PS1 vs PS2 vs PS3 vs PS4

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Yoshi178 said:
yeah they capitalised on the situation, by directly taking a cheap shot at their competitor.

Sony was literally acting exactly like Nintendo, Sega and Sony did like 20 years beforehand back in the 90's.

sure it was funny, but it was still childish of the companies to do it back then, and it's childish for companies to do it now.
There are many many things to criticise in Sony, their film business and technical security not being the least. But this particular subject is like criticising Trump for wearing the wrong tie.


New member
Aug 15, 2014
Xsjadoblayde said:
Yoshi178 said:
yeah they capitalised on the situation, by directly taking a cheap shot at their competitor.

Sony was literally acting exactly like Nintendo, Sega and Sony did like 20 years beforehand back in the 90's.

sure it was funny, but it was still childish of the companies to do it back then, and it's childish for companies to do it now.
There are many many things to criticise in Sony, their film business and technical security not being the least. But this particular subject is like criticising Trump for wearing the wrong tie.
not at all.

Trump wearing the wrong tie doesn't hurt anyone.

Sony Directly attacking Microsoft like that does though. it was hitting a competitor while they were down in order to make their own brand look better than it actually was. which now that i think about it, is actually even worse than the banter between Nintendo/Sega/Sony back in the 90's.
at least back then in the late 80's and 90's, none of the companies had millions of video game fans already trash talking the companies like fans were already trash taking to Microsoft even before Sony made their PS4 used games announcement. yes even Xbox fans were verbally pissed at Microsoft back in 2013.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Yoshi178 said:
not at all.
Trump wearing the wrong tie doesn't hurt anyone.

Sony Directly attacking Microsoft like that does though. it was hitting a competitor while they were down in order to make their own brand look better than it actually was. which now that i think about it, is actually even worse than the banter between Nintendo/Sega/Sony back in the 90's.
at least back then in the late 80's and 90's, none of the companies had millions of video game fans already trash talking the companies like fans were already trash taking to Microsoft even before Sony made their PS4 used games announcement. yes even Xbox fans were verbally pissed at Microsoft back in 2013.
Eh? You're not making sense. Who exactly is hurt by Sony merely stating they're not going to do what Microsoft is doing? That's not pretending to be anything. Microsoft hurt themselves.'s utterly trivial and indeed harmless, so much so that I'm more concerned as to why it matters to you.


New member
Aug 15, 2014
Xsjadoblayde said:
Yoshi178 said:
not at all.
Trump wearing the wrong tie doesn't hurt anyone.

Sony Directly attacking Microsoft like that does though. it was hitting a competitor while they were down in order to make their own brand look better than it actually was. which now that i think about it, is actually even worse than the banter between Nintendo/Sega/Sony back in the 90's.
at least back then in the late 80's and 90's, none of the companies had millions of video game fans already trash talking the companies like fans were already trash taking to Microsoft even before Sony made their PS4 used games announcement. yes even Xbox fans were verbally pissed at Microsoft back in 2013.
Eh? You're not making sense. Who exactly is hurt by Sony merely stating they're not going to do what Microsoft is doing? That's not pretending to be anything. Microsoft hurt themselves.'s utterly trivial and indeed harmless, so much so that I'm more concerned as to why it matters to you.
Well Microsoft already had their entire fanbase pissed off at them, having their competition mock them and thus giving the pissed fans more ammo definitely wasn't going to help improve the situation for MS.

and come off it. Sony wasn't just "merely stating" that they weren't going to be doing what MS is doing. they were basically yelling and parading it around on the biggest stage in the entire video game industry with literally millions of videogame fans from every single fanbase watching.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Silentpony said:
PS1 I've completely forgotten about...
The PS1 is a funny system because it's probably the one that saw the fastest change in games and what buyers epexcted from games.

It was the first system to to able to make proper use of 3D polygon based graphics (I know that strictly the SNES, Saturn, 3DO and Jaguar all supported polygon rendering before the PS1, but between them I can think of literally one 3D game worth playing, Starwing on SNES) and it brought in CD audio.

So in 5 years one device went from playing mostly sprite based 2D platformers and arcade ports (stuff like Oddworld, Tombi, Ridge Racer) but by the end games had hit upon a structure they still mostly follow today (Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo, Alien Resurrection, Driver 2).

It's probably the most important console historically too. Sony gave console gaming a massive kick up the arse by advertising to adults and bringing in CDs. Nintendo still felt 64MB cartridges and MIDI audio were good enough, so without the PS1 completely changing what was possible for a game in terms of size I think the console market would have moved forwards alot more slowly.

I was going to say PS2 was my favourite, it certainly had a wealth of memorable games, but thinking about just how many games on PS1 I loved it has to go to that. So many series I played on PS2 started on PS1, some sadly started and effectively ended on PS1 too, I'd love another Colony Wars game.

The PS3 and 4 have been a much more homogenous period for games, certainly very good, but not the same kinds of massive leaps forwads that happened in the PS1 era and somewhat in the PS2.


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
dscross said:
Here's one for you...

