Poll: Would you undergo a treatment that made sleep unnecessary for you...


New member
Jun 21, 2010
But by that virtue shortened your life by more than likely 20 years. We all do it, not all of us get as much as we should and some of us do it way more than others would like. Sleep has always been around, the bodies way to rest and recharge.

Well lets say some pharmaceutical company discovered and patented a drug or even surgical procedure that allowed the human body and brain to function on no sleep(or virtually no sleep, less than an hour a day) for the rest of your life? Would you do it? Yeah it means you'd still get tired and exhausted during the day but you could perform low impact activities while your body recuperates. Would the extra "waking" time be worth the potentially shortened lifespan?

Here are the things for the fictional treatment:

1. It is non-reversible. Whatever they do, chemically or surgically cannot be undone so there is no "I'll do this for a month catch up and then back to dreamland".

2. It is 100% safe with no negative side effects. Let's say for once a company actually tested their stuff in the long term and found besides the shortened lifespan from natural wear and tear buildup there are no negative side effects of the procedure/drug. No psychosis, no insanity and no psychic powers.

3. For those still wanting the sensation of dreaming, they also sell drugs that will work on your altered brain to induce the equivalent REM sleep which means the possibility of dreaming. The actual time the drug takes to work however is only an hour and is equivalent to a full dream cycle. They are cheap, non-habit forming and non-narcotic and have no affect on people other than the ones that have taken undergone the procedure and also have no other side effects beyond you being out of it for about 45 minutes to an hour.

Now obviously this is a more favorable scenario that I can think of. But Escapists, would you? Would you cast off the shroud of Morpheus to enjoy the land of the conscious all the time?

Mr Fixit

New member
Oct 22, 2008
Nope sleep is awesome & I plan on being that crazy old man that lives in the spooky house on the hill. Honestly if anyone is so busy that they would need to be awake all the time, then they may want to rethink their entire lifestyle.


New member
Apr 12, 2011
given that drawback, no, although it is quite tempting

I hate this body's need to remain both nonfunctional and helpless for a full third of my lifetime, and the first portion of this proposition sounds great.

However, cutting twenty years off of the total lifespan rather negatively impacts the free time gained this way, and I would greatly prefer to see more of the future.

Username Redacted

New member
Dec 29, 2010
Easy decision. 'Yes' all the way. I already have difficulty sleeping so eliminating the actual need to do so would be very welcome.


New member
May 5, 2011
I estimate I spend around 9 hours each day either sleeping or waking up/getting ready for sleep. That works out at approximately 1/3 of each year I'm wasting. As my expiration date is coming up in approximately 60 years, it's unlikely that I would gain any extra time from doing this.

Regardless, I think I'd definitely take it...dying just around when my health is supposed to start failing seems perfect, especially if I get to experience more of my youth. Also it would nice not to have to worry with the existential crisis of whether you're the same person who went to sleep, and just experience everything continuously.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat šŸ
Mar 31, 2010
No, I already waste enough hours in the day already, I don't need more. Besides, I rather like sleeping and I also want to see as far into the future as possible so I don't think it's worth chopping 20 years off my lifespan.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Never! I love sleep too much to ever change it. I love to have dreams, I love to lay down and just drift off. Besides I think I would get too bored if I never had to sleep again. Also having 20 years chopped off is kind of sad. I would never know what I could have achieved in those 20 years!


New member
Apr 12, 2011
Esotera said:
I estimate I spend around 9 hours each day either sleeping or waking up/getting ready for sleep. That works out at approximately 1/3 of each year I'm wasting. As my expiration date is coming up in approximately 60 years, it's unlikely that I would gain any extra time from doing this.

Regardless, I think I'd definitely take it...dying just around when my health is supposed to start failing seems perfect, especially if I get to experience more of my youth. Also it would nice not to have to worry with the existential crisis of whether you're the same person who went to sleep, and just experience everything continuously.
Careful, it could just mean that the worst twenty years of your life get bumped up ahead of schedule rather than eliminated.


