Poll: Ye olde Cancer Sticks

Bender Rodriguez

New member
Sep 2, 2010
Never touched a cigarette in my life, but i do feel that regular smokers are being mistreated and looked down on in some cases.

Guess its their choice, but still a bit sad.


New member
Jun 1, 2010
Omikron009 said:
I have a serious problem with smoking, but only if it's being done in close proximity to me. The smallest amount of secondhand smoke will instantly give me a huge headache and a stomachache, and it ruins my day. Smoking is gross. Don't do it in public.
have you heard of the placebo effect? something tells me you have believed all the bullshit they tell youo in school "don't smoke weed it will make your head pop open and then pedophiles will rape your sister" now smoking is dangerous no doubt about it but the whole second hand smoke thing(while dangerous) shouldn't cause this reaction in you so unless you are just suffering from the placebo effect you should see a doctor.

OT: my dad smokes an e cigarette(which is very expensive and isn't quite as good but it still works) and it shoots out water vapor and people still give him dirty looks and do that hacking thing even though they are breathing water vapor and it can in no way affect anyone.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I don't care really. I'm not allergic to cigarette smoke and, it doesn't make me cough like I did when I was younger. I don't smoke but, have dated people who do. I'm feeling bad for smokers at this point. I also feel kinda threatened. The same people who banned smoking sections and, indoor smoking are now trying to ban me from eating fatty foods and, highly-caffeinated soda (like Vault and Surge, not Red Bull).


New member
Aug 24, 2010
enriel said:
If you're not - How do you feel about it? Do you go out of your way to express your opinion on the subject?
I am a non-smoker and in highschool so my generation was raised on the idea that smoking's bad (mmmkay?) Personally, I think smoking is disgusting and leads to a shorter life but I understand the addiction that comes with nicotine. I don't normally express my opinion's to strangers but I have held my breath when walking past people smoking pot because it smells terrible. Also-I don't understand why even though younger people know the dangers, they still get into smoking.

The Afrodactyl

New member
Jul 19, 2010
I'm an ex-smoker (about 2 years). I didn't really care about the whole "shortened life" thing, but everyone complained about the smell. After a while I realised how strongly I smelt of smoke and it freaked me out.

Haven't touched one since (bought 3 months ago).

The Afrodactyl

New member
Jul 19, 2010
I'm an ex-smoker (about 2 years). I didn't really care about the whole "shortened life" thing, but everyone complained about the smell. After a while I realised how strongly I smelt of smoke and it freaked me out.

Haven't touched one since (bought 3 months ago).


New member
Nov 16, 2010
enriel said:
The question here is, what is so wrong with people who smoke? These days, because of the whole healthy lifestyle kick, it seems that this in particular is being villainized.
Well, it's kind of like walking up and coughing on someone while showing the signs of sickness.

It's not cool.

And you're right, it is a lifestyle choice. But, just because you're trying to kill yourself, doesn't mean those around you are; nor should they suffer the consequences of your suicidal urges.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
Its less the smoke that is the problem but more the chemicals left over from the cigarettes themselves. Look up 3rd hand smoke.


New member
Mar 21, 2010
I don't smoke and don't care if anyone does. I don't want to stop you smoking, however, I don't want you smoking near me, simplea reason...the smell knocks me sick, especially when eating. So I don't want a face full of it in a cafe or whatever.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
I don't smoke, don't plan to, and honestly find it disgusting. But I hate those people that get some sort of righteous indignation about smoking, as if someone is a worse person because they smoke. We all have our own problems, addictions, and we all contribute to making this world a shitty place in our special, unique ways. I don't smoke, but I'm overweight and tend to give in to the impulse to eat shitty food. And like other people, I have many, many other vices. I got my own problems to worry about, and so should those assholes who feel to need to go an hero and get up in smoker's faces about their addiction.

That doesn't mean that I'm going mean I'm going to lie to a smoker and tell him what he's doing isn't harmful to himself and the environment around him. But I'm not going to instantly fire an onslaught of "Smoking's bad for you!!! You asshole!" I'm sure most smoker's already know what their doing is harmful, but it's a hard addiction to boot, especially with so many other things life throws at you. But if anybody tells me that smoking isn't harmful, I'll disagree with them, simple as that.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
I smoke and everyone around me in college smokes and it's not a big deal.

Also, I used to do that when I was a kid, and now I smoke.


New member
Apr 30, 2008
I only smoke when I'm drinking, it's more of a social thing then plus I can scrounge them for free. I can't really afford to smoke otherwise unless I give up something else like eating or drinking.


