Portal 2: Obvious game of the year?


New member
Apr 27, 2010
is there really ever a goty, i mean mw3 broke ever record know to man, people have been posting about skyrim for over a month now, arkham city and saints row were great games despite not having the impact their previous games did i don't regret getting either of them, assassins creed looks good(even though im worried where the series is heading since they want to make 1 every year)... in other words 2011 might have been one of the best years in gaming so its pretty much pointless to try and say one game out-shinned the rest

Wing Dairu

New member
Jul 21, 2010
I dunno, man...we've got some tough competition this year. Portal 2, Skyrim, Skyward Sword, Saint's Row 3...2011's been a good year for the industry.
Knife-28 said:
Ok, well, good for you. Personally, Halo CE Anniversary is my GOTY, and I think everyone's entitled to have any game they want for GOTY.
I don't think you're allowed to name an HD port GOTY when it was already GOTY of 2001. Yes, this argument stands for OoT:3D as well, though I enjoyed it thoroughly.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Sigh, I've said this already before, but I am willing to do it all again. . .

Batman: Arkham City should win.

Skyrim will probably win.

All other games need not apply.

I love Skyrim, I've been playing it since it came out, and I've literally not played anything else since. But, the simple truth of the matter is Batman is better paced, and has so many other things going for it, that it deserves to win.

Skyrim is awesome, and will likely win due to it's sheer scope and fan base. ( which includes me), I think Batman could make a good effort to win, but in the end Skyrim will retain the win.

Everything else released this year, may include some very good games, but nothing I've seen, and nothing I've heard about, will come close to touching Batman or Skyrim.


New member
Nov 11, 2011
I haven't really played Arkham City that much to base my opinion on it... my problem is that once I've playing a game, I do not feel any sense of playing another game. I lose any interest in all games besides the one I currently either bought or am playing; in this case, it's Skyrim.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
My GOTY is Vanquish. It came out last year but I only bought it this year so it wins MGOTY. (My Game of the Year)


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Well as much as I disliked Portal 2 for being an over priced 2 hour game, it will be a contender.

Actually no I take that back, Portal can't compete with any of the big releases of the year, I would pick MW3 as GOTY over Portal 2.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
I used to think Portal 2 would be game of the year, then I took an arrow to the knee.

I never asked for that.

(See, I used memes to express my two preferred picks, Skyrim and DXHR. I'm so clever*. Portal 2 would win my bronze medal, though. It was a fun game.)

*Not actually that clever at all.

Comic Sans

Oct 15, 2008
United States
In my humble opinion (and what I think will be the opinion of most gaming publications), GOTY will be Arkham City by far.

The Heik

King of the Nael
Oct 12, 2008
ipickedsquirtle said:
I've played Skyrim, and Uncharted, but neither of them had the impact on me that Portal 2 did. Im not biased either, I'm a huge Elder Scrolls fan, and played Drake's Fortune and all. For some reason I just can't see it NOT winning.
I'd have to disagree with you there. Portal 2 while fun, simply didn't leave a big enough impact on the community. Skyrim on the other hand has pretty much defined this year for releases, getting people excited about it months before it came out and keeping them excited long past the point where people generally lose the hype momentum. More so it came out at the end of the year, so even if it wasn't a kick-ass game that improved on almost every aspect of the series, it is on everyone's mind, and will most likely win just because of that.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Portal 2 had too many section where you placed one portal ahead of you and another one across the room. It was a great game and it had much better puzzles than the original, more focus on understanding rather than needing reflexes. I liked it, but it seemed that half the game wasn't needed.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
this is definitely one of the best years gaming has had to offer. All of the GOTY nominees are very spectacular (unfortunately I still have to play some of them), personally I think Portal 2 is great but it's somewhat overshadowed by Skyrim because of the timing and just good skyrim actually is (technical issues aside). I really wanna go back and finish the co-op for portal 2, but I promised someone I'd do the whole thing with them. And I'm looking forward to Uncharted 3 and Arkham City. Also I'd like to add that you can't put too much stock in some of the sites who make GOTY as many of their results will be different, but that's the great thing about opinions.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
No way. portal 2 is a great, amazing experience, But only on the first playthrough. Once you know how to do everything in the game there is no more fun to be had. The jokes are funny but they arent funny the second time either. Portals only good for one playthrough.(Although I am considering buying it on pc to get some of those extra levels modders make)

Compared to skyrim which Ive already played at least three times as much. Out of the games ive played: Skyrim for GOTY.


<Insert Avatar Here>
Jul 3, 2008
I pronounce this Year Of The Game, nevermind ONE awesome game, look at how many awesome games we've had! Very good year for gaming.

pyramid head grape

Feb 4, 2011
What does it matter? Both games are great in there own right. I guess GOTY has always been meaningless to me.

[sub]Now to go play more Skyrim![/sub]