Poll: You guys believe in luck?

Halla Burrica

New member
May 18, 2014
Recently I've been thinking about the concept of luck, the idea that some people are simply more fortunate or unfortunate than others. Not because of what they've done or who they have been, it just sort of is what it is, some are just more likely to have good things happen to them than others. Just to be a bit more clear, cause and effect have nothing to do with it.

The reason why I wonder about this is kind of personal. I haven't been around for very long, but through the years I've been some places and made some good friends. I'm not really close to most of them nowadays, we just sort of drifted apart, but I have some good memories with those people. About seven people, to be exact. And four of those seven people have had it really rough, for some reason. First one is a girl, a childhood friend of mine. She was nice and all, still a good person today from what I hear. She suffered from a terrible disease when she was 2-3 years old that nearly killed her, a few years ago her cousin commited suicide, and even more recently her father killed himself during winter. Second is a guy who I'm still a close friend of. He has had problems with OCD and other stuff, he's pretty alone (I might be one of the few people who visit him outside of relatives) grades aren't going so well, and his mother hanged herself when he was just a boy. Third, there was this guy I became friends with during arts class. He was kind of a goofball, in a loveable way. He would kid around more than he would work, but we still got on pretty friendly terms. Then his middle-aged father was hit by a car and killed. My entire class attended the funeral. I've been to two funerals with old relatives, and neither of them came close to the level of depressing that his father's had. And finally, there is a guy in Germany who I've met over Steam, when playing Portal 2 coop. It was a good time, and we had some good conversations, eventually becoming kind of close (as close as you can get over the Internet anyway). So close that he revealed that he was suffering from a rare illness with his back, and was depressed and had tried to commit suicide several times (I think he even tried to ask me for help with it). NOTE: Before I say anything else, I should add that to the best of my knowledge these people (except the German guy) are leading fairly normal and healthy lives, and have managed to move on from their hardships.

So that's my reason for asking. Four perfectly decent people, that the world has shit on, with no explanation. I can't come up with a better reason for why this happened to them and not me, other than just plain'ol luck. It's ridiculous.
So my question: Do you people believe in luck, and if not, what then?


New member
May 8, 2012
Well the classic answer is shit happens. It hits all of us sooner or later, whether you're at the top of your game or at the bottom, shit happens. It's a facet of life humanity has been trying to answer for centuries. Many different beliefs have sprung up over the years to try and explain why shit happens to some but not others. It's a philosophical question that is not easy to explain.

I guess regarding your poll I kinda sorta not really believe in luck. Like if you asked me in the street if I believed in luck I would probably say no but alone I would say maybe.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
Of course not.

Bad things happen, and good things happen. Any perceived persons, places, or things that may seem 'lucky' to you, either in a bad or good way, are simply statistically anomalies who's importance you've inflated due to you not having a significantly large sample size (Which one one living person will probably ever have).



Lolita Style, The Best Style!
Jan 12, 2010
I'm fairly certain luck exists. Some people obviously seem to have more than their share of misfortune, while others seem to have more their fair share of good fortune, and some people, amongst which I'd count myself, have their fair share of both. To an extent you make your own luck, but the universe and other people have a good tendency to get in the way, for better, or worse.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Sure. Sometimes something is statistically unlikely to happen. Then it happens anyway. That's luck. There's nothing supernatural or mysterious about it. The world is filled with statistics, and sometimes those statistics are in your favor.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
As in a force that determines how likely you are to have good or bad things happen and varies between people? no. You have a 50/50 chance of a coin being heads or tails but that doesn't mean when you flip a coin a few times it will actually be 50/50. Often problems are linked together, especially health ones and good fortune can put you in a better position to have more good things happen.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Not quite as you describe it.

Shit happens. Sometimes good shit happens. Some people end up being on the receiving end of more good shit than bad shit. Others vice versa. Hence "luck".

Also, you know the saying, "God tends to favour the bigger battalions"? Yeah, well I'm pretty damn sure that "luck" tends to favour outgoing, motivated people born into good and/or wealthy families.


Elite Member
Jan 7, 2011
I believe that lucky things happen and unlucky things happen, but I don't believe in luck as an inherent trait of an individual. There's no mystical binding force working behind the scenes, bunches of coincidences just come together every now and then.

When too many so called lucky/unlucky things happen to someone or a place though, there's probably an explanation somewhere. Like the guy who got run over by cars repeatedly is probably quite oblivious to his surroundings and has abnormally high bone density to survive all those incidents.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Well, of course at some level. Not in terms of fate or divine intervention, but sometimes you do get a stroke of luck. The reason it sometimes seem like some people are lucky or unlucky is as Zhukov already said, some people are "lucky" simply because of their situation.

I've had quite a few good things happening to me the past year and a half. I consider that to be quite lucky, but I have had to put in effort to make that happen. My situation, my effort and random chance have worked in my favour and somehow I got into a good streak.

I don't really know though, it depends on how you define luck I guess. I have always just considered luck to be happy/unhappy coincidences that may or may not be facilitated by your own effort. That does of course exist.


New member
Nov 1, 2014
Luck is a funny thing. Some people argue you make your own luck, and in a way that is true. For example you lost a job opening to someone else despite being more qualified. It wasn't bad luck, you just didn't leave a bigger impact.

But someone rear ending your car, or a bird pooping on your collar? Bad luck, things like that are impossible to predict.

It's just what happens as we live life.

Fat Hippo

Prepare to be Gnomed
May 29, 2009
AccursedTheory said:
Of course not.