With four highly successful consoles under Sony's belt, and with the PS4 doing just as well as its predecessors, which generation of Playstation do you think was the best for its time, taking into consideration the factors at the time of release. You can use any criteria you like, not just sales figures (such as greatest impact on gaming, greatest legacy, best games - anything you want).

What is everyone's take?
PS2. It has the most experimental game library.


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Dec 31, 2017
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New member
Oct 8, 2015
Ps2. It could run ps1 games, which makes it objectivly better than the ps1, and it has a huge library of great games, games before microtransaction bullshit

blue heartless

Senior Member
Aug 28, 2005
I'm no expert on specs but my launch generation PS2 still functions perfectly without any repairs and some minor cleaning. I've had a PS1 and PS3 eventually wear down due to extended use. Haven't got a PS4 so no comment on that front.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
PS2, for me, was the greatest console of all time. Just looking at the games and the BC to play PS1 games. Amazing console. Never bothered with the PS3, as Sony got arrogant with its success and charged a fortune and then started ripping out its contents. But they did good with the PS4. Same way MS had there arrogant moment with the success of the 360 and did their crap with the Xboxone. Hopefully next gen both companies realise they cant take gamers for granted and the PS5 and Xbox whatever will be amazing consoles with zero BS attached.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
I'd say the PS2.

Not just for it's massive library of games and few flaws, but also for the fact that it basically reigned supreme for that whole gen. The Gamecube and original Xbox simply couldn't compete with it. If you didn't have one at the time, you were pretty much missing out on that generation of gaming.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Yoshi178 said:
Nothing in your conversation makes any sense. Sony has no obligation of being friendly with any competitor. And when they saw Microsoft was shooting themselves in the foot, it allowed them to further relate to their audience by highlighting the rediculous nonsense Microsoft was trying to pull. This was a GREAT move for the industry as a whole. Because it drew a line in the sand with what companies could and could not get away with.

If Sony hadn't called out Microsoft for trying to get rid of the used game market, if they had stayed silent and watched to see if people would buy Xbox's anyway, what do you think could have happened? They see MS getting all their game sales as new sales because used games no longer work. Then they decided to make their games work only as "new", and effectively destroy used game sales forever, just like the PC market.

No what Sony did was stand up and say that used games are pro-consumer and that they support the consumer. They said that the bullshit MS was trying to pull was not okay, not for the customer, not for the company, not for retailers, not for the games industry as a whole. They did the right thing here, and Microsoft further ruined itself by shutting down most of it's exclusives and thus making the XBOX a shitbox.

I wish publishers had the integrity that Sony has. Because maybe then we would see less shitty lootbox/microtransaction bullshit.


Elite Member
May 14, 2013
United Kingdom
Commanderfantasy said:
Yoshi178 said:
Nothing in your conversation makes any sense. Sony has no obligation of being friendly with any competitor. And when they saw Microsoft was shooting themselves in the foot, it allowed them to further relate to their audience by highlighting the rediculous nonsense Microsoft was trying to pull. This was a GREAT move for the industry as a whole. Because it drew a line in the sand with what companies could and could not get away with.

If Sony hadn't called out Microsoft for trying to get rid of the used game market, if they had stayed silent and watched to see if people would buy Xbox's anyway, what do you think could have happened? They see MS getting all their game sales as new sales because used games no longer work. Then they decided to make their games work only as "new", and effectively destroy used game sales forever, just like the PC market.

No what Sony did was stand up and say that used games are pro-consumer and that they support the consumer. They said that the bullshit MS was trying to pull was not okay, not for the customer, not for the company, not for retailers, not for the games industry as a whole. They did the right thing here, and Microsoft further ruined itself by shutting down most of it's exclusives and thus making the XBOX a shitbox.
I wish publishers had the integrity that Sony has. Because maybe then we would see less shitty lootbox/microtransaction bullshit.
While I?m not about to paint Sony as a corporate Gandhi anytime soon or anything, you do have a decent point as far as them keeping their exclusives largely free of bs like that. For being as corporate as they are, they seem to treat their in house properties more like a living ecosystem than numbers on a spreadsheet. No one else their size seems to want to take creative risks on new IP?s or struggling projects, and value developer input as much (because hey, they are the ones making the games). Would The Last Guardian have seen release if it were handled by some other big publisher for example.

Having said that, of course they?re still thinking about the bottom line, but as a consumer I appreciate the fact that it?s not all they think about. I think they also realize it pays off in the long run.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
hanselthecaretaker said:
Commanderfantasy said:
Yoshi178 said:
Nothing in your conversation makes any sense. Sony has no obligation of being friendly with any competitor. And when they saw Microsoft was shooting themselves in the foot, it allowed them to further relate to their audience by highlighting the rediculous nonsense Microsoft was trying to pull. This was a GREAT move for the industry as a whole. Because it drew a line in the sand with what companies could and could not get away with.

If Sony hadn't called out Microsoft for trying to get rid of the used game market, if they had stayed silent and watched to see if people would buy Xbox's anyway, what do you think could have happened? They see MS getting all their game sales as new sales because used games no longer work. Then they decided to make their games work only as "new", and effectively destroy used game sales forever, just like the PC market.

