Poll: Would you watch a Peter Jackson adaptation of the Silmarillion?


New member
Mar 29, 2009
I am not even going to bothering answering the poll. Simply put it will never happen. The Tolkien estate still holds all the rights to Everything but LoTR and the Hobbit. Given how much they didn't liked the movies and the legal crap they went through with New Line Cinema I sincerely doubt they are going to part with any more movie rights like ....... Ever.


Premium Fraud
Nov 6, 2014
I was under the impression that the Silmarillion wasn't really a traditional narrative. Either way, considering how the Hobbit went ... maybe. I spent most of the Hobbit trilogy trying to figure out whether I was actually enjoying it.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
I'd rather have the movie adaptations of The Silmarillion to be the Peter Jackson equivalent to Batman: Gotham Knight, with PJ as the main/consultant director among a good chunk of other directors bringing this "epic" to life and shit...

Other than that, if it's just PJ taking the helm full-steam, then maybe? I mean, as long as the word "filler" only refers to setting the tone or some sit like that, but mostly, I rather have a set of directors (that are, more or less, under the supervision of PJ) working on the movie adaptations of The Silmarillion...


New member
Jan 6, 2012

I'm fine that he did LOTR and brought it great attention but he shouldn't have even done the Hobbit after that much less direct the last great portion of Tolkien's work.

FirstNameLastName said:
I was under the impression that the Silmarillion wasn't really a traditional narrative. Either way, considering how the Hobbit went ... maybe. I spent most of the Hobbit trilogy trying to figure out whether I was actually enjoying it.
Silmarillion is closer to the Old Testament than a novel in it being a collection of stories chronologically arranged detailing the history of the world and the overarching moral battle that consumes existence from Creation to the turn of a new era that eclipses all others - it can also be as dry as OT at times.

Carrying on that analogy, the Hobbit/LOTR are the Gospels and Tolkien's scraped Fourth Age novel about the struggle against Sauron cultists and his ideas of an Ragnorokish End Times war are the rest of the New Testament.


New member
Mar 17, 2011

I saw the fucking travesty Jackson committed when he tried to adapt the Lord of the Rings. I never bothered to watch the Hobbit movies.

Jackson would have to pry the movie rights to the Silmarillion out of Christopher Tolkien's cold dead hands.


New member
Oct 11, 2009
I would watch a Silmarillion movie, but it would need to focus on a single story. Unlike The Hobbit or LOTR, The Silmarilion spans nearly two and a bit ages. Thousands and thousands of years. Trying to cram that into even a trilogy would be impossible. But there are stories within the book which I think would make great movies. The tale Of Beren and Luthien, The journey of Tuor and the fall of Gondolin, The rise and fall of Numenor and the fateful story of Turin 'I'm a complete bell-end' Turinbar. These stories can also be enhanced from others of Tolkien's works the Lays of Beleriand and Book of Unfinished Tales

All of these would make great films but I would much rather see Peter Jackson in a producer's seat not a Director's chair - especially after seeing the second Hobbit film. Why not let Del Toro take the reins. Afterall that was originally going to happen when rumors of a Hobbit trilogy first cropped up.


New member
Oct 11, 2009
Fox12 said:
At this point I wouldn't trust Peter Jackson to direct traffic. He's been going down hill for a while now, but, for me, the Hobbit films were a new low in cinema. I finally understand how the Star Wars fans feel. I'm sorry, I didn't know!
*Pats shoulder* It's all right my son. The force feels your pain. We understand.

Laser Priest

A Magpie Among Crows
Mar 24, 2011
I liked the original Lord of The Rings trilogy of movies well enough, but that was mostly from a filmmaking perspective rather than a storytelling perspective.

And considering Jackson decided to forget everything he did right in those films and do the opposite in the Hobbit Trilogy, resulting in hours of what feels more like a punishment than a movie, I'd say no never please don't even suggest such a thing.


Sep 2, 2012
Yes, but only if they condensed it into one two hour movie and just showed the entire thing in quintuple time with no voice acting, just some background music.


New member
Jun 18, 2012
Fuck no! That man did an okay job on the Lord of the Rings but he fucked up the Hobbit in the name of profit! I don't want him going anywhere near the Silmarillion!


King of the Celery people
Jan 18, 2012
No, The Silmarillion is too dense, too long and too vague to make for a good movie. Maybe 15, or 30 movies, but not anything less than 5. Remember, it's more lore than story.


New member
Oct 26, 2011
I would watch it, though me enjoying it would depend on how much goddamn CGI he used.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Would I watch it? Hell yeah... It would both be a geeky event and a massive movie undertaking. I have seen far less ambitious movies in the cinema just because they have a couple actors or a director that I enjoyed.

Do I think it is a good idea? Hell no. The Silmarillion is a collection of stories, with no general theme, narrative or cohesion that links them together other than they happened in the same world. It would be like adapting a World History book, the Coran, or the Old Testament.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
The Lord of the Rings trilogy was brilliant, and the Hobbit trilogy was pretty good-- I really can't understand the ire towards it (though I didn't care for the third one much).

I would watch it, and suspect a number of the "no" voters actually would, too.


Neloth's got swag.
Aug 22, 2011
Hero in a half shell said:
I want to see a Michael Bay adaption of the Simarillion.

The world is created through the music of the Ainur, or as they are known in the human tongue Linkin Park.

Then out of the darkness rises the greatest evil of all... Morgoth the robotic shapeshifter, who formed his own army by taking the music of Linkin Park and turning it into Dubstep.

Up arises the hero champion "Noldor" (Played by Donnie Walberg) to fight Morgoth, and thus a great battle arises between the cyborg dubstep army of Morgoth and the superior firepower of Noldor and the American Military (because they also appear in this movie... from Gondor or something I don't know.)

Throughout the story Noldor frets about taking his girlfriend Luthien (played by Megan Fox) to the Middle Earth Prom, which Morgoth has sworn to destroy, and Morgoth's constant war and bloodshed for the mastery of all creation is a constant upset to Noldor's romantic plans, creating comic relief.

In the end Morgoth is defeated, his evil second in command swears revenge for sequel bait, Noldor takes Luthien to the prom and they kiss to a Linkin Park song.

Roll Credits.

Print money.
This is gold. Print it and frame it, I swear.

On topic, though - no, I wouldn't. LOtR and The Hobbit had focused narrative threads to guide the movies, the Silmarilion basically amounts to Tolkien putting Middle-Earth's lore through the Nathaniel Hawthorne treatment. We'd have to pick singular threads and develop them into entire movies and oh God, the amount of padding that would necessitate...

If anything, what I'd like is more Shadow of Mordor-esque takes on the lore. Not that I want more Grimdark Splinter's Creed: Black Ops Edition - one game is enough - but I'd love the idea of the Tolkien estate opening the lore to new writers. New characters, new sagas, new tales.