Bad things happen, and good things happen. Any perceived persons, places, or things that may seem 'lucky' to you, either in a bad or good way, are simply statistically anomalies who's importance you've inflated due to you not having a significantly large sample size (Which one one living person will probably ever have).

Funny, what you say isn't luck, is exactly what luck is defined by for me. Some people just get the statistically rough end of the stick, and some people don't. I don't connect it with any cosmic happenings, but if something terrible happens to someone, and it was completely beyond his control or any reasonable degree of foresight, then I call that "bad luck." Getting a terrible disease at a young age falls within that category for me. And in the reverse, some people have good luck, and win the lottery, or something like that.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009

Example: I'm lucky I was born in a first world country. I'm unlucky I was born with the brain that I have, though luckier than many others with defective brains.

The universe is chaotic. Sometimes that chaos swings your way and sometimes it doesn't. Some people are on the receiving end their whole lives and some aren't.

Sean Renaud

New member
Apr 12, 2011
Of course luck is real, it's kinda of odd that this is even a thing. Now the OP has some rather radically extreme scenarios that happened to his close friends and yipes is all I can say. Without knowing more (and I desperately do not want to know more) about each of those scenarios it's difficult to parse what is luck in the "true" sense of the word and what is just circumstances we don't care for.

As people say, shit happens. But shit happening is still Bad Luck. And the amount of shit and the timing of said shit is different for different people and has different effects. There is a world of difference between your girlfriend's family moving away when you're sixteen and having to try being pen pals, and you getting sideswipped on the way to your college graduation and ending up paralyzed from the waist down. Both of them are things you had little or no (we're assuming the guy ran a red came out of no where, not you rolled a stop sign)control over but the long term effects are VASTLY different to the point of being incompariable.

People also say "Right Place, Right Time." Which usually means that the individual didn't make a decision that turned out well for them. According to legend David Boreanz (Angel, Bones) was walking his dog when the casting director of Buffy the Vampire Slayer saw him and declared "He's going to play Angel." That luck however got him 3 Seasons of Buffy, 5 of his own show Angel, and we're going on I believe season 11 of Bones (if it gets picked up again.) Now we can debate that he had the skills to take advantage of said opportunity and that's a separate conversation all together.

Finally people say. "There is no such thing as luck. There is just when preperation meets opportunity." The thing is being prepared is GREAT. But if the opportuntity never arrises all the preparation in the world won't create it. On the flip side while if you aren't prepared for an opportunity it may (probably will) pass you by, there is always a chance you can take advantage of a situation you were utterly unprepared for.

Honestly it's better to be lucky than good.


New member
Dec 5, 2012
yeah I'm on the shit happens band wagon.
Perceived luck is just a combination of putting your self out there for opportunities and bot letting stuff get you down when the shit hits the fan.

As an example you could say I've never been lucky enough to win a competition or lottery but that kinda makes sense since I basically never enter any.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
I'm really not sure if luck exists as any kind of force of the universe, but it certainly feels like it at times. I'm a fairly practical person, so I lean more towards it just being a combination of happenstance and perception.

It is fun to believe in things like luck and karma though.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
AccursedTheory said:
Of course not.

Bad things happen, and good things happen. Any perceived persons, places, or things that may seem 'lucky' to you, either in a bad or good way, are simply statistically anomalies who's importance you've inflated due to you not having a significantly large sample size (Which one one living person will probably ever have).

Pretty much 'this' as they say.

And sadly, that allows for statistical anomalies. Of which I am one, which is all kinds of "God fucking dammit why me" but there ain't rhyme nor reason to it. Shit's just statistics. You can call it luck if you want to, but that's just semantics.


Sep 23, 2014
Luck is a very subjective thing. The concept of luck relies entirely on perspective.

I both believe in and disbelieve in "luck". If being "lucky" is a synonym for being "fortunate", then yes it absolutely exists. If "luck" is this supernatural thing that ensures more good things and fewer bad things happen to a particular person, something that can be improved by wearing trinkets or praying or avoiding black cats? No, absolutely not.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Honestly, this sound more about misfortune then it is about luck and even then the situation you describle about those people isn't luck. Did that person get that diease out of nowhere and those sucide wasn't random.

To me, luck is when it is good fortune that appear out of nowhere like when me and my mate were the only rounders left and yet we keep both batting a long shot or homerun to keep us going for a while (I never been so lucky at hitting long shot let alone keeping it up for ages).

Lastly, oh almost forgot, yes I do believed in luck or rather beliving in it make you feel lucky at times.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
Fat_Hippo said:
AccursedTheory said:
Of course not.

Bad things happen, and good things happen. Any perceived persons, places, or things that may seem 'lucky' to you, either in a bad or good way, are simply statistically anomalies who's importance you've inflated due to you not having a significantly large sample size (Which one one living person will probably ever have).

Funny, what you say isn't luck, is exactly what luck is defined by for me. Some people just get the statistically rough end of the stick, and some people don't. I don't connect it with any cosmic happenings, but if something terrible happens to someone, and it was completely beyond his control or any reasonable degree of foresight, then I call that "bad luck." Getting a terrible disease at a young age falls within that category for me. And in the reverse, some people have good luck, and win the lottery, or something like that.
If your definition of luck is simply something that falls outside the normal range of good/bad events experienced, then yes, of course luck exist. At that point, your simply using it to label the oddities of life.

I think what OP was asking though is if we believe in luck in the sense of something that's beyond our understanding, a function of some sort of fundamental force of the universe. If he's just asking if bad/good stuff sometimes tend to stack, well, that's kind of a silly question. Of course it does.

EDIT: 5000th post. This is the worst land mark post ever.