Prince of Persia Behind-the-Scenes Shows Parkour, Sexy Abs


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
Distorted Stu said:
It has good hands working on this movie with good directors and Disney behind it. May make a good movie in terms of movies.. but as a fan of the game series it may rape my eyes and ears.
It's already bent the story of the game over a table and sodomized it with a broken chair leg.

I dunno, as a standalone movie, it looks to be fairly decent, but it seems there's absolutely nothing except the occasional costume and the Dagger of Time in common between any of the games and the movie.

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Agayek said:
Distorted Stu said:
It has good hands working on this movie with good directors and Disney behind it. May make a good movie in terms of movies.. but as a fan of the game series it may rape my eyes and ears.
It's already bent the story of the game over a table and sodomized it with a broken chair leg.

I dunno, as a standalone movie, it looks to be fairly decent, but it seems there's absolutely nothing except the occasional costume and the Dagger of Time in common between any of the games and the movie.
It seems fairly similar thematically. And parkour. And the style of combat.


New member
Jan 2, 2009
I just find it interesting that so many people automatically think this is goonna suck. Personally I'm gonna give it the benefit of the doubt and see it and decide then. Plus, any adaptation is going to have differences from the source material, people just need to lighten up and keep an open mind, and enjoy it for what it is, a poece of entertainment. Go in, shut your brain off for a couple hours, and relax for a bit.


Digital Wizard
Dec 17, 2008
Well, this is actually looking better-and-better. I'll probably go see it, even if just for the parkour and fight scenes.

Also, keep up on the misspelling his name Funk, it never gets old. I wonder if Jake Gylenheimer will ever see these?


Queen of France
Mar 14, 2009
OK, ho-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ot, but must he flail his arms like a robotic toy stuck in a washing machine?


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
CantFaketheFunk said:
It seems fairly similar thematically. And parkour. And the style of combat.
I dunno. I could see the argument for thematic similarities, but from the trailers I've seen it doesn't have that same epic fantasy/mystic feeling that Sands of Time, and the latter games to a lesser extent, did so well. It feels too realistic to me, basically. Not enough of the mystical stuff.

The parkour doesn't really feel the same to me, but that's probably more because of the differences in architecture. The thing with POP's platforming, for me at least, was always the huge epic buildings. The kind of thing basically perfectly showcased by the last bit of SOT, where you scale the outside of the Tower of Dawn to get to the Hourglass. Yes, the movie has some dude running around/over/through things, but it lacks a certain something that the games had.

I couldn't really say about the combat. All I ever did in any of the three games was either 1) jump over their heads and hit em on the way down or if that was impossible, 2) counterattack. In all three games, one of those two attacks would work on almost every enemy, excepting bosses. I'm just unoriginal I guess. I'll just take your word on it being similar.


New member
May 24, 2009
I will have you know, I actually enjoyed the Doom movie.

I have only tried out the engine of the Prince of Persia games, don't have any clue on how the storyline goes.

The 'parkour' (strange term) looks decent enough, but only time will tell how it will end up. I didn't, however, find the fight scenes too impressive. They seem to be those usual dull Hollywood camera-angle fight scenes, where, if you would have seen the fight scenes from only one perspective, you wouldn't have found them exciting.

As for Gyllenmajigger, I find him to be an impressive actor, and from the looks of the trailers so far, he appears to be doing a great job.

I am looking forward to this motion picture.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
David Belle is and always will be the prince. Do yourself a favor and watch B13. Best action movie of the zeros.