Poll: Would you kill your best friend to save yourself?


New member
Jun 4, 2009
I don't think I'm capable to cause anyone's death... but I firmly believe in self sacrifice for the greater good, that's why I sometimes get killed in L4D by drawing away zombies from injuered friends.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
I think I'd actually have to HAVE a friend to do that. Mostly I have acquaintances and i guess you could call them followers? no, employees is a better word.

But i would say no. Purely on basis that if I did, and then everyone found out, who would be my friend then? especially if I was back in the same problem three days later. You know.. that and loyalty and all XD


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Damn. People here are nice. I'd probably kill my friend. Not that I fear death *too* much, I just kinda enjoy living and am pretty selfish. Yup.


New member
May 24, 2010
To be fair, whoever it is is probably gonna kill you both no matter what you do, bad guys not being notoriously well known for keeping their promises... so I'd take the bullet and hope my friend found a way out.


New member
Jan 4, 2010
It's a nice idea sacrificing yourself for your friend, but you have to ask yourself would your best friend kill you in the same situation? My friend would so I would have to kill him.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
i don't get why people are so scared of dying but go on about how depressing and pointless their lives are and how they don't believe in God. If Life iss so crap, and there is no God, then why are you so scared of dying?

Oddly, i believe in God but would rather there wasn't a life after death... i'd much rather stop existing than have to live forever... forever is a long time and i don't know how many video game designers (who are any good) who will make it to the celestial kingdom (or heaven), so it sounds dull to me.

anyway, enough about religion and on topic, No, no way in hell would i let my best friend die, nor my not very good friend, nor any of my brothers or sisters. maybe my parents, because they both always go on about how awful it would be to have to bury a child, so i'd rather save them the agony.
But no, i don't think there are many people i would put my life before... maybe someone who was definatly going to go on to kill someone else i would rather they die, but whatever.

like i said, i don't get why people are so scared of dying. If i die a sinner, i get what i deserve. if there is no god, i am either reincarnated and can't remember my past life or my brain ceased to function and destroys itself, meaning that i no longer have the bother of existing.

and no, i am not depressed. i quite like life, its fun. it has shiny and flashy things to distract me, it also has a lot of character building experiences. it has stuff to do in it. so whilst i exist, i might as well do it. and when i die, this particular existance is over.

some people say they don't want to go leaving things unfinished... i don't get that either... are they worried they'd be a hassle to someone else? i don't want to be a hassle to someone, but i don't mind killing someone else and causing other people hassle. some are as driven by instinct as you can get and are worried they haven't "passed on their seed" or just they haven't had the pleasure of sex. maybe i'll understand that one day, but that doesn't matter to me either.

I guess i'm just really nonchalent about this subject... i think i'm about done now though for ranting off topic.

Conclusion: No, i would much rather die over my best friend.

EDIT: oooh... if you were just a douche and for some reason would just like to see someone get killed, then i guess i could kind of understand why you wouldn't mind killing your best friend. being imaginary and all, you could just invent your next one... heck, it could be the imaginary killer you invented.


My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
die for any of my friends in general, doesn't even have to be my best friend, fuck yes


New member
Jul 12, 2010
I would make an attempt on the capturer, but if i failed that i would not kill my friend.


New member
Apr 1, 2010
I don't have any particularly good friends. Given the choice, I'd choose myself every time.

Silver Patriot

Senior Member
Aug 9, 2008
My relationship with my friend is such that we would have a one on one deathmatch. The winner would have no regrets, he did what he had to do.

Any other circumstance I would most likely get us both killed trying to take the third option [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TakeAThirdOption].


New member
Jul 5, 2009
if the friend would be set free/ saved or anything, it's suicide time for me~!

my life sucks anyway, and this way you'll get to go to the heaven! (in my case a room with food, a pc , the consoles and a pool)


New member
Jun 2, 2008
Yes, as selfish as it is, self-preservation is in my interest.
While it'd be a nasty thing to do, you can always make new friends but you can't bring yourself back to life.
So yes, I'd kill my best-friend with anything up to a knife or shiv, a rock at worst. I would like to make it quick for them.

I could try and wound him, but make it look like he's dead.

Sure, the idea is that we say "No! He's my friend and I'll die valiantly to protect him!" This is not going to happen, in reality I would guarantee that most of the people here would turn on their friends to save themselves and I don't blame you.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
For me it really depends on what age I'm at like if im 90 well fuck I already lived a full life if im like 10 well, no sorry i wanna live a life