn those were entertaining, and it put some real talent on the map. Still not sure it was worth the trade-off destroying something as great as Star Wars for.
Damn, that's a good point. Those Reviews were awesome, and longer than the prequel trilogy. That, combined with the jokes we all make about the prequels, make them just barely worth it.

Of course, I'm not gonna stop anyone who wants to destroy 'em...

Timedraven 117

New member
Jan 5, 2011
Dont other wise they may be worse! also the complaining you would hear from the fans will be mind blowingly bad. In history we need our failures to make better things. Now if you made them better by giving George a good talking to then by all means go ahead.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Because of the butterfly effect.

For all you know, the movies never being made would result in nuclear war five years later.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
no because I'm not a Star Wars fan (my favorite thing about Starwars is KOTOR). and plenty of funny jokes stemmed from how the fans hated the prequel trilogy.


New member
Apr 4, 2011
K_Dub said:
Give me a good reason why too. Not just a "Because I like those movies!" Or a "Oh c'mon! The movies aren't that bad!" I want legitimate, detailed reasons for you wanting to stop me at the risk of being stuck in the early 90's.
First thing that comes to mind for me is the butterfly effect. Who knows what effect even your presence would have back then, much less destroying three-budget movies?

I could reference plenty of good sci-fi (you know, stuff that isn't the Star Wars prequels...heh...) that would demonstrate how things get really messed up when you mess with time.

For something grounded in reality, elementary chaos theory demonstrates how changing something in the past could dramatically change the future in ways you couldn't expect. You may even cause yourself to not exist, potentially creating a paradox, i.e. if you stopped yourself from being born, who traveled back in time to unmake the prequels?

Also this...

Aenir said:
Yes. Because then something worse will happen instead. We need the prequel movies as a way of saying "What NOT to do!"

The ol' "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it." In this case you're erasing it from history so it'll just happen the first time again.
All in all, as much as I'd LOVE to see those movies blink out of existence, I'm gonna have to say that the risks are too great. Sorry man...we may have to just let this one go...


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Yes I would stop you why you ask? Simple I don't want it to even have the slightest of chances affecting KOTOR in anyway.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
just because you hate something does mean others don't like so it doesnt give you the right to destroy it :/