Poll: Would you buy the hd remake of a game you already own?

verdant monkai

New member
Oct 30, 2011
There are rumours of a bioshock collection on ps4 and xbone (no I didn't forget pc I just don't care). I'm a bit confused as to why anyone would want this. Why not just buy them all separately for last gen? Fair enough if you only have a current gen console, but why not spend less money and get a new game as well? Are graphics so important to you that you need to see a game updated?


New member
Nov 30, 2015
I have a number of times, so I can't say no. The HD aspect of it does nothing for me though, I have only ever bought them for collection purposes.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
I would not.

Not because of some "ruining the industry!" or "Why are graphics that important" philosophical reasons but because I don't replay games. That's not a real sexy answer but I don't think I've EVER played a video game more than one time the full way through. Even my most favorite games are played once and then put away forever.


Get out while you still can
Sep 22, 2011
The only game I own that was released this year so far is Twilight Princess HD. And I don't even have a Wii U.

Stewie Plisken

New member
Jan 3, 2009
Yes, but only for practical purposes (like not having access to a last-gen system for one reason or another). I wouldn't buy an HD version if I could already play the game, in general, though there are exceptions; remakes of early polygon games, for example, are fair game as that era produced some generally unwatchable graphics by current standards. Also, if there are slight performance and gameplay tweaks, I'd probably consider getting an HD version as well (for example the HD MGS3 runs at 60fps and I favor it over the 30fps PS2 version).


New member
Mar 8, 2010
Only if:

Playing the original has become impractical

As much as I'd love to unearth my PS2 and plug it back into my TV, I just think it's easier having MGS3 ready to go in my PS3. Emulation is always an option, but that has its own technical annoyances.

It comes with another game that I missed

I love Shadow of the Colossus to death, but a small part of the reason why I bought the Team Ico pack was just to play Ico.

It's on the PC now

Which it should have been on in the first place! I'm looking at you Rockstar!

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I'll buy an HD remake of a game I really like (SotC + ICO) or an HD collection I've never played (Ratchet & Clank, Resistance).


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Sure, if the new console isn't backwards compatible, or if there's additional content. I love the all the HD re-releases that have come out. I picked up Devil May Cry the other day, and I'm curious about Zone of the Enders.


Corrin Married Xander
May 4, 2009
Depends on price point, if it's used or not, if my older copy works anymore, etc. etc.

I love replaying games, so that's usually a factor (either for or against) in any event.



Will never say anything smart
Feb 25, 2014
Only if it's more convenient to play it updated. If I wanted to play a game again, but was feeling really lazy about getting out a really old console, I'd buy the ported version for the other console that I had if I couldn't play it on my new console. However, I would never pay full price for a remaster unless I don't already have the game. But, take my advice with a grain of salt. I'm dumb enough to buy Transistor twice, once for PS4 and once for PC because I'm too lazy to plug in my PS4 to play it.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Depends mostly on how much I like the series.

And whether or not I can still play the original.

And what the changes are.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
There are exceptions to the personal rule of not buying a game twice, even if it is good and unavailable to me elsewhere;

1. If the developer and game series is something i want to support to prove to them it is something they should do more of.

2. If the upgrade ups the framerate such as The Last of Us remastered, God of war 3, scholar of first sin etc.

3. If it isn't sold at a price that makes me weep and pine for the old version. For example, Darksiders 2 HD rerelease for 25? without barely anything added other than artificial HD, can go and vigorously fuck itself...when i can just buy the original for less than a fiver for exactly the same experience.

4. Errr...not sure, this is only here to make an even number of points.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Every now and then this thread pops up, and I like reading everyone's reasoning behind their ideas.

Personally, I will totally buy a game again if I already own it, but as many people have pointed out, certain conditions must be met.

1) Does my old system still work/still hooked up? If no, then that's a point in favor of the game being bought again.

2) Did I love this game? Not like, not enjoy, I mean did I drown my life in this game and talked about it--and still talk about it--fondly with friends and strangers? If yes, another point.

3) Trophies? Yes, I am a trophy hunter, and I'm proud of it.

4) Does it have a game I couldn't get before, or new content? Another point.

A few games I've bought, despite already owning a copy, are:

Final Fantasy VII--PS4
Final Fantasy X/X-2 PS3
Resident Evil 4 PS3
Dark Souls II PS4
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix and Final Mix 2
Tales of Symphonia

There are others, but those are the ones that spring to mind without me really thinking.


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
It really depends on what's on offer, and also convenience. As my PS3 is of the non-backwards-compatible variety, I'm sorely tempted by the HD remakes of Final Fantasy X/X-2, and since it's the International version of each there are extras I've never seen on the original games that are also calling to me. Likewise, I own the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 HD collections, although that was also due to me wanting to play Birth By Sleep without owning a PSP or Vita, and also due to the various additional scenes and extras that the original games didn't have.

Just for the sake of completion, though? Or because it 'looks better'? No. I see no reason to waste my money ten. Basically, if I'm getting something new included with the old, or it's more convenient for me to purchase the upgraded version of a game, then I will do, but under any other circumstances I'm unlikely to do so.


Dec 1, 2011
If HD remake means that they made the graphics five percent shinier, then it's usually a no. But if it's like Halo Anniversary where they updated a whole bunch of stuff and added in some extras to a game that I would otherwise have probably never played again, then sure.


Premium Fraud
Nov 6, 2014
Depends on the game, depends on the price, depends on the nature of the remake. Offer me a HD remake of a game like Thief 1/2, with all the gameplay either intact or improved in some minor ways (I really don't think the slightly obtuse controls are sacred), and I'd probably be interested. But if it's of a game that already looks reasonably good, then no thanks.

Mylinkay Asdara

Waiting watcher
Nov 28, 2010
Absolutely. I replay my old games all the time so if they were better looking and all shiny so much the better. Besides I've had to re-purchase games for a number of reasons so it isn't as if I'm opposed to the practice. If a game breaks, the disk gets wrecked, I change my system that is my main use system and the game is available on multiple platforms, ect. - I get my favorites again. Or, as happened a few years back, a relationship ends and the property division isn't a priority and you realize you've given up half your favorite titles because you just wanted to move on, off to the game store. So yes, I'd be likely to buy my favorites again if they got upgraded.

That attitude does not, however, extend to "remakes" only "remasters" - because I dislike it intensely when they change stuff in an older game we already all know and love.