Poll: Worst gaming trend?


New member
Jun 8, 2010
I cannot stand how almost every game these days has some sort of competitive multiplayer mode tacked on, which locks the platinum trophy behind reach level 55 in multiplayer. However, the nickel and diming that is microtransactions can destroy the core gameplay experience and suck all the joy out of the game, so it has to get the nod.

Also going to join the chorus of people saying that "corruption in games journalism" should not even by an option on your survey.


New member
Aug 8, 2009
People up in arms about game journalism corruption need to chill out. It's not anywhere near as corrupt as you think.

I went for day 1 DLC... It's just annoying. If you buy a game, you should get the full game. It stood out most in the DLC for AC Revelations where they revealed a gigantic plot twist in DLC that kinda sorta explained the messed up ending to AC Brotherhood. It's just atrocious.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Game journalism corruption. All of the other options are neither inherently good nor bad. They can all be done well and be turned into a positive. Like Dota 2's F2P model and its microtransacions. Items are all purely cosmetic and 100% optional, and purchasing them supports the creators of the items, who are usually just amateur modders/modellers/artists that uploaded things to the workshop. And buying tickets to tournaments directly supports that tournament and the teams participating.

Game journalism corruption however can never be justified.
Timmaaaah said:
I went for day 1 DLC... It's just annoying. If you buy a game, you should get the full game. It stood out most in the DLC for AC Revelations where they revealed a gigantic plot twist in DLC that kinda sorta explained the messed up ending to AC Brotherhood. It's just atrocious.
Day 1 DLC has an explanation though. There's a period of time between the game actually being finished and being released where the programmers and artists have nothing to do. That means they're using up resources for zero benefit. It's only reasonable to put them to work making additional content until they start getting bug reports after release. In many cases, this DLC ends up being free. This is a good thing. The bad thing is when they hold it hostage for more money, or worse, making it available only to people who buy it through a certain distributor.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
I'm not sure. What would you call the process of stripping away your game's story and parceling it out across multiple 20 dollar DLCs (what Destiny is doing)? I honestly think that this is probably the most harmful to the industry because Destiny was hugely successful while having almost no story. The campaign basically just sets up future DLC. Apparently we don't get full stories in games anymore.

Edit: Some people have suggested the unfinished game option. I would say: unfinished game that makes you pay for the rest.


New member
Nov 16, 2011
Grizzly_Bear_1 said:
I'm saying misleading trailers. Everything else are things the consumer can do something about.

We don't have to use microtransactions if we don't want to
We don't have to play free to play games
We don't have to buy games with DRM
We can switch to another website or youtuber if we feel one is being dishonest

When the publishers flat out lie, confuse, or omit details and we buy the game on day one based on that. everyone loses. We're ripped off, the press look like idiots, and those business practices shut down companies and put people out of work.
Ok you are just logically wrong here. Regarding everything except going to a more honest news source, thats obvious. But to assert that consumers can't do anything about misleading trailers? Uhhh, you could not be mislead by them? We could not watch them? Who is "mislead" by trailers anyway? I thought trailers were long established to be nothing but BS. "We don't have to watch game trailers" could easily be added to the list. Watching a trailer is not necessary to playing the game, nor forced upon you if you wish to/while you play it. Anyone who is persuaded to buy a game simply because of a trailer, deserves to lose their money if they don't like the game.

However, you cannot remove microtransactions from a game you wish to play. They will always be there, at best, to pester you. At worst, tempt you. You cannot take FTP (and therefore microtransactions) out of a game if you wish to play it. FTP survives on micro transactions. And like you said, if a game has crappy DRM, our only option is to not play the game.

Your only solution seems to be in all areas you mentioned is to abstain. Yet abstaining from trailers, or at the very least, not buying into them, never occurred to you?


New member
Nov 16, 2011
the doom cannon said:
Wait do people actually think that game journalism corruption is the worst thing in gaming? Like really? If you don't like what a reviewer is saying then don't watch/read what they have to say. It's that simple.
Ya. I can't believe people find "journalism" to be the biggest problem. Id say any one of these problems in the poll is 100X worse than "game journalism". I find other gamers to be a bigger problem than game journalists. Its like theres a roving gang of thugs on the loose, but people are saying the shoddy news coverage of it is the problem.

Season passes, Early Access, Microtransactions, and Free to Play are all practices that are supported by gamers with no self control. And the rest of us suffer for it.