Potato Salad Kickstarter Closes With $55,000+


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Soo much butthurt over someone who has made money off of a clever idea that was caught by the viral marketing whim. It was funny and he had no real expectations other than making a joke. The internet thought it was funny, and thousands upon thousands of people threw small amounts of money at him, which compiled into large amounts of money. If you can't understand why people will pay money for entertainment then I suggest you stay away from society.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Asclepion said:
One wonders how many lives can be saved if people showed the same enthusiasm towards their fellow man.
Even worse that that, there's been a lot of hostility towards people using this sort of thing for serious issues. Trying to raise money because they are disabled and unemployed, or hell, just to make videos to talk about games, leads to death threats.

Now, not saying that sending a potato kickstarter money is wrong, but it's saying something about society's priorities.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
well you can get as annoyed as you want that someone "undeserving" got all this money but people are allowed to spend their own money however they want at least hes being cool and doing something positive with the money, in a months time when there are thousands of copycat kick starters I'm sure none of them will have any intention of giving to charity (if they make any money at all)


New member
Feb 27, 2008
I work a full time job working in a factory, go to school part time to earn my degree so I can get by. And this guy gets this much money thrown at him for a joke on Kickstarter... the world just isn't fair.


Dec 24, 2011
If you're going to complain, complain about the people who win millions in the lottery every week. At least this guy came up with a funny idea and is giving things back to his supporters.

And yes, the money could have been donated to a charity instead, just like all the free money we spend. Then again, how many people saying that regularly support charities?


New member
Jul 8, 2008
Exterminas said:
I am currently planning to invest three years of my life into a doctorate. But I am having a hard time finding a research scholarship since there are not a lot of them around and the paperwork you have to file for this sort of thing is diabolical.

I am telling you this, because It really stings to see that some guy with a semi-clever kickstarter idea got more money thrown after him than anyone looking to do research.

... Maybe I should start a kickstarter for my doctorate!
Advisory comment depends. Are you confident that you can garner enough crowd interest to care about and (even partially) fund your doctorate? Some 6911 people's worth might be a good milepost, too.

That's ALWAYS been the thing about KickStarter; It's more telling how many people contribute rather than the face amount funded. I guess for both a bit of contextual comedy and the feeling of community, people can see their own 'contribution' justified. Just over $8 worth, on average.

...You know what, that's alot for a laugh. Plus, this is basically the most unintended gift to the Kickstarter company ever, since they take a cut as well.

But hey, I guess we can't tell people how to spend their money...(for all the good that does)

Someone Depressing

New member
Jan 16, 2011
I love the internet. Only on the internet can a guy making potato salad drum up $55,000 and spend it all on t-shirts and potatoes as a result.


Elite Member
Mar 17, 2010
Okay, this is probably one of the last times I'm going to enjoy something like this.
I find it funny, I like what the guy's doing with all his cash, I get it, I do, but between this and Goat Simulator and Rock Simulator (oh yeah, that's real https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/rock-simulator-2014) I'm getting a little tired of these really expensive jokes.
They were fun, they were, and what this guy's doing with his potato money, I can appreciate, I just hope it doesn't go on too much longer.


New member
Aug 1, 2011
Exterminas said:
... Maybe I should start a kickstarter for my doctorate!
You wouldn't be the first to try that. If you do I hope it works out for you.

Atary77 said:
I work a full time job working in a factory, go to school part time to earn my degree so I can get by. And this guy gets this much money thrown at him for a joke on Kickstarter... the world just isn't fair.


There are young boys in small villages in Afghanistan being raped by their elders on a weekly basis, under daily threat of being killed by a bomb some dickhead from Pakistan planted next to their house, absolutely bricking it for when the British leave at the end of the year and their source of fresh water (currently supplied by the local patrol base) fucks off.

Tell me again how your first world life isn't fair because some bloke managed to make a little bit of money off of a bit of fun on the internet?

Seriously people - I facepalmed as much as the next man when I saw how much attention this was getting, but could we PLEASE get a bit of context when it comes to how "unfair" it is that this bloke got $55,000 ... Firstly: That's not THAT much money, there are rich kids out there who've done even less than this bloke who get far more than that from their mummies and daddies every year. Secondly: The amount of money you have (however meagre) is a fucking fortune to most of the worlds population.

You may be poor in America (or Britain, or whatever other first world country you live in), but you're a fucking millionaire in Afghanistan, Somalia (or whatever broken, corrupt state you choose for this particular example).

Finally (to Atary 77 mostly): I apologise if this actually came off as being a bit harsh and overly aggressive, didn't mean to bag on you quite so much (or turn it into something so fucking preachy), I'm leaving it as is though (because, annoying and preachy as it is, I do genuinely want to highlight the whole "life's not fair" complaint as being a mostly false one for those of us lucky enough to live in the west).

Good luck with school, hopefully it'll lead you to whatever job it is you really want to do. Personally I've been looking at jobs that let me get paid a lot of money to drink, have sex, and sleep all day, but to be that kind of successful Gigolo I'd first have to spend a couple of years hitting the Gym every day and eating nothing but steamed chicken and broccoli... I love Pizza and not being in the Gym far too much for that.


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
Now we need a Coockie Clicker Kickstarter;
1 click = 1 Dollar.
Depend the clicks the kickstarter will have, the more cookies the developers will share with us.

And maybe one Potato salad just for the heck of it.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
If anyone's interested in how Potato Salad came to be a thing, there's a good in-depth breakdown of Danger Brown's successful project over on Kickstarter:
