Portal 2 Controversy?


New member
Feb 18, 2011
While it is a joke, it is meant to be mean. It's a humorous way to illustrate how awful of a being GLaDOS is.

I'm adopted and I wasn't offended by the quote.


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
That news report is pretty much exactly why I no longer watch local news... it was a mixture of hilarious and depressing to find all of the errors in that report.

It's always nice to see people not getting completely obvious jokes. Glados was overly mean and Wheatley was trying to be Glados. But the thing is... the game markets itself much more as a game filled with dark humor than one that's educational... in fact, one good look at the trailer could tell you that much. There were plenty of jokes about murder, but I guess that just got a bit too personal for him.

Now, it's perfectly fine for him to cut off the game if he thinks that his daughter might get the wrong idea from it... good on him. He is actually one of the parents who care about what their kids play. But taking this to the news was a bit too far.


New member
Mar 3, 2011
I understand that the father was insulted, but this is not the game's fault. If you're saying that anything that could ever possibly taken as offensive should be stripped out of any entertainment then we'd be looking at a massive restriction on freedom of speech.

In fact as far as poking fun at someone for being adopted goes Portal 2 is pretty light on it. GLaDOS is talking to Chell, not the player, and even then the adoption angle is played in a way to make it seem like a slight act of desperation to get back at Chell and eventually becomes part of the overarching joke that GLaDOS isn't good at understanding human behaviour.

Who I'm most angry at though are the people behind this news program who took one man's obviously misplaced anger towards a video game and turned it into "video game adoption controversy".


New member
Sep 23, 2009
What can I say? The game got things right, as it did in a previous line:

"It's not out of the question that you might have a very minor case... of serious brain damage."

In short, yes, the man overreacted.


New member
Dec 31, 2010
To the people who say it's only a joke: a lot of insensitive things are said and meant as a joke. It doesn't stop them from being insensitive. Not to mention that a joke's insensitivity depends on how it is received by the audience, rather than the person saying the joke. Remember when Gottfried said all those "jokes" on Twitter after the tsunami on Japan? He said it as a joke; I don't remember a lot of people defending that.

With that said, it's a bit much on the dad's part. In context, it was meant to be something that WAS insensitive, said to hurt the main character's feelings. Because the player, in the context, is simply an active observer who has no ties with the main character in question, we only see it as something funny, and that's how anyone should be taking it as.

It almost feels like the dad's projecting his own worries onto the lines, because he's so worried that his daughter's going to turn out resenting her adopted state. It's kinda heartwarming in an odd way.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
He's overreacting, I know people who have said far worse things about adoption than anything Glados of Wheatley can say.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
well they obviously didn't get very far in the game because Glados says there's nothing wrong with being adopted and some of Wheatley's best friends are adopted. So I don't see the big problem.

I can't wait for the fat people of the world to unite against Valve for their "offensive" dialog. Or all the people who look bad in orange.


New member
Sep 30, 2010
Yup. Gabe Newell's group should stop making all those jokes about fat people, too! They might offend...wait...

Seriously, guys. Sometimes a joke is just a joke, let's learn to laugh at ourselves.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Yeah Valve didnt have a comment... they couldnt get to the keyboard to write it because they were laughing so hard.

poor girl looked embarassed in the interview and almost ashamed hes acting like that on camera, but then again she and her little brother who is obviously under the age of 10 are having too much fun in Portal 2 to give the camera even the slightest looks.. wait... her father does the right thing for caring what the kids are playing and its a 10+ game and his 8 year old son plays it too? he deserves no praise.


Infact I have less than praise for him. I think he is a pile of shit pulling a "look at me, i adopted a chineses kid" praise crap, and to put the poor girl under the soon to come insults from classmates. did he think about how here classmates would react? oh hell no he didnt! insults are going to range from yer adobted father is an idiot and her real parents dont love her, to them quoting glados and wheatly at her. fuck him, and i realy pity the poor girl, not for being adopted but for being adopted by that assmunch.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
EllEzDee said:
believer258 said:
EDIT 2: Also, it's not a fucking kids' game, people. And it was never marketed as educational.
Yes it is. It's E for Everyone.
Umm the "E" rating doesn't mean "kids' game"... He means Portal 2 isn't aimed at kids exclusively, thinking about it that would actually make the "joke" of adoption bucketloads more sadistic and innapropriate if it were...

... just Saying. :/


New member
Apr 10, 2011
I don't really see it as a joke, well yeah it's a joke, but it did make you feel bad for Chell, and make it easier to relate to her.


New member
May 2, 2011
Let me guess, an American father.....*reads article*.......yep.

They'll sue over anything they're not smart enough to laugh at.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Hell, this was a joke from the first game. I did however think that this could piss someone off, glad to see the kid gets it though. It's supposed to be an insult from a machine who really has no idea about how to create a proper insult.

EDIT: read the article, said he stopped playing on the game on his PS3. Think he could give it to me? I assume he didn't register the Steam version yet, what with PSN being down.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
LobsterFeng said:
I don't really see it as a joke, well yeah it's a joke, but it did make you feel bad for Chell, and make it easier to relate to her.
tbh I did fell bad for Chell... I mean look at her life story so far... I know she's a character and I know it's supposed to be dark humour but I didn't laugh at all throughout the time in which Glados mentioned adoption through to when she ended up "joking" about it.

Don't get me wrong the other shit was funny as like the times she tried to kill Chell with Neurotoxin and so forth... Especially the jokes in Portal 1.

EDIT: I would have found the joke much more witty if I wasn't playing as Chell in Portal 2 but another test subject... Because you'know it would be like a whole new introduction with different circumstances plus you wouldn't be going through the same rooms you had been in before thinking... here we go again -> I do tests -> Glados says something supposedly funny -> i escape death -> I deactivate her -> yadda yadda yadda.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Pffft, of course he's overreacting.

{1} IT'S A GAME!

{2} Glados is referring to the character.

{3} Glados is also INSANE.

The same goes for Wheatley at these times, as he has GONE insane.