Poll: Your "cup of tea" in terms of Graphics

Adam Galli

New member
Nov 26, 2010
I don't think much about the graphics as long as the game looks decent I'm happy. The only time I get worked up over graphics is with the NHL games. I don't know why though.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I like the whole vibrant, realistic look that both Just Cause 2 and Witcher 2 seem to pull off fairly well. I also kinda prefer the simple, but colorful look that terarria and braid have if the game is 2 dimensions.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
These days I'm less concerned about how many polygons they can squeeze on screen and more impressed with the leaps they're making with the animation. Especially faces. LA Noir looks terrific.


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
Triforceformer said:
I think Duke Nukem Forever looks great, so color me as "Not really caring about graphics". Besides, as Extra Credits points out, graphics and aesthetics are different entities.
QFT. The Crysis series is a great example where the Aesthetics served graphics. Sure the game is beautifully rendered and is still one of the best looking games out there despite being 4 years old, but it does so because you're in a lush green jungle.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
as a general rule of thumb I don't put graphics first in priority
it sort of leaks over to my impression of movies as well (oops), which may explain my being so underwhelmed by Avatar LOL
but some games the visuals were impressive enough to cause me to draw breath
Modern Warfare 2...maybe it was also the atmosphere of its campaign but daaamn!
and of course Crysis 2, which might also have been the atmosphere being excellent but still. whoa man, sweet stuff
but graphics alone fail to do much more than stay shiny for a while after...well after a while lol


New member
Jan 28, 2011
I really loved the texture of the different surfaces in the skate series. The ground looked soo nice. The characters didn't look special at all. But the GROUND! omg!

Lunar Templar

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Sep 20, 2009
i still love 16 bit, yeah i have games i like with better graphics, but meh, :D 16 bit was so good to me and still looks good even now

The Apothecarry

New member
Mar 6, 2011
Are the graphics functional? Yes? FANTASTIC!

I'm much more of an audiophile when it comes to games. Though I guess all the body and texture replacers I installed in Oblivion say that given the chance, I will try to get the best graphics possible.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
If the aesthetic is uniform, and character models are realistic, then I say the game has good graphics. I thought LA Noire's graphics were good because the facial cues were so damn realistic it compensated for the lack of raw graphical power. Also, I think FFXIII was the game with the best graphics I've seen so far. So yeah, I personally put a lot of emphasis on how the people look.

Omega Pirate

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Sep 20, 2010
gigastar said:
Though i dont really care about graphics in general, i find myself very strongly attracted to cel-shaded games.
Same here, Wind Waker is one of my favorite games. Its not to say I don't like Crysis level graphics, its just that after a while I stop noticing the details. The color palette and overall design is more important to me.

the monopoly guy

New member
May 8, 2008
4RM3D said:
Dense_Electric said:
I was considering going into a lengthy thing in which I was going to quote a lot of Extra Credits (the Aesthetics vs. Graphics episode), but my feelings can basically by summed up with the words "Mirror's Edge."
Mirror's Edge should have won an award for most innovating graphics. I have yet to play a game that made functional use of the graphics in a way Mirror's Edge did.
You haven't played Team Fortress 2? Don't get me wrong, the aesthetics(I think its a much better word to use, because I'm talking about the overall visual style) in Mirrors Edge were great and definitely served a large role in the way the game itself was played. But Team Fortress took it even further due to their emphasis on class identification and even the style of each teams base. Also hats.

I personally like a stylized look, but anything that is more than just shades of gray (fucking Fallout 3 I'm looking at you) is fine by me. Still, doing something to stand out is always a plus. I loved XIII, and half the reason I did was because of the cell shaded and comic book-esque style the game had.


New member
Dec 23, 2010
Extra Credits (the Aesthetics vs. Graphics episode)....I think this episode sums up how I feel about it. It has to suit the atmosphere of the game. To me, graphics aren't really an issue, especially with old favourites, EG : FFVII

However, I thing that does sometimes bug me, (especially with current age games) is when the graphics in the cutscenes are amazing, and have such realistic CGI. Yet when I get to play the game, it's almost like the characters have completely morphed and now have lego pieces for faces.

It's not a huge problem, that would put me off a game or anything like that. It just kinda bugs me, that's all. Like when you see your character sit in a cutscene, yet he/she/it can't sit when your playing the game.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
I like super stylized graphics, but what really impresses me is when a game's graphics make you feel like you're really there. Like the rainstorms in STALKER that made me want to seek shelter even though I wasn't actually getting wet, or the lighthouse in Bioshock's opening that actually felt like it was built to welcome guests to Rapture.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Well if we are really talking about graphics and not aesthetics here:
- unnoticeable optimization, you shouldn't see models pop in and out of existence, Crysis 2 did this very poorly

- smart poly/texture design, anything close to the camera should be in high detail, especially when you do a close up cutscene(Warhammer 40k games were always horrible with this)

- and aesthetics can cover for alot of graphics, I won't care mush about graphical power when the art style fits the bill, but if it doesn't I will be pissing on your parade


New member
Jun 17, 2009
it's more important that everything fits together.
max payne, 10 years old and unknowingly the herald of thins to come with it's grey/brown visuals. why does it still look good? Because the whole point of the game is to be utterly depressing, with the only flashes of color being gunfights and drug-fueled nightmares.

for a more recent example...
hm graphics are really not that important to me, i notice if a game like crysis has very good visuals but other than that.

i liked the latter part of darksiders, when you are not running through human ruins anymore and the comic style of the characters and enemies look completely our of place.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
bahumat42 said:
believer258 said:
gigastar said:
Though i dont really care about graphics in general, i find myself very strongly attracted to cel-shaded games.
This. Where has all the cel-shading gone? Borderlands and Prince of Persia are pretty much the only two of this generation that I know of that have cel shading. And even last generation it wasn't done much. It's an awesome look, why can't we have some more of it?
Tf2 skip your mind for a second there? (and okamiden)
Although you are correct that its a style that is under-used. Which is a shame.

And its less about fidelity and more about quality of the textures (ac:brotherhood is king here), and interesting colourful environments (enslaved Odyssey to the west, mario galaxy 1/2) at least to me these things matter more than pixel count. Theres a reason I'm not buying MW3 because it will look all the same and bland.
Team Fortress 2 is phong shaded, not cel shaded.