Red Dead Redemption
World of Warcraft + expansions
And I'll even throw in Killer Instinct. Sure it's been a long time since I even had it, but I used to put it on all the time as a kid.
A lot of my favorites have already been mentioned: Metroid Prime, Okami, Bastion, Transistor, Xenoblade Chronicles among them, so I'll stick to ones that haven't been mentioned
How on Earth did I forget Streets of Rage? By chance, did you ever play the remake? While the original soundtracks are undeniably godlike, the composers for the remake bring some welcomed heft into the fray.
And speaking of classics, I've gotta give some love to
How on Earth did I forget Streets of Rage? By chance, did you ever play the remake? While the original soundtracks are undeniably godlike, the composers for the remake bring some welcomed heft into the fray.
And speaking of classics, I've gotta give some love to
Never heard of that actually, seems like a good track though, only got as far as Streets of Rage 3 myself... How about a little more Tony Hawks? Could never get enough of those games:
I have to say I am a huge fan of a lot of the retro Square music. Some of my favourites:
<spoiler=Chrono Trigger>I love ALL of Chrono's music, but if I had to pick one it's this one<youtube=1cZeMdFWpEI>
<spoiler=Secret of Mana>I would go to the Pure Lands just to listen to this theme.<youtube=3_XFuwO8UyU&list=PLF1C9C4DE2E098EFA&index=76>This one still creeps the heck out of me sometimes...<youtube=cPJgzbGwdyI&index=77&list=PLF1C9C4DE2E098EFA>
<spoiler=Final Fantasy>Again, I love the majority of Final Fantasy music, but if I was forced to pick just one.<youtube=IBL8Zyp7n4I>
Not Square, but two of my favourite games of all time:
<spoiler=Lufia I and II><youtube=aSDp8nTZeB4><youtube=JlgW03yKsw4>
For the more modern stuff, I've only been playing Dragon Age and Mass Effect. I'm rather impressed with Dragon Age's OST up to date. I've been catching myself humming some of the songs from the tavern from Inquisition.
Torchlight, obviously. By Matt Uelmen, who's probably best known for the Diablo 2 soundtrack. Since I'm new to computing and have no idea how to embed videos, have a link instead:
Torchlight 2 has another great soundtrack by him, but this gives me moar feelz.
A few...
Frozen Synapse []
Dune []
Mother 3 []
Way of the Samurai []
Lost Odyssey []
Megaman (all, up to X)
Road Rash (1-3)
WWE Smackdown (including SD vs. RAW)
It's a fan remake of SoR's 1, 2, and 3 wherein you start on any of the first stages, and fork-in-the-road your way through any of the rest with some interesting new tidbits in between. I highly recommend it.
3, 4, and UG are a tad fuzzy, but the soundtracks for 1 and 2 really opened my mind to a diverse set of music when I was younger, and I still have both albums in their entirety, as well as the collective works of just about every artist therein. I still credit
from THPS2 as my introduction to industrial metal.
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