Poll: Would Skyrim benefit from a multiplayer?


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2010
Honestly, interacting with other people is definately one of the main big things about RPGs.

Interacting with ACTUAL people only helps that. But I have a feeling bethesda might screw it up somehow if they try and implement multiplayer, and maybe they are aware of that.


Creepy dancing
Sep 10, 2008
An online multiplayer could be chaotic.

Someone is standing and talking with someone, while someone else pickpockets all the items.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Midgetface said:
Co-op Skyrim would be godly, but enemies should scale properly... if two players are in a game, it should take their combined efforts to take down a dragon.

The problem with Skyrim and multiplayer is that there are little dungeons that warrant a whole team to face them. Enabling multiplayer would mean enabling huge fortresses that only a duo of players can tackle.
Also, some of the places are too narrow for even a companion. Having another human being running around in some places would be ... inconvenient.

OT: I think it would be fun, though enemies would need to have about 1.5 times the health, but not much extra damage (enemies rarely attack more than one person at a time, so if you doubled health AND damage, it wouldn't be "Twice the damage split between two people", it would be "Twice the damage murdering this poor fellow's face, and THEN murdering his friend's face". But it would probably work a lot better with more spacious dungeons (not as big as Blackreach, but more halls filled with enemies and less corridors blocking your partner).

I think it would be a nice touch, especially with different play-styles (a warrior could distract people to help your friend with stealth archery, an illusionist/healer could control the flow of the battle while a destruction mage whittles down enemy numbers).


New member
Feb 3, 2010
if its done like it was in Dark Souls or Borderlands then yes, otherwise NO!


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
No no no no no. I got Skyrim to get AWAY from the multiplayer trend.

Seriously, if I want help on a dungeon, I'll bring my wife along (I married Aela).


New member
Apr 20, 2009
TephlonPrice said:
In the co-op sense, it could definitely work.
Absolutely. 2 to maybe 4 player co-op would really make that game far more enjoyable, not that I wasn't able to enjoy it but I was always irriated at how long it took to level up certain skills when I really wanted to bring up others. An mmo would be ridiculous and not so much fun but to have an actual partner who could potentially choose to level up different skills from me would make things much more interesting.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Muspelheim said:

Skyrim is part of a dying breed, namely a game that doesn't have to skimp or compensate on its singleplayer content to accomodate a multiplayer. There are shelves full of games that's got a good multiplayer, we really don't need another excellent singleplayer-series getting multi'd for no good reason. It's a game built entirely for the individual experience in mind, and frankly, we need those games, too.

A multiplayer/co-op game has to be built with that in mind from the start if it's going to work out, not something you can crowbar in as an afterthought.
Pretty much this; multiplayer is good when done well, but a series which has been previously single-player focused/exclusive risks losing its quality by expanding into multiplayer; though somewhat relieved, I'm still suspicious of Mass Effect 3's co-op because I'm not sure its necessary.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Midgetface said:
Co-op Skyrim would be godly, but enemies should scale properly... if two players are in a game, it should take their combined efforts to take down a dragon.

The problem with Skyrim and multiplayer is that there are little dungeons that warrant a whole team to face them. Enabling multiplayer would mean enabling huge fortresses that only a duo of players can tackle.
You have companions, just make it so you can't hire any if you have CO-OP partner. Of course nobody's going to want this because they think single player will be sacrificed *rolls eyes*.

A co-op mode would be wonderful. I would love to be able to load up skyrim and sneak around with my American friend doing sneaky stuff.

Joao Baptista

New member
Jul 18, 2011
I don't know if it was said before or not, but there's actually a mod being developed for skyrim that adds multiplayer.


New member
May 11, 2009
Nope. I've put tons of hours into Skyrim so far, and never once did I get the feeling it would be much better playing with friends. My roommate plays as well, and we've never lamented the fact that we can't play together. It's better just exchanging stories but still having our own unique experiences while playing.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Co-op probably wouldn't work, and I don't want funds diverted from single player. Skyrim is too loot based for it to be a simple drop in and out system, and if you don't let the other player get loot etc. it isn't fun for them (see Fable 2). Also, puzzles and things that require shouts etc. would need to be unbreakable.

HOWEVER I would love a very tacked on Colosseum. Next to no funds put into it. No adjusting level balances, no leaderboards for people to ***** about broken armour setups. Just me, a few friends and a big ring of death. It shouldn't be a selling point for the game, because it should never be as big a deal as say, COD's. But as (free?) DLC just to settle arguments about whether your Archer really could kick my mage's ass, and maybe have some two on two going, it'd be awesome.

This was one of the few things Enter the Matrix did well. There was a hidden multiplayer that even some reviewers didn't seem to find. It didn't even have music, but it let a couple of people smack each other around. Spent hours on it.

