Poll: Would you be ok with the Games Industry Crashing and not having AAA titles for 5-10 Years?


New member
Sep 1, 2011
GoaThief said:
Your post made me laugh, so much hot air and bullshittery. No strawman arguments on my part, you've just been exposed over and over.
Now you just sound like you're trolling. I would request again that you cut the rude tone.

GoaThief said:
Minecraft is better than Heavy Rain because there are no cut-scenes?
I didn't say that. I said that the game is focused on gameplay and not cutscenes. Cutscenes are fine, but the focus of gameplay is much more important. And yes, cutscenes do often detract from gameplay by delaying getting into the actual game.

GoaThief said:
Minecraft is worse than Heavy Rain because there is absolutely no narrative in the former.
I love a story in video games. I also play and enjoy a lot of video games with cutscenes. Else I wouldn't be a fan of jRPGs.

But narrative is not gameplay. But these are video games, and gameplay is more important than narrative. To say that claiming a game is good because it has good gameplay or better because it has better gameplay, is the same as saying a game is better because it has better narrative instead of gameplay, is wrong.

GoaThief said:
See, it's easy to stoop to your level
It's also easy to argue rudely instead of let points stand on their own. It doesn't mean you should do it.

GoaThief said:
making hundreds of thousands unemployed if you had your way?
You're strawmanning again. And calling it "exposing" doesn't make it any less of a strawman. I didn't say anything like that.

GoaThief said:
Absolute nonsense; The Impossible Game [http://flukedude.com/theimpossiblegame/].
The game's mechanics are solid and elegant. But it also lacks content to be as good as even many other games. The mechanic is good, but again, it lacks the content to be as good as a game like Minecraft.

A game much greater than that could be made with the budget of a AAA game.

Because while the mechanics are good, the game is limited by time(content) and complexity.

The game is basically a simple game of timing similar to old arcade games. Except that many old arcade games still manage to do it better. As well, the kind of difficulty in this game and appeal is better done by another game called I Wanna Be the Guy. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_wanna_be_the_guy]


New member
Sep 13, 2010
Jove said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Jove said:
None of you would survive without them ;). That includes indie games.

All I need for the time it'd take for the industry to get it's shit back together. :p

In all seriousness though, do any of you actually think the game industry would crash now?
Honestly? Yes.
Gaming is now the biggest in the entertainment industry in the world, at this point, its too big to crash...ever.
You may want to do a bit of research.
Come on people let's be realistic here. AAA industries, indie developers, they will never go away, like it or not.

End of story.
We're not saying "go away", we are saying crashing, burning, then a rebirth.

To me... I actually don't want it, hoping that it can be done without a crash but, can it happen? Yes, it's a very real possibility.

I still say Nintendo should survive and lead the rebirth. :p

EDIT: OT: The thread title and the poll are asking two entirely different things. Be ok with it? Eh. Want it to die? Fack no.
Come on dude, gaming was as big as Charlie Sheen's crack level in the 1980s and 1990s. Gaming is now just starting to be looked at as not just a waste of time anymore by the masses. I also said Gaming is NOW the biggest in the entertainment industry. This is not the 1920s, this is not the 80s, this is now at this point in time where big and powerful corporations (APPLE, EA, Sony, Microsoft) at a point where no matter how much money they lose, they either gain it back, or are just too big to just go bankrupt. You think with corporations and developing companies at this point and time now can just crash like that? This is nothing like 1983.

Yeah, which are all (expect rebirth, thats still possible) impossible.

Out of all the companies you would want to survive, you want Nintendo? Now I question your taste. :p
I once again, point you to the Real State Example, simply because its the nearest event that took place, an Industry too Big To supposedly fail, making money hand over fist, supported by Mega coporations and the government.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
Tendus said:
For those who honestly believe that some "wave of innovation" will take hold because of this, tell me, what publisher in their right business mind would invest in innovation alone for what they see as a crashing industry? If anything only the safe samey games will be funded.
Its a natural process of the market, after a crash, a void of products is left, and when demand grows big enough producers will fill the void, it happened in 1983 when Nintendo basically came in and dominated the entire market because no one was there to compete.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
xSKULLY said:
some are bad (or most based on your opinion) but we shouldn't kill of the good just to get rid of the bad and the bad doesn't even negatively effect you much, its not as though your forced to play every (or even any) AAA gamme
please refrain from putting words in my mouth, In my OP post I said I would like the crash to happen so that the playing field would be leveled, i didnt mentioned a thing about AAA games being good or bad.


New member
Jan 12, 2011
boag said:
A simple yes or no question, please fill in your reasons with your post.