No what Sony did was stand up and say that used games are pro-consumer and that they support the consumer. They said that the bullshit MS was trying to pull was not okay, not for the customer, not for the company, not for retailers, not for the games industry as a whole. They did the right thing here, and Microsoft further ruined itself by shutting down most of it's exclusives and thus making the XBOX a shitbox.
I wish publishers had the integrity that Sony has. Because maybe then we would see less shitty lootbox/microtransaction bullshit.
While I?m not about to paint Sony as a corporate Gandhi anytime soon or anything, you do have a decent point as far as them keeping their exclusives largely free of bs like that. For being as corporate as they are, they seem to treat their in house properties more like a living ecosystem than numbers on a spreadsheet. No one else their size seems to want to take creative risks on new IP?s or struggling projects, and value developer input as much (because hey, they are the ones making the games). Would The Last Guardian have seen release if it were handled by some other big publisher for example.

Having said that, of course they?re still thinking about the bottom line, but as a consumer I appreciate the fact that it?s not all they think about. I think they also realize it pays off in the long run.
True enough, but look at it this way. EA is a company that wants ALL the money. They don't just want to make a profit, they want to make ALL of the profit. It's a corporate culture that lives on greed and nothing else matters. Their recent game releases prove this, name me any game in the last two years that EA released that didn't have a focus on loot crates or additional dlc's as a focus to the game itself.

Sony however, seems to just want their products successful. Because they know, that with success comes money. Look at every single Sony first party game. Hell, look at just sony exclusives. I really think that sony has mandated that any exclusive PS4 game, needs to be a game first, and a cash grab second.

Horizon: ZD - no MT's what so ever. DLC was a full expansion.
The Last Guardian - if MS was funding this, they would have scrapped it years ago. No MT's
Bloodborne - No MT, DLC was a full expansion.
Persona 5 - No MT's.
Crash Bandicoot - I mean even a fucking Activision game! Activision loves being greedy fuck holes, and this PS4 exclusive has no BS.
Nioh - No Mt's, Sizable DLC's

I mean the list goes on. And top that off with the fact that each of these games was a best seller. Sony knows that you don't need to milk people for money back, and they are showing that they will stand with consumers.

Now let's take a look at MS exclusives and see if there is bullshit.

Forza 7 - whoops here are some lootboxes.
Halo 5 - fucking lootboxes

Hmm....and we wonder why the Xbox sucks dick?


New member
Oct 24, 2008
A few years ago I would have said the PS2.
The PS1 had JRPGs up the ass, but the PS2 had a wide range of games, dual shock controllers and a better sense of programing for 3D space so it had a wider variety of games beyond stand out JRPGs and Twisted Metal 2.

Basically everything that the PS3 did, other systems did better, including the PS4 remasters of PS3 games.

BUT... now I gotta hand it to the PS4. Even though even 1TB storage on PS4 Pro is weak and PS4 Pro isn't as 4K capable as the Xbox One X (and most games still aren't really made to take advantage of the PS4 Pro... grr...) I still think it's their best console so far.

The controller is better, fingers don't slip off the R2/L2 buttons like the PS3, even though the controller has about 8 hours charge compared to the 40 hours of Xbox1/Switch Pro Controller.
I hate the touch pad and options and share buttons, but a lot games barely use them.

Still, for all I could criticize, it's just has a nice clean UI compared to Steam Big Picture or Xbox1, the store has a lot of deals and better deals for PS+ members, the PSVR has the least amount of screen door look despite having lower resolutions compared to other VR, and they're remastering a lot of the back catalog for HD and because of the chip set not being a stupid, proprietary Cell Processor, the remastered games will be backwards compatible in the future.

I mean the PS2 was great, but it's also easy to forget that "good" 64mb memory cards were $60 back when! More than games ($50) or the controllers ($50). Those games didn't have check points, or really bad check points. No autosaves. PS2 fog everywhere. Bleh.

I've gone back to older games recently and so many of them are just a pain in the neck to play! As I'm older, I value my freetime a little more and most modern games and systems seem to value my freetime a little more as well.

Sean Hollyman

New member
Jun 24, 2011
Probably PS2, had my favorite library of games and the jump from PS1 to PS2 felt awesome.

While the jump to PS3 graphics and quality wise is also impressive, I find the XMB kinda clunky to get through and the trophy list lags like hell.

I still need to give the PS4 more time, I think. It's got some great games but nowhere near as awesome as the huge library on the PS2.


New member
Feb 28, 2016
From best to worst:

[li]Playstation 2: The biggest (and best) library, backwards compatibility...what more could you want?[/li]
[li]Playstation: The original that got blown out of the water by its successor, but is still a damn good system.[/li]
[li]Playstation 4: Not as good as the first two, but definitely the best thing Sony's made in years.[/li]
[li]Playstation 3: Not only does it have the weakest library of the four IMO, but it had one of the worst launches in videogaming history. Though there is a great sense of irony in the fact that Sony was brought down by the same problems that pre-emptivly killed the Saturn.[/li]