New member
May 5, 2011
Heronblade said:
Esotera said:
I estimate I spend around 9 hours each day either sleeping or waking up/getting ready for sleep. That works out at approximately 1/3 of each year I'm wasting. As my expiration date is coming up in approximately 60 years, it's unlikely that I would gain any extra time from doing this.

Regardless, I think I'd definitely take it...dying just around when my health is supposed to start failing seems perfect, especially if I get to experience more of my youth. Also it would nice not to have to worry with the existential crisis of whether you're the same person who went to sleep, and just experience everything continuously.
Careful, it could just mean that the worst twenty years of your life get bumped up ahead of schedule rather than eliminated.
Good point...I thought that would be covered under the no negative side effects guaranteed by OP, but I'd definitely think twice if the process sped up ageing.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Oh God, yes! Being an adult is hard because I wake up tired now.

The only possible drawback is that state pension age, and consequently other pension plan benefits, are directly linked to chronological age which would basically doing myself out of my retirement. On the flip side I won't have to save for my retirement and can just spank my money away on games.


Poof, poof, sparkles!
Jun 1, 2010
I enjoy slipping into bed and falling asleep! I might not get bored (it'd certainly be good for getting through my backlog of games) but I'd rather keep the twenty years and see what advances are made.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Not really, I would rather have something more of a time related sleeping capsule like you sleep in it but the time spend in there is different compared to the real time to ensure you get your full sleep (yes I know something like that is more expensive and have more health issue problem but I still want it!).

Also yes I know about sleeping pill/ drug but I don't want to become dependent on it and I already heard about groggy side effect from my uncle once you wake it from it.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
No, I really really like sleeping, there is nothing you could offer that would make me give that up.

Also humans need dreams to stay sane, you say that there is a pill to simulate REM sleep. This would have to come as standard otherwise you will have crazy people wandering around. Also, if these pills provide waking dreams, then there are going to be a lot of people not knowing what is real and what is fake. I see nothing but problems with these pills/treatments.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Catfood220 said:
No, I really really like sleeping, there is nothing you could offer that would make me give that up.

Also humans need dreams to stay sane, you say that there is a pill to simulate REM sleep. This would have to come as standard otherwise you will have crazy people wandering around. Also, if these pills provide waking dreams, then there are going to be a lot of people not knowing what is real and what is fake. I see nothing but problems with these pills/treatments.
I thought I had made it clear that in this scenario that you do not NEED sleep at all after having this procedure done. Don't need it or anything that comes of it. The "dream pills" are if you want to have dreams. You don't need them, whatever the procedure did makes it so you don't have to sleep at all with no negative side effects from not sleeping, beyond the extra wear and tear for being active 24/7.

Jamieson 90

New member
Mar 29, 2010
Losing twenty years off your life is a big cost even if you'd be able to use all that time you'd otherwise be asleep for, the only problem is that most other people would be asleep at night, so that means most places would be closed so that kind of limits your options. So I voted no, especially because I love sleeping and then waking up in a nice warm bed.

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
Losing 20 years doesn't make it worth it, even though I would spend the alternative sleeping. So no I guess.

I would absolutely say yes if the drawback of losing a large chunk of life like that. With all that extra time, I could work/study longer hours, get more stuff done in general. I would miss sleep, but if I didn't need it, I probably would not care. Though the night hours would get a bit lonely, but that is what nocturnal cats are for! :D


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Nah, I like sleep. Plus the days can be boring as hell, I don't know what I'd do with all the time I'd spend not sleeping.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
No, 20 years is just too much time to lose.

I would love to be able to live without sleep, but at that cost I would rather enjoy sleeping while living 20 years longer.


Stuck in a vortex of sexy horses
Jun 27, 2011
Holy fuck are you kidding me? Of course I would! I get rid of those unproductive last 20 years of my life, and instead get about 8 hours more per day to get shit done! I really do not see the downside to this.