Back in the early days of Computer gaming in the 70s, Games became a stagnant copy paste for profit only industry, often times shit would get rehashed over and over.

At the tail end of the 70s, the amount of copy pasted games, over saturated the market resulting in the crash. It leveled the playing field enough that Big companies from back then Atari, Magnavox, Mattel, no longer had a strangle hold on the market.

That was then, today, we live in a different time, and very different situations with "some similarities".

I would welcome the crash, if only to level the playing field once again. Although I do not have concrete proof, I do believe that the evolution of gaming was spurred after the crash of the 70s allowed new companies to enter the field.


EDIT: the exact year of the crash was 1983.
Wouldn't happen the same. Times are different now.

Also, were a crash to happen, we would require a graphics down-grade or 10, for anyone to be willing to buy indie games. Not everyone has the programming genius of notch or the artistic talents of say, Limbo? And no one has the $$$ or manpower to provide current-gen graphics quality indie games.

Won't happen, and if it were, it wouldn't even be comparable. You can't just rip an event out of time and say "WUT IF EXACT THING HAPEN NOW? OMG!"

Uh, that is all.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
thelonewolf266 said:
Yeah that's a good idea lets put hundreds of thousands maybe millions of people out of work massively damage the world economy and essentially fuck shit up because you personally believe that the games we get now are just rehashed shit.
I was unaware that the video game industry had any Important effect in World retail economy aside from the console Sales.

Would you please elaborate in what aspects of the world economy would be severely affected by a video game crash, since the only one I can think of is the Shipping Industry and some minor manufacturers.

I am discounting retail stores because they are already on their way to die(blockbuster), or about to have a huge confrontation with the Big Game Producers/Publishers (Gamestop).


New member
Sep 13, 2010
J Tyran said:
Sixcess said:
A crash would harm small and indie developers in the short term, even if (and that's a big if) it opened up more opportunities in the long term.

To give an example, I've made no secret of my personal dislike of many aspects of The Old Republic, but I'd hate to see it crash and burn, because that would scare investor money away from MMOs as a genre - money that might otherwise find its way to support MMOs I do like.
Personally I think the MMO market is undergoing its own version of the Atari era crash. Nearly all the big MMOs released in the last few years have under performed, many had to resort into changing into a F2P model. The market leader WoW is also losing millions of its subscribers.

Lack of innovation and endless cloning of WoW caused the problems for some games, others where flawed in other ways. WoW seems to have upset some of its players as well as some of its casual customers moving on to social networking games.

What the future will hold for MMOs I don't know but its obvious to anyone that cracks are beginning to show.

Thats an excellent comparison, the similarities are practically an update version of the 83 crash. A Hit game product, cloned to hell and back, an over saturation of the market with sub par copies. Good show.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
kiri2tsubasa said:
I really wish people would realize that the gaming crash of 83 ONLY affected the US.
Indeed, yet the Japanese Video Game market was only 3 years old and had not reached global statu, and I am unaware of any other video game industry that had reach global status during the US game crash.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
deathbydeath said:
no. just no. the crash in 1983 was due to atari having a monopoly over most of the market, their major corporate mismanagement, and two (literally) shit games. this was a sign that the video game market was not handled as well s it should have. this was a warning sign that handling video games the way would harm the industry, this is not true any more. Modern warfare 3 is the fastest-selling piece of media of all time. clearly we are doing something right. the industry is no longer governed by a monopoly, but we have a handful of major publishers, four home consoles, two dedicated handheld gaming platforms, and the app store. there is no need for this kind of ruination. this is stupid, selfish, and short-sighted. shut up.

Atari may have been the top dog back then, but the industry was divided among the big 3 Atari, Mattel and Magnavox, and all the lesser copycats.

Aside from the 3 major Consoles of the time, there was a slew of pocket games, reusing brand title names.

Like I said in the OP, there are some similarities but they are vastly different.

I really wish you could have kept your post more civil, I would take your points more seriously if you did.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
michael87cn said:
boag said:
A simple yes or no question, please fill in your reasons with your post.

Back in the early days of Computer gaming in the 70s, Games became a stagnant copy paste for profit only industry, often times shit would get rehashed over and over.

At the tail end of the 70s, the amount of copy pasted games, over saturated the market resulting in the crash. It leveled the playing field enough that Big companies from back then Atari, Magnavox, Mattel, no longer had a strangle hold on the market.

That was then, today, we live in a different time, and very different situations with "some similarities".

