Previous-Gen Games You Would Like To See Sequels/Remakes Of


New member
Nov 22, 2007
Did anyone besides me ever play Draken? Looks like Lair was an attempt to make something similar, but failed wildly. Draken was great because you had fully fleshed out dragon combat in the air with Arokh, as well as a level up system, armor and weapon upgrades and fully realized dungeon combat for Rynn. You could fly all over the place and dismount almost anywhere to explore on foot (Grand Theft Dragon) and pick up treasure. A game well ahead of its time, which is probably why no one bought it.


New member
Dec 29, 2007
The original Metal gear solid (yes, I know they did Twin Snakes, but why was it only on the GC?) and all of the PS1 crash bandicoot games. The series went downhill after naughty dog sold it...Crash Team Racing was an awesome game, better than Mario Cart IMHO. And they should remake Vib Ribbon,such a simple idea, there has never been a game like it... (and its really hard to get hold of :p)


New member
Dec 27, 2007
TheTakenOne said:
I'm surprised people have actually heard of Zombies Ate My Neighbors. When I first got it years ago it seemed like one of those games no one would ever buy but it was obscenely fun and had a charm all its own. I'd love to see a remake or some kind of sequel for a current gen. console. More giant baby fights!
Zombies Ate My Neighbors is a classic. I've still got a copy of it on my Genesis. Not sure how good a sequel would be these days, though. The game might be tough to emulate without the top-down perspective. Aside from that, LucasArts doesn't seem to care about non-Star Wars games these days, so I doubt we've got any chance of a sequel or remake.

Another sequel I want that probably won't happen is another Monkey Island game. That's always been my favorite series in gaming, and it's sad to think that LucasArts probably won't ever be making adventure games any more, as that was the one thing they were truly good at.


New member
Nov 28, 2007
A real sequel to Alundra would be nice. Alundra 2 was awful, and nothing like the first one in any way. Id k to see a new alundra in the style of the original, I think it'd work well on a handheld.


New member
Dec 12, 2007
Satki said:
The original Metal gear solid (yes, I know they did Twin Snakes, but why was it only on the GC?) and all of the PS1 crash bandicoot games.
So basically hoping for something like what happened with Tomb Raider? It'd be nice to get the goodness of Crash Bandicoot, but honestly I don't know how they'll revive it since it's such a simple concept. But hey, Ratchet and Clank is being well considered and I never expected that.

And if they'll do another Twin Snakes then I'll feel a bit horrified. Because that game felt like overkill on the characters by making the CGiness get over their heads. Snake seemed such a show off with a totally bunch of mad l33t ninja skills that made him look like a Grey Fox wanna be (Throw a grenade directly into a tank's cannon with perfect accuracy? Are you kidding me?).


New member
Nov 14, 2007
Crazyshrink said:
Probably the first really new and revolutionary game since it did not focus on money made but rather on fun had...sounds good
Just what are you talking about? Zombies ate my neighbors was a huge hit, and like every COMMERCIAL game, it was released to make money, heck, even spanning a sequel (which I KNOW most of you don't even know it exists). It wasn't the fact it was focused on money, it just had very creative creators. Money doesn't necesarily ruin franchises you know (like Halo 3, huge game).

Games I'd love to see a remake or a sequel of:
-Super DodgeBall for the NES. Crazy fun and original game, I want a DS version as wacky as that one, unlike the Super FAMICOM crapfest that it turned out later to be.
-Crystalis: Hell, one of the best adventures games of all time (for me even superior to both the NES Zeldas), got a crappy port to the GameBoy Color and a dumbed down storyline. Nintendo, I want a sequel to the ORIGINAL one.


New member
Dec 12, 2007
About the sequel, that was called Ghoul Patrol right? According to Mike Ebert, designer of Zombies, it wasn't supposed to be the sequel.

"What happened is they had another game that was kind of lost and struggling, so they changed it into "Ghoul Patrol" and called it a sequel to ZAMN in hopes that it would actually sell. It really never was supposed to have anything to do with Zombies Ate My Neighbors. I was shocked when I first saw it in the test department and the characters looked like the Z.A.M.N characters".
So I guess it is elligible to ask for an actual sequel that had the same kind of flair that game possessed.

Oh! Seeing Screwattack reminds me of a game that'd be nice to see again: Ristar!

Although this is kinda feeling like a "Which game from the old generation would you like to buy again" thread.


New member
Dec 28, 2007
hang on what was the game called on megadrive with the zombies and the water pistols and the the creepy music and scary lumberjack guyz that gave me nightmares as a child? becuz that was an awesome game.

John Galt

New member
Dec 29, 2007
Civilization: Call to Power. None of the other games in the series have come close to matching that game in depth and gameplay. I mean come on, you could build space stations and big ol' underwater cities!

Melty Blood

New member
Dec 22, 2007
Final Fantasy Chrystal Chronicals, because I'm a consoletard. I KNOW they're making another one, but I'd rather they just remake it without the needless "You need one Gameboy advance AND Gameboy link cable PER PLAYER". When I managed to gather three link cable, and GBAs in one place, that was the most fun I ever had.


New member
Dec 24, 2007
Melty Blood said:
Final Fantasy Chrystal Chronicals, because I'm a consoletard. I KNOW they're making another one, but I'd rather they just remake it without the needless "You need one Gameboy advance AND Gameboy link cable PER PLAYER". When I managed to gather three link cable, and GBAs in one place, that was the most fun I ever had.
That really was fun, but requiring all those cables and GBA's was such a terrible design choice. If my friends and I weren't a bunch of RPG freaks we wouldn't have even bothered. If they could redo the game or make a sequel without all the needless extras in order to get a bunch of friends together to play, that would be great.

I can't imagine that would be easy, though... Maybe for a future console or some sort of online thing--not a MMORPG though. We have enough of those as it is.

Coincidentally, FF:CC was released the day of my 18th birthday. Just thought I'd throw that in there.


New member
Dec 30, 2007
ALIENS VS PREDATOR 2 for the PC... am I the only one that remembers the greatness of that game? Give me AVP 3 with next-gen graphics!!!

AVP extinction could also be a hit if they made a sequel with a more complex construction tree, skirmish and online mp.

... And yes I am a huge fan of both series.

Zombie Badger

New member
Dec 4, 2007
I'd like a re-make of Perfect Dark for the N64. Exactly the same as the original, but with the few glitches fixed, slightly better AI for bots, and online multi-player.


New member
Dec 22, 2007
One of the best games ever and the first game I ever owned, Elite for the BBC micro is long overdue for a proper remake.


New member
Dec 29, 2007
Zombie Badger said:
I'd like a re-make of Perfect Dark for the N64. Exactly the same as the original, but with the few glitches fixed, slightly better AI for bots, and online multi-player.
Yes it would be like halo as far online play...except not as much religious worship