EDIT: (also on co-op) How would theft and killing work? Do I get the heat for my friend stealing something when I wasn't looking? Can they steal all the stuff then give it to me without any consequences? How many real-life beatings would occur because someone killed an important NPC in their friend's world, without their friend noticing?


New member
Nov 8, 2011
I would like the ability to invite my buddy into a game and complete quests with him/her then have the ability to play alone as well. I don't want the MMO style of play where everyone inhabits the same world and we all have to interact with each other, fuck that. I just want to play cooperatively with my friendos.


New member
Jan 2, 2011
What is with everyone's obsession with multi player? Some games just don't need it, nor do they make those games any better. Skyrim is one of them. I do think Mass effect is another, I see no point putting multiplayer in it.


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
Honestly, no.
Skyrim is designed for the single player experience, and it barely manages to pose a challenge/hold my interest with that.
What would need to happen to have multiplayer be even viable would be:
-Better enemy AI coupled with.
-More tactical combat.
-Everything is stronger.
-Bugs get fixed
-A slight story change to accommodate for possibly more than one Dovahkiin.
-A good loot system for deciding who gets what
-Something engaging other than each other's shenanigans.

Now, the first two points are big ones.
The AI ATM is terrible, and the combat is button mash. I am sorry, but this doesn't work in multiplayer. The game has to pose a challenge, or have some kinda of interesting thing, to grasp the attention of both players beyond their simple shenanigans, else it quickly becomes monotonous (A problem Skyrim has anyway). Combat more akin to Dark Souls, and more interesting spells, some better Archery abilities - this sort of stuff coupled with an AI that knew how to use them, that would pose a challenge adequate for 2 people, as opposed to the usual big meatbag 'challenge'.
Making enemies stronger would also help.
There are enough bugs in vanilla Skyrim to f*** up a whole game, imagine the ones that would happen in multi. Now, if all bugs in vanilla were fixed so that multi bugs could be quickly isolated and dealt with, then that would be ok.
The story is of one Dovahkiin. Slight changes of lines and basic story would allow for multiplayer through story too
A good loot system is required, otherwise players just fight over who gets what and it is no fun.
Currently Skyrim is one big monotonous world, with little to hold my interest. Disagree if you will, but the game is pretty much a hiking sim. Things that could grab my interest would be good combat - sadly there is none - some reasonable dialogue and in depth characters - there are a rare few in the world that fit this description - more interesting quests - there are maybe three or four that don't follow the 'Go to location, kill stuff, come back' formula - More varied areas - How many times can you walk into the same crypt with the same challenges and not sigh at the fact another monotonous 'adventure' is upon you, there were few areas by the end of the game that I had not seen duplicated 10 times - more interesting and varied challenges - those stupid stone puzzles got old real fast, that one in the tomb of Jurgen Windcaller was a welcome refreshment. There are probably more, but this list has gone on long enough.

Rooster Cogburn

New member
May 24, 2008
I would love to have some kind of Elder Scrolls spin-off that included multiplayer, but I do not want to see it introduced to the series proper. And I definitely don't want to wait ten years for another single player Elder Scrolls, or never get one. I sympathize with those wanting more options, but Skyrim will not be receiving any kind of official multiplayer. There is nothing about the game's mechanics that lend it to multiplayer. You would have to scrap every leveling system, combat system, etc. and start from scratch. But even more staggering are the technical limitations. You cannot easily whip up a multiplayer component at the last minute. You would be better off starting a new game.

I am aware that there is a multiplayer mod, but it contains the barest functionality for something to be called 'multiplayer'. They achieved that much in previous Elder Scrolls titles, and it doesn't change anything I have said.


New member
Jul 4, 2008
VoidWanderer said:
Skyrim cannot benefit from Co-Op for one reason.

There is only one prophecised Dovahkin. Two Dovahkin would be as broken as a Death Star with no weak spots. For an Elder Scrolls game to properly support co-op, the character is NOT allowed to the victim of 'Prophecy Syndrome'.
What if the host was Dovahkiin and the partner was stripped of shouts, and labeled the same way lydia is, as a partner... that would work wouldn't it? after all, as long as companion characters/followers were disabled, and only one person had the sorta dragonborn powers, it would be fine. When you look at some of the companions you can have following you they're tough as brick shithouses, and they don't die nearly as easily as you do, so... just saying co-op could work great if it was made carefully.

also you can always use the"deadly dragons" mod to upscale the dragon powers to be worthy of co-op, that mod makes dragons respectably powerful.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
No, the game wouldn't be able to handle and it would really take all the fun out. Think of how OP your character already is now multiply that by two and the whole thing just becomes a joke. Maybe if the game could handle more enemies on screen let's say 30 I'd say yes.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
We already have many Free to play MMOs and a lot of great multiplayer games, I'd prefer to keep my lovely Skyrim as a Singleplayer only game please...