New member
Sep 25, 2008
Show me one cigarette smoker in the United States who doesn't know that cigarettes kill, and...well, you'll have to think of something, because I simply don't believe there's a single one.

It's becoming more and more ridiculous, "they" act like everyone smokes and it's the biggest killer. I smoked for 6 years, and only stopped because of my drastic change in lifestyle (military life, fitness is key). I support everyone's right to smoke. I think it's fucked up for a government to make laws about banning smoking inside businesses, it should be the business owners' rights to decide whether or not they allow it.

I've stopped pursuing the whole topic in general, but I'll always believe in a person's "right to smoke" whatever the hell they want here, unless it's a particularly sterile environment (hospital, science laboratory, schoolhouse, etc.). And I'll always love smoking, myself.


New member
Aug 26, 2010
I more hate the fact that they are the gateway drug than anything else. That's how my dad got started and he's no longer with us. Needless to say I will never smoke the damn things and try to avoid them on account of my asthma. I don't think less of people who do smoke but it is annoying how people can always tell that you've smoked or been near people who have just by the smell of your clothes.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
enriel said:
The other day I was having a smoke and a small child (who never got anywhere near close enough to me to breathe in any secondhand smoke) felt entitled to look over at me and begin melodramatically gagging coughing and so on. Now personally, I find this very offensive; I'm being made fun of and alienated for a lifestyle choice.

The question here is, what is so wrong with people who smoke? These days, because of the whole healthy lifestyle kick, it seems that this in particular is being villainized.

As though smoking automatically makes you some sort of second rate lowlife. Not to mention the preaching. I KNOW IT'S BAD FOR ME, LEAVE ME ALONE.

If you're a smoker - How do you feel about the way we're treated? Do you notice at all?

If you're not - How do you feel about it? Do you go out of your way to express your opinion on the subject?
I dislike smoking from a practical standpoint, they cost money, cause sickness, no benefits that I know of, and I just hate the smell. But I son't alienate smokers, my dad used to smoke, a few of my relative smoke, and some of my friends are smokers, it's not like smoking makes you less of a person.


New member
Sep 10, 2010
I have to admit, OP has given me second thoughts on smokers. I'll admit I do not like it when I am near someone who is smoking and I can smell it, and I don't like the thought that people are killing themselves, but OP is right, I guess it is your choice as long as you do not negate anyone else's freedom of being able to breathe freely.

However, here in England, we have the NHS, so it does cost the taxpayer if they have to go on life support machines or if a tumour has to be destroyed.


New member
May 22, 2009
CrazyMedic said:
Omikron009 said:
I have a serious problem with smoking, but only if it's being done in close proximity to me. The smallest amount of secondhand smoke will instantly give me a huge headache and a stomachache, and it ruins my day. Smoking is gross. Don't do it in public.
have you heard of the placebo effect? something tells me you have believed all the bullshit they tell youo in school "don't smoke weed it will make your head pop open and then pedophiles will rape your sister" now smoking is dangerous no doubt about it but the whole second hand smoke thing(while dangerous) shouldn't cause this reaction in you so unless you are just suffering from the placebo effect you should see a doctor.
I have heard of the placebo effect. I'm not stupid. Something tells me that you didn't read my post properly, or only saw what you wanted to see. I never mentioned weed once, and I find it hard to understand why you think I need to see a doctor because I have an adverse reaction to poisonous smoke.


New member
May 3, 2010
enriel said:
The other day I was having a smoke and a small child (who never got anywhere near close enough to me to breathe in any secondhand smoke) felt entitled to look over at me and begin melodramatically gagging coughing and so on. Now personally, I find this very offensive; I'm being made fun of and alienated for a lifestyle choice.

The question here is, what is so wrong with people who smoke? These days, because of the whole healthy lifestyle kick, it seems that this in particular is being villainized.

As though smoking automatically makes you some sort of second rate lowlife. Not to mention the preaching. I KNOW IT'S BAD FOR ME, LEAVE ME ALONE.

If you're a smoker - How do you feel about the way we're treated? Do you notice at all?

If you're not - How do you feel about it? Do you go out of your way to express your opinion on the subject?
Just thought I'd say that you missed the fourth option "just quit today so...yeah" anyways...When I was a smoker, I was considerate of those who don't smoke by keeping away from them while I lit up whenever possible (including standing outside in freezing cold). I'm quitting mostly because I can't afford it anymore...well, I can (with barely little $ left over) but I'd rather spend that money on other things.