Poll: Will you work for Sith or Jedi?


May the Force Be With Me
Feb 3, 2009
Star Wars: The Old Republic has not come out yet, and doesn't even have many details. This is an MMO where you make choices just like in it's single player counter part, and there is no quick load button in MMOs. So when you make a choice you are stuck with it.

Assume you play as a bounty hunter, for example, and not a Jedi. Would you help the Sith or the Jedi?

Or if you were to play a Force user, which side would you fight for?

If you don't know anything about this game:

Dorian Cornelius Jasper

Space Robot From Outer Space
Apr 8, 2008
Whoever is the underdog. I guess Jedi, judging by the situation in-game, but if everybody picks Jedi I'd have to go Sith.

There's just a kind of romanticism playing on the weaker side.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
i will likely go with sith because even thou i am more jedi in nature there something to be said for being able to force lightning all of your problems if they get to complicated and you want things simplified


New member
Jan 25, 2009
Please don't let this develop into one of those Alliance and Horde rivalries, people need to seperate their gaming from their private life


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Both of course, especially if I'd be a mercenary what is the point of missing nearly half of the games' content? Not that there's any way I'd be a mercenary, so I'll probably (if I have to choose) be a neutral Jedi, for the aforementioned reason.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
I'll probably fall to my servile instincts and become one of the Sith.

Only thing that would turn me would be the ability to save my friends as a Jedi, but we all know how that goes...


Apr 28, 2008
i3ishop said:
i will likely go with sith because even thou i am more jedi in nature there something to be said for being able to force lightning all of your problems if they get to complicated and you want things simplified
Man I feel you there!
Some rebels getting all up in your face? Force Lightning!
Need some information? Force Lightning!
Guy at the bar causing you trouble? Force Lightning!
Car wont start? Force Lightning!
Laundry STILL not dry? Force Lightning!
Can't wait for the damn toaster again? Force Lightning!


May the Force Be With Me
Feb 3, 2009
AC10 said:
i3ishop said:
i will likely go with sith because even thou i am more jedi in nature there something to be said for being able to force lightning all of your problems if they get to complicated and you want things simplified
Man I feel you there!
Some rebels getting all up in your face? Force Lightning!
Need some information? Force Lightning!
Guy at the bar causing you trouble? Force Lightning!
Car wont start? Force Lightning!
Laundry STILL not dry? Force Lightning!
Can't wait for the damn toaster again? Force Lightning!
I mean this in a good way:



New member
Mar 20, 2009
Uh, last I checked, Bounty Hunters are being firmly associated with the Sith in this game. It's not bolted-down, but what with the developers saying that they aren't putting in a neutral faction, it seems the likeliest alignment for them, especially considering the first two lines in the official description ("Countless enemies stand in the way of the Sith Empire's drive for domination. The empire spares no expense for the elimination of these threats, offering massive bounties to employ the galaxy's most lethal hunters.") That being said, I'm running off speculation based on released facts on The Old Republic's main forums from about a week ago (or perhaps two.)

ADDITION: I'd be Sith either way.


May the Force Be With Me
Feb 3, 2009
Synthautic said:
Uh, last I checked, Bounty Hunters are being firmly associated with the Sith in this game. It's not bolted-down, but what with the developers saying that they aren't putting in a neutral faction, it seems the likeliest alignment for them, especially considering the first two lines in the official description ("Countless enemies stand in the way of the Sith Empire's drive for domination. The empire spares no expense for the elimination of these threats, offering massive bounties to employ the galaxy's most lethal hunters.") That being said, I'm running off speculation based on released facts on The Old Republic's main forums from about a week ago (or perhaps two.)

ADDITION: I'd be Sith either way.

I dunno. Who's to say BH won't start off the same way force users do. Neutral. I know there is no neutral faction, but you have to fall to become a Sith, you don't get to start as one. At least you didn't in the KOTOR series.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
obisean said:
Synthautic said:

I dunno. Who's to say BH won't start off the same way force users do. Neutral. I know there is no neutral faction, but you have to fall to become a Sith, you don't get to start as one. At least you didn't in the KOTOR series.
It's a possibility, I suppose, but the class still seems heavily slanted in the Sith's favour. Again though, it's hard to be sure because of the blurb they have at the end of the description about how BHs are "far from a homogeneous lot," having various affiliations and all that, but that doesn't seem to synch up with the rest of what they're saying. A more likely speculation is that there will be a comparable class with the Republic faction, such as a Republic Special Forces Commando or something. It's probably too early to make a solid argument one way or the other, but with things as they are, I'm pretty sure that the Sith are the only faction who'll have them. That doesn't mean they have to be evil, of course. Apparently, BioWare's looking to humanize the Empire to make them easier to relate to.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
Sith tend to be evil back-stabbing bastards, so...


No, wait, Jedi.