Poll: Would you not buy a game, if they gender swapped your hero?


New member
Dec 27, 2009
If Geralf of Rivia suddendly became a woman in Witcher 4 it would be weird AF and nothing would make sense anymore, but damn it, i would still buy it..


New member
Jul 10, 2010
If it's done for a good reason, or well done, and makes a great game

Yeh sure

If it's done just because....meh is it a good game...I really dont care

TBH if it was an OKish game but they gender swapped...I'd probably avoid it on the principle that your gimmick has added nothing and I hate that, but really....and this will confuse some people....it's a game not a political statment - so 1st and foremost, is it a good game


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
I would LOVE to play a game with swap gender!!!
For that reason as well I am waiting for this glorious mode in Shovel Knight. You really want to see how different will feel if the characters change.
btw, there is already a swap mode for Doom game. It is called H-Doom. It is hilarious! And sexy for me and others of course.


New member
Sep 23, 2008
In general I'd rather see the game industry start developing more spin offs or new IPs to increase character diversity rather than gender-bending existing characters. Link is is an interesting case since most Links are reincarnations of one another, so a gender swap isn't impossible, but if most other IPs it would be totally unjustifiable. That said, just because Link could female doesn't mean he should be. Nintendo could easily put Zelda in the lead for once, her Sheik alter ego proves she can kick ass and in Hyrule Warriors, the spin off, she showed she can kick ass without dressing up as a boy as well.

To directly answer the question though? Case by case basis. Basically if a character I really liked was gender swapped I probably would not buy the game. If a character I didn't give a shit about was gender swapped I would either be no more or less likely, or slightly more likely if it was male to female. This is due to me having a strong preference for female playable characters. That said I have a hard time coming up with games where I would buy a sequel I wouldn't otherwise buy if they gender swapped the main character. It's so much easier to just use a new character, or catapult a supporting character to the main role.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
FalloutJack said:
Devil May Cry Series: First off, not that newer game. But second...I could live with a female lead on this one. Why? My girlfriend and I concocted a character by the name of Artemis Knight, a little like Dante AND Vergil, and her primary weapon is Yamato. All it takes is a little imagination.

Asura's Wrath: If you told me there was a game coming out that was as epic as Asura's Wrath, but it featured Kali as the main chacter instead? I would be behind it 100%.
I definitely wouldn't mind a female Dante, though technically, we already got one. <spoiler=Fem!Dante>https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/0e/35/6b/0e356b63ce94b56fdc995e7d971de8c5.jpg

And her name is Bayonetta. Speaking of which, if there was a male version of Bayonettea out there in another universe, I would want to see it or play it just for the hilarity! I wonder what everyone's reaction would be if they saw guy doing things Bayonetta does in gameplay or cutscenes.

<spoiler=Manyetta> http://img11.deviantart.net/825a/i/2012/012/1/9/bayonetta_genderbend___solo_by_andouhayate-d4m6emb.png

A female Asura's Wrath? Featuring another angry god (goddess) from Bhuddist/Hindu mythology? Sign me up!

That said; I don't care along as the actual game is good.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Does the game still play as good as the other games?

If yes, then yes. I'd play a Zelda starring Linkle if the game has the same quality as Majoras Mask or LttP.
Apr 5, 2008
I wouldn't spend any money on any game that pushed any social agenda. I have no intention of encouraging SJW shennanigans and won't support any financially, at least not knowingly. It is a stupid idea and what that should be put to rest. Just create a new character if you want a female Bond, or whatever the hell it is.

Or just do what comic book people do and create a female version of the exact same character but change -man to -girl or -woman.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
KingsGambit said:
I wouldn't spend any money on any game that pushed any social agenda.
Damn, it's a pity, because Bioshock's pretty great.

I really hope you don't apply the same standard to music, film or literature, because that would cut out a huge amount of the classics and best work.


A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
Jan 24, 2009
sgy0003 said:
I would love to see what would happen if Kratos, Nathan, Master Chief, Link, and all of my favorite protagonists switch gender and how they act
I would love to see a gender swapped Kratos, or at least a similar character that is female. If only to see the reaction of the crowd when a woman is being as heinous, vicious, spiteful, petty and unsympathetic as Kratos. And the shift to it actually being a mother who unwittingly kills her family could potentially make the character even more tragic. Dude, now I actually want to see it so bad!

Other than that though, no. Not necessarily because I think one or two ways about it, but simply because the vast majority of games I play either have character creation (Dark Souls, Torchlight, any Bethesda RPG), equal gender representation (XCOM, Darkest Dungeon), or the gender of the protagonist makes absolutely no difference (Undertale, System Shock 2, Half-Life).


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Sure, that doesn't care to me at all. In fact, if a stagnant and old established series decided to change its protagonist, I would pay more attention to it than if they were following with the same sacrosanct formula that worked before.

So, bring it on, Female Kratos. Learn about it, GTA... Saints Row did it better, and it was mostly just a flag.


New member
May 2, 2011
sgy0003 said:
Honestly, gender swapping can offer different ways on how your character interacts with npcs of the world and how they react to you. I would love to see what would happen if Kratos, Nathan, Master Chief, Link, and all of my favorite protagonists switch gender and how they act
Eh, unless the protagonist's gender is a salient point of the series or game, it shouldn't really have an impact on how they act or interact with the world. This is especially true in the case of silent protagonists, which are typically completely blank slates completely devoid of anything you might consider a personality.

I mean, would Half-Life be any different if NPCs referred to the player character as Georgia instead of Gordon?

If the protagonist's gender is an important part of the game, then yeah, I could see an objection being raised if you were to gender-swap them, but in how many games is that the case?


New member
Jun 10, 2009
I'm all for more female characters and I think the whole "LoZ protagonist can never be female because girlz can't be courageous" (paraphrasing), but in most cases it doesn't make sense. The only reason it would make sense in LoZ is because Link is new person every time, like Thor, Link is a title.

There would even be some nice story to tell in the LoZ universe in the populace doubting a female link, possibly favoring a male foil under the assumption that it has to be Link because he's a boy and getting all the credit. Cut to the end and it's Gannon, dun dun dun.

Just gender flipping a character for "reasons" just makes fans arngy because it's fucking with the cannon. If it's a passing along the torch kind of thing, fans can be more receptive. See Thor vs Ghost Busters.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
Gender swapping Link would be very different from swapping Mario or Samus.
Link is a perpetually reincarnated hero who lives many lives.
Mario and Samus are pretty iconic as themselves.
Gender swapping Samus would be even worse, because she's considered the iconic female character.


New member
Sep 26, 2014
Most likely not. I don't see why I would bother on a game that's literally an imitation and the difference is simply gender.

Why would I play Super Maria Sisters where I go save Prince Pancho and I go through various castles and the Prince is always on a separate one? Just because it's a rule 63 of the iconic Mario game? Nah, no thanks.

I'd rather have a game that despite being similar to an iconic game it is still distinctive game that is good with its own world, lore, and gameplay.

I'd support a game that's different in a sense to how Bayonetta is different from DMC.

I've always been okay with products taking inspiration and creating diversity and overall expanding the genre by doing so. Yet blatant rule 63...I don't see the point. Sounds lazy.

I've been used to that and okay with it since that's the approach games took in the SNES era.