Portal 2: Worth the price?


Gaming Wildlife
Apr 5, 2009
Just finished portal 2. Good game. Really good game. For fifty bucks, though, I'm debating whether or not it was worth the price of admission. Don't get me wrong. Portal 2 was great. But let's use a quick metaphor real quick with a cup of coffee.

The games industry has been churning out coffee since the 70s and 80s and has gone through good cups and baaaaaaaad cups. Cups that are essentially powder with barely enough water to consider it a liquid, and cups that have barely any java in them, mostly water. We see it all through unskippable cut scenes, endless dialogue, repetitive combat, and slap-dash stories.

Then in 2007 when valve was porting their latest best-selling roast to consoles, they made a very small cup that came with their single-player sequel and multi-player sequel. That cup was called portal. It was the best tasting cup of coffee we, the java community had seen in a long time. The problem? It was a very tiny cup. What's astonishing about it is there was no sugar (combat) no cream (cut scenes) it was a hazelnut roast (puzzle game) and had some of the fullest flavor we've ever had in a cup (dark and comedic story told really well and compacted into a quick 2 hour game) but... It was VERY VERY TINY. We wanted more.

So, Valve not being idiots started to create a sequel. Another full-bodied roast that had so much flavor it didn't require cream, sugar, or any other flavorings besides itself. Last month, we got it. Playing through it, we got exactly what we hoped. A smooth and delicious flavor that we could also drink with a friend (co-op mode) the cup we enjoyed by ourselves had a completely different flavor to that which we shared with a friend, and both were amazing.

The problem? The cup cost 50 bucks.

Now don't get me wrong! It was a really really REALLY good cup of coffee. It's just that... For a 50 dollar cup, I thought I would get... A little more. Once again, on its own, no sugar, no cream, and still being tasty is incredible. But, the cup was only about 3 times bigger than the original, and the co-op was about the same.

Compared to other games like World of Warcraft, Half-Life 1, Fallout 3, which I've been playing recently, it seems less... Substantial. Granted, WoW's coffee gets really repetitive really quick, Half-Life 1's coffee is pretty old, and the random flavors I keep finding (mods) rarely add something else, and Fallout 3, while being a giant cup with tons of room for flavors, can seem pretty lifeless cup after cup.

But still... These are coffees that keep bringing me back. And once you've enjoyed the two delicious cups of coffee portal 2 has, what else is there? Unfortunately, the coffee can't be enjoyed more than once. (No replay value.)

All in all, it's a good 10(ish) hours of fun, but for a 50 dollar price tag, we're talking 5 bucks an hour to enjoy it. Half-Life (with it's expansions) World of Warcraft, and Fallout 3 (there are others, I'm just using these as an example) each gave me less than a dollar per hour I enjoyed it.

TL:DR: Portal was fun, but the 50 dollar price tag seems too high for the amount of time I spent playing it.

Thoughts? Reactions?


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
I'm normally all about content/cost ratio and bash on games where that ratio is bad, but in some rare cases the quality makes up for the lack of quantity. Portal 2 is IMO one such example. Now, I'm not a Valve fanboy, I don't like L4D or TF2 and I think the first Portal is a cute minigame, nothing more. But Portal 2 is a wonderful game that would only be diminished by being longer. I could make a long post about all the aspects of the game I think are awesome (gameplay, writing, story, characters, visual design, voice work, did I mention writing?...), but let's just say that the answer to the title question is YES.

One of the rare cases where quality > quantity, at least for me.


New member
Mar 16, 2011
Yeah I thought about this. It does have Co-op aswell, but the quality really is worth it for single player.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
CGAdam said:
Also, free DLC maps in a few months. Heat that up for ya?

Valve has a record of supporting their games with free updates years after the original release. Ask this question again in 2-3 years and I'm sure everyone will say it was worth it.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
last three Call of Duty's had shorter single player but people were still happy at full price homefront is frighteningly short and also at full price, medal of honor is shorter that portal 2 and also at full price.

portal 2 single player took me around 8 to 10 hours (an okay lenght) with some of the best design and production standar I've seen in years. so single player alone was worth my money but we also have incredibly fun co-op and free DLC maps coming wery soon. so without a doupt this is wort the 50 bucks (I payed around 12.000 ISK (icelandic krona) which equates to around 108 US dollars)

Side Note: to all other Icelanders who go to the Escapist: Are we gona let this stand this markup is criminaly high I get that the retailers need to make money but DAMN this high of a markup is insane


New member
May 3, 2011
I had a similiar train of thought after finishing the game. It was great, I had a ton of fun from the get go but I felt, while there certainly was a lot of bang, that it may not have been the best bang for the buck.
But then I remembered how much effort Valve put and still puts into TF2. And with the recent announcement of free DLC in the summer that former negative thought was easily dismissed.
So to borrow the metaphor of that giant bucket of coffee that is WoW which is constantly refilled by Blizzard, you can be sure that this great cup of Portal coffee was made by great barristas who care that you have the coffee of your life.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
Loving the coffee analogy :)

Like the guy said above, they'll be bringing out DLC for this for a loooong time yet, I'm thinking.


