PRANKS! Let's hear 'em!!


New member
May 27, 2009
Xprimentyl said:
Urgh76 said:
We got 3 cranes and brought them to our high school. After we labeled them "1", "2", and "4", we let them loose. They drove upstairs and it usually takes a pig to get them out. Teacher resigned!
Wait, what? "Cranes" as in the bird? If you had 3 of them, why "1," "2" and "4"? They "drove"? Where does a PIG come into play, and "usually"? Outside of bacon, pork chops and ham sandwiches, when are pigs ?usually? anything? So confused?
Old 2010 memes []. Usually takes a crane and the pig one (1, 2 and 4) have had so many iterations done of them over the years and variations. This was a combo.

Mar 30, 2010
Xprimentyl said:
Grouchy Imp said:
So when I got myself onto the property ladder for the first time I decided to throw a massive house party (which no doubt endeared me to the neighbors, but hey ho) to celebrate. Now as everyone knows the first person to crash out during a house party must be pranked. We've done quite a few over the years - shaved eyebrows, clingfilm mummification, used condom buckaroo, etc. so we felt the need to up the game for this one. One of the lasses present produced from her bag a tube of hair removal cream, and this was liberally applied to the head of the first guy to fall asleep. Very pleased with our prank we carried on the party, getting drunk(er) and generally having a bloody good time. Thing is, in our revelry we kinda forgot about John, and it wasn't until the party wound down the next morning that he was discovered, still asleep and with the cream still on his head. That party was 18 years ago, and the poor guy still has to comb over a couple of bald spots.
Jesus, did he stay friends with you all?!? That?s terrible! Did he do anything to get you all back? Shame is one thing, but if you ?pranked? me with permanent bald spots, I?d have to beat the spirit of vengeance off with a stick every morning to maintain my place as a functioning member of decent society.
Erm, we did have quite the falling out at the time. Luckily he understands that the results of the prank were far more accidental than intentional, and now is at least cordial with most of us. As for getting us back? I've got to be honest I'd feel better about it if he did, but he's been almost inhumanly understanding about it which, if anything, makes the guilt even worse.


Vae Victis!
May 24, 2010
Grouchy Imp said:
Xprimentyl said:
Grouchy Imp said:
So when I got myself onto the property ladder for the first time I decided to throw a massive house party (which no doubt endeared me to the neighbors, but hey ho) to celebrate. Now as everyone knows the first person to crash out during a house party must be pranked. We've done quite a few over the years - shaved eyebrows, clingfilm mummification, used condom buckaroo, etc. so we felt the need to up the game for this one. One of the lasses present produced from her bag a tube of hair removal cream, and this was liberally applied to the head of the first guy to fall asleep. Very pleased with our prank we carried on the party, getting drunk(er) and generally having a bloody good time. Thing is, in our revelry we kinda forgot about John, and it wasn't until the party wound down the next morning that he was discovered, still asleep and with the cream still on his head. That party was 18 years ago, and the poor guy still has to comb over a couple of bald spots.
Jesus, did he stay friends with you all?!? That?s terrible! Did he do anything to get you all back? Shame is one thing, but if you ?pranked? me with permanent bald spots, I?d have to beat the spirit of vengeance off with a stick every morning to maintain my place as a functioning member of decent society.
Erm, we did have quite the falling out at the time. Luckily he understands that the results of the prank were far more accidental than intentional, and now is at least cordial with most of us. As for getting us back? I've got to be honest I'd feel better about it if he did, but he's been almost inhumanly understanding about it which, if anything, makes the guilt even worse.
That's the best revenge!
Mar 30, 2010
COMaestro said:
Grouchy Imp said:
Xprimentyl said:
Grouchy Imp said:
So when I got myself onto the property ladder for the first time I decided to throw a massive house party (which no doubt endeared me to the neighbors, but hey ho) to celebrate. Now as everyone knows the first person to crash out during a house party must be pranked. We've done quite a few over the years - shaved eyebrows, clingfilm mummification, used condom buckaroo, etc. so we felt the need to up the game for this one. One of the lasses present produced from her bag a tube of hair removal cream, and this was liberally applied to the head of the first guy to fall asleep. Very pleased with our prank we carried on the party, getting drunk(er) and generally having a bloody good time. Thing is, in our revelry we kinda forgot about John, and it wasn't until the party wound down the next morning that he was discovered, still asleep and with the cream still on his head. That party was 18 years ago, and the poor guy still has to comb over a couple of bald spots.
Jesus, did he stay friends with you all?!? That?s terrible! Did he do anything to get you all back? Shame is one thing, but if you ?pranked? me with permanent bald spots, I?d have to beat the spirit of vengeance off with a stick every morning to maintain my place as a functioning member of decent society.
Erm, we did have quite the falling out at the time. Luckily he understands that the results of the prank were far more accidental than intentional, and now is at least cordial with most of us. As for getting us back? I've got to be honest I'd feel better about it if he did, but he's been almost inhumanly understanding about it which, if anything, makes the guilt even worse.
That's the best revenge!
There's something deeply unnerving about someone with that avatar discussing revenge. :)