I would welcome the crash, if only to level the playing field once again. Although I do not have concrete proof, I do believe that the evolution of gaming was spurred after the crash of the 70s allowed new companies to enter the field.


EDIT: the exact year of the crash was 1983.
Wouldn't happen the same. Times are different now.

Also, were a crash to happen, we would require a graphics down-grade or 10, for anyone to be willing to buy indie games. Not everyone has the programming genius of notch or the artistic talents of say, Limbo? And no one has the $$$ or manpower to provide current-gen graphics quality indie games.

Won't happen, and if it were, it wouldn't even be comparable. You can't just rip an event out of time and say "WUT IF EXACT THING HAPEN NOW? OMG!"

Uh, that is all.
Ah yes, taking my question and twisting it to fit your needs, thats real nice way of setting things up.

Lets address your first paragraph, I agree the graphical downgrade would take it in the crotch immediately, since most of the money backing such en devours would fail to be funded.

however suggesting that the graphical artistic know how to develop minecraft quality products is null, is completely false statement, which is disproved by the modding communities, that have provided patches for triple A titles like Skyrim.

About your second statement, why do you believe it wont happen? the markets always have ups and down, this is not a conjecture nor a logical brain fart, its a statistical proven recurrence in history of any Industry, the key to evade a full blown crash is to slow down the industry enough when a down trend appears, so that the whole thing doesn't go crashing down, that includes cutting down on production and development when demand is low. This explanation also should suffice to your "you cant rip an event out time" comment.


Reinventing the Spiel
Feb 2, 2012
LilithSlave said:
The game's mechanics are solid and elegant. But it also lacks content to be as good as even many other games. The mechanic is good, but again, it lacks the content to be as good as a game like Minecraft.

A game much greater than that could be made with the budget of a AAA game.

Because while the mechanics are good, the game is limited by time(content) and complexity.

The game is basically a simple game of timing similar to old arcade games. Except that many old arcade games still manage to do it better. As well, the kind of difficulty in this game and appeal is better done by another game called I Wanna Be the Guy. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_wanna_be_the_guy]
I think we can conclude you're being deliberately obtuse, you said a good game cannot be ten minutes long. That game is good. You can complete it in five minutes. You even said all the different aspects of it were good... the only point is that other games are better. That is perfectly fine, but it does not stop The Impossible Game from being good. You were wrong with your original claim yet refuse to admit it.

If you cannot do that, what hope is there for you to open both eyes to the fact that not every game needs to be fucking Minecraft, or even open-world? It's incredible that you're fine with every other form of entertainment media having varying lengths, content, themes, narratives, whatever - but not games. You'd throw the vast majority of the people involved with producing games under the bus because you have some weird and very narrow definitions of what a "good" game can be. Sanctimonious, much?

Oh, and you are being over-sensitive. Consider how insensitive you are being to those who's well-being is on the line... a few blunt posts with no pretence pales in comparison.



New member
Dec 2, 2009
Anthraxus said:
80Maxwell08 - Hells fuckin yes !!

That's the shit right there. I referred many a ppl to that game myself. I wish there were more of them like that.
I did a quick search, and I found this: http://www.rpgwatch.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9680

Has a list, including 80Maxwell08s suggestion AND a Daggerfall remake (if that's your thing). Hope you find some solace in this, as the DaggerXL has definitely peaked my interest :p

EDIT: Just noting that the link is a little dated. I have no idea what the state of any of the "in development" projects are, but a little sleuthing won't hurt.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
Anthraxus said:
Sure. If that means niche gaming would return, bring it the fuck on !

Niche gaming has returned, its called the indie market. People won't flock to space-sims or isometric turn-based RPGS just because they cannot buy the latest triple-A title.


New member
Jul 22, 2008
A resounding no from me for two reasons:

1) It would severely knock back the advance to public acceptance that the industry needs if it is going to be held up alongside film and television as a serious entertainment medium. (Something that is vital if we want the uninformed and biased public attacks on gaming to stop.)

2) It wouldn't lead to evolution, it would lead to revolution. Evolution is a biproduct of demand, without that demand gaming would revert to the eight bit era where (if you remove nostalgia goggles) there was even less variety than there is now.

The industry needs a crash like a whole in the head, but what it does need is film level recognition so that it can have a wide enough audience to cater for all tastes; that way it can have it's niche games with low profit margins as well as it's big dumb money makers all coexisting in a profitable business structure.


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
No I wouldn't. This may be strange to some people, but I actually like AAA games just as much or more than indie games. Sure, there are a lot of great independent studios that make amazing games, but overall I think I get as much pleasure from the giants in the industry.