Poll: Would accept to live in this village/reality show for a year for 10 million $


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Fragged_Templar said:
I'm there! I'll be hosting weekly DnD sessions and many other geek related activites =D
Sweet, I'm joinin' yah on that one. Always thought about getting into DnD but never have so far :p

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
thylasos said:
A lack of privacy for a year, with no obligation to work and everything catered for me? For US$10 million?

It's a no-brainer, really.

For me, it'd be a year of (from the description) watching DVDs of classic comedy, drinking nice booze, and teaching myself a new language, and/or reading vast numbers of interesting books, with relatively few distractions.

You'd get used to it in two weeks.
This. Humans naturally strive to show their best side to anyone who happens to be around. If you're being watched for a year, non-stop, then the opportunity for self-improvement is fantastic.

That said, barring lady-company (I wouldn't be able to help showing off) I don't think my soldier would be getting much relief. I'd feel weird about doing that on camera...


New member
Oct 20, 2008
You mean I get to live for free, watch my neighbors fuck, creep people out on a national scale, and get 10 million dollars when I am done!?

Rawne1980 said:
That would make it £6.379.000 British pounds.

I think I could manage that.

I'd even do it naked.
That is the only way to do it in my mind.


New member
Nov 20, 2009
Bloodstain said:
People would not want to watch me. They would just see me spying on other people all day long. This actually sounds pretty interesting! Also, I could use the time to study, learn a new language, or whatever. And, of course, spy on everyone else.

I like that idea.
Haha I love the idea of nested reality shows. The viewer watches you watching someone else who's getting into drama (probably over the fact that you're watching them in the first place :p )


New member
Sep 28, 2011
A lot of people seem to like this idea, but almost everyone says that they would just keep to themselves and try to be as boring as possible. At first I thought I would try that too. Then I tried looking at it from the producers' perpective. If you put a bunch of people together like this will they do anything interesting? So here are some things I would do if I were incharge to drive people crazy, increase viewership,and save myself 10's of millions of dollars.

First, I would spin it just like the OP. Perfect suburb where you can get anything you want, but in reality I would use resources as a source of confrontation. I would have it set up so that at any time I could shut off the power/water to any number of houses I want. I would hire some actors to be "repairmen" who would dig around in your yard for a few hours and look useful and make it seem like the power/water failures are just a result of bad construction. This way if someone wants to be an introvert I could shut off their water for a day or two. Then they would have to go out and talk to people! I would also manufacter fake distasters that affect the whole village.

Second,I would make the the village's outlet a progressively worse store. As time goes on orders for games/DVDs would be screwed up or forgotten. Then orders for food will be screwed up/forgotten I wouldn't actually starve anyone, but I could sure make a few people nervous.

Third, I would make the population 80% normal, 10% crazy, and 10% actors. The interactions between the normal/crazy people ought to be enough to cause some good drama, but if not I would have actors on hand to press people's buttons and make life miserable in a precise calculated way.

Finally, I might let the audience in on the joke. I could make a facebook contest, "What should we do to Participant X next week?" and let the veiwers torture these poor people. Towards the end I would blow things out of purportion with week long outages and actors inciting crime and riots. Again I would have to be careful, I don't want anyone to die, but I don't think there would be many winners in my show.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
FrankWilliams said:
A lot of people seem to like this idea, but almost everyone says that they would just keep to themselves and try to be as boring as possible. At first I thought I would try that too. Then I tried looking at it from the producers' perpective. If you put a bunch of people together like this will they do anything interesting? So here are some things I would do if I were incharge to drive people crazy, increase viewership,and save myself 10's of millions of dollars.

First, I would spin it just like the OP. Perfect suburb where you can get anything you want, but in reality I would use resources as a source of confrontation. I would have it set up so that at any time I could shut off the power/water to any number of houses I want. I would hire some actors to be "repairmen" who would dig around in your yard for a few hours and look useful and make it seem like the power/water failures are just a result of bad construction. This way if someone wants to be an introvert I could shut off their water for a day or two. Then they would have to go out and talk to people! I would also manufacter fake distasters that affect the whole village.

Second,I would make the the village's outlet a progressively worse store. As time goes on orders for games/DVDs would be screwed up or forgotten. Then orders for food will be screwed up/forgotten I wouldn't actually starve anyone, but I could sure make a few people nervous.

Third, I would make the population 80% normal, 10% crazy, and 10% actors. The interactions between the normal/crazy people ought to be enough to cause some good drama, but if not I would have actors on hand to press people's buttons and make life miserable in a precise calculated way.