New member
Jul 21, 2009
Well, I'll admit that the game was short for the price. HOWEVER:

1) I'd say it was the perfect length for what it was - you wouldn't drink a large mug of espresso.

2) DLC coming soon, SDK after that. Unlimited refills anyone?

Damn it, now I need to put the kettle on.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
I gleaned a lot more enjoyment from it than I did many other full priced games, so I consider it to be worth it.

That said, I still think that standardised pricing is a little weird. In what world would one pay the same amount for Skyrim as they would a totally linear FPS clone? This one, apparently.


New member
Jun 11, 2008
You think 50 dollar is much for a game?

In europe the game sells (atleast in retail) for 50 Euros, that translates to 74$
Luckily valve also sold them on steam for much more reasonable prices.

Still i think it is totally worth it, It has tons of high quality voice work.

so if you are still talking with coffee comparisons..

See it like a piece of cake with your cup of coffee,
Most modern games have lots of voicework,
but often low quality overly cheezy, badly written lines.
See it as having to munch your way through some old dense xmas fruitcake that you can throw through a window.

Portal 1 featured a slice of dark chocolaty (Glados) cake, it was a small slice, but the quality was pretty good, the flavour was very intense and rich still it was fluffy and moist on the inside,
It had great sauce and came with a cherry on top... though it was a small slice.
And every time you play it, you get the same slice with the same cherry on top.

Portal 2 however comes with this amazing cake,
it has 3 different layers with 3 seperate flavours. (Wheatly, Cave Jhonson and GlaDOS) All bound together by this amazing sauce.
Also sometimes when you take a slice you get a chocolate on top, the other time a cherry, or maybe even a candle. Because every time you play, and you act differently or wait a bit longer or just explore new parts, you get some new dialog from Glados, Wheatly or CJ.
In portal 2 the slice is also a lot bigger, still its very fluffy and light, so you have no troubles at all eating your way through that big slice. :D

so that was how portal2 was like for me! :D


New member
Feb 7, 2009
IvoryTowerGamer said:
CGAdam said:
Also, free DLC maps in a few months. Heat that up for ya?

Valve has a record of supporting their games with free updates years after the original release. Ask this question again in 2-3 years and I'm sure everyone will say it was worth it.
This is very true.

And even without it I still think it was worth the price.

High quality games like this are pretty rare, and the 38? i paid for it on Steam was well spent.

gardyna said:
Side Note: to all other Icelanders who go to the Escapist: Are we gona let this stand this markup is criminaly high I get that the retailers need to make money but DAMN this high of a markup is insane
Can't you buy it off Steam?

It's a shame you Icelanders get ripped of like this.

You are more than welcome to Norway.
We are a brother people after all.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Frankly, it's one of the only games currently on the market that IS worth 50 bucks. I don't judge a game based on time spent playing it. I judge it how much I enjoyed it. I enjoyed Portal 2 at least 50 bucks worth.


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
Is Portal 2 worth 50$? I guess it depends on your priorities when it comes to games. If you are the sort who goes for highest quality as your highest virtue, then I am fairly sure that Portal 2 is a good game. If, on the other hand, you want something that you can play several times, and for a long time, then... no. Portal 2 doesn't seem to have much lasting power beyond the initial euphoria of playing through single-player and co-op for the first time. After that... there isn't much else to do. Kinda like Left 4 Dead 1/2, except worse.


New member
Oct 2, 2010

Wasn't that interested in buying it anyway.
but paying that much for one big enviroment puzzle is a waste. If I wanted to piss off my brain cells I can do it for free with a sudoku puzlle from my local newspaper.


New member
May 23, 2010
IMO: yes. The amount of fun and polish I got out of it made up for the relatively short time I've spent with it. Replayability will probably come later with the SDK and Challenge mode and and people will have nothing more to complain about.

Lt. Vinciti

New member
Nov 5, 2009
IvoryTowerGamer said:
CGAdam said:
Also, free DLC maps in a few months. Heat that up for ya?

Valve has a record of supporting their games with free updates years after the original release. Ask this question again in 2-3 years and I'm sure everyone will say it was worth it.
By that time it should be $30 give or take.....


Gaming Wildlife
Apr 5, 2009
I guess what I'm saying is that for 50 bucks, it feels unsubstantial right now. If you haven't bought it yet, don't worry, it's not going anywhere. Give it a year. They'll probably lower the price, and give you a nice, big DLC cup of cream over the summer. At that point, it will probably be worth it.

I'm just saying, I bought their HL1 pack on steam for 20 bucks and got HL1, two expansions, and the original Team Fortress. Minus TF I got a good 22-ish hours of gameplay for 20 bucks. And it was great.