Finally, I might let the audience in on the joke. I could make a facebook contest, "What should we do to Participant X next week?" and let the veiwers torture these poor people. Towards the end I would blow things out of purportion with week long outages and actors inciting crime and riots. Again I would have to be careful, I don't want anyone to die, but I don't think there would be many winners in my show.
I don't think i would have any problem with half of those thing's.

Since i figure going into it thing's like DvD's and Video games would be barred anyway, because they promote being an introvert. Logic dictates that theres no internet/no phone for outside calls. So the phone line being gone wouldn't be an issue.

Cutting off water for extended periods of time would be the only issue(unless aircon/heating was necessary for parts of the year)

And i'm not sure how it promotes socialising, seeing as im stinky cos i've had no water for 2 days how are you doesn't really work.

infact anyone who doesn't live at a computer/TV should have no real problem with most of your messing up.

And inciting riots would be a bad thing to try, because i know that if id been there for 12 months i'd join in. It'd be something fun and your in a fake town anyway's.

See if i know that no matter what i get to the end, i get to 10 million dollars theres not much you could do to me. Unless you started doing stupid things like solitary confinement which make no sense.

Because no matter what there are rules, theirs a line that you simply can't cross and if you do i could probably sue for more than 10million dollars anyway.

You can't deprive food and water past an extent that it becomes medically unsafe. and the like.

You'd be able to get through most thing's with the knowledge that they can't physically harm you. And that they can't actually starve you out, you could probably withold food for a couple of days. but at the end of it you would have to feed me.

I think you'd find most people would be willing to do just about anything that doesn't involve disfiguring themselves for 10million dollars.

because whats the other option go to work for the rest of your life and never have enough money to actually do what you want in life.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
balanovich said:
Imagine living in a small suburban neighborhood. And if you manage to live there for 1 year (you can quit whenever you want), you will win 10 million dollars. This is a closed community. You contact the outside world. You can purchase food and stuff from a controlled provider.

The catch is this is a ZERO privacy place. There are cameras and microphones EVERYWHERE, in every room of your house, even the bathrooms. All the streets and backyards are observed. The cameras are HD and equipped with night and thermal vision.

There are computers everywhere and anyone can use them to spy on any neighbor. All your spying logs are accessible to everyone meaning everybody knows what everybody is doing. You are forced to wear a small bracelet that marks you on the system.

To make it worst, this is a reality show. There is a selection of footage that is shown 2 hours a day on public television. Paying subscribers can have permanent access to all the cameras and microphones. So they can spy on you!

Remember, you have no internet or phones or any means of reaching the outside world. You can order more or less anything through controlled means. For free. So it's a nice life with no obligation and nothing to do.... except watching and being watched.

Would you agree to live there ? If you can stay for a year, you win 10 million dollars!
I would shit all over the street, and they would be so grossed out they wouldn't even want to spy on me.


New member
Jun 20, 2009
serata said:
Bloodstain said:
People would not want to watch me. They would just see me spying on other people all day long. This actually sounds pretty interesting! Also, I could use the time to study, learn a new language, or whatever. And, of course, spy on everyone else.

I like that idea.
Haha I love the idea of nested reality shows. The viewer watches you watching someone else who's getting into drama (probably over the fact that you're watching them in the first place :p )
Reality show....-ception.

Ziggy the wolf

New member
May 26, 2009
yea i would. i dont really do much in the quiet do nothing suburb i already live in with my family when im not in college. also you said we can contact the outside world but we have no phones are internet to speak of. i know there is snail mail but that seems kind of pointless in this day and age. Seeing as how i ahte reality shows with a burning passion i would do it and then do NOTHING AT ALL! yes they can change the channel to watch another person or persons but still i get to sit around and do nothing of interest to anyone. i would just sit around and play video games, wasting precious time and money while still earning it cause some douche bag whos life is so boring that they would watch someone else living through their own mundane existance would make me feel all warm and fuzzy.
the only down side is that i would lose out on fapping time then again i think they would still censor it or just take you off the air. then again for a year to earn 10 million dollars...i could use some off time. lol

Alduin Silas

New member
Aug 3, 2011
Musician, writer, actor and movie maker, this sounds like my bread and butter. No internet might be a problem though, but just give me a piano, a computer and a method of composing music, and the rest of the world can go **** itself.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
Where is this town? I must go there

Seriously though, I'd love living in this town. The internet's a bit of a bummer but I'd just play on single-player like I usually do, If there were NO other people however, I may find myself going insane.


New member
Sep 10, 2010
I'd do it. I woud spen the first few weeks doing really boring things, like writing a diary. When everyone gets bored of watching me; well, that's when I can start enjoying my obligation-free life.


Mad Cat Lady
Feb 25, 2008
Sure.. then I'll use some of the money to alter how I look so people won't recognise me when I return to normal civilisation.