PS3 Bayonetta Isn't Looking So Hot


Gentleman Bastard.
Jun 27, 2009
Yeah, fanboys ruin the fun for everyone when they get out of hand.

I kinda miss dingos rants though.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Did you hear about that one PS3 fanboy that claimed the PS3 was failing because 360 was too easy to program for? His rationale was that PS3 can't reach it's potential because 360 keep lowballing them. And PS3's failure was blamed on the 360. I thought that was called "competition".

That's funny. PS3 fanboys will say anything...


New member
Oct 10, 2008
They should have started development from the ps3. The only one who screwed up here were the developers for not seeing that problem, that has been blatantly obvious for a while now, ahead of time.

Of course, it's Bayonetta, so I wasn't going to buy it in the first place. This just supports that decision.


Gentleman Bastard.
Jun 27, 2009
The real problem is Sonys ass backwards reasoning behind making it hard to program for in the first place.

High costs, slow software sales and limited budgets = this kind of shit.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
This is Sega's fault right here. They promised equal graphical comparisons without doing their research on the Ps3's tech, and now once again they're shown as big fat liars.

I'm ignoring this game completely. Up yours Sega. And Platinum Games has really disappointed me too. Didn't they work on Devil May Cry? Disappointing.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
But but...TEH CELL!!!1

And such. I kid. That isn't good, bullshit ports annoy me. IMO if it's not up to scratch, they should delay the title until it's polished up to the standard of the 360 version, it's only fair.

jamesworkshop said:
John carmack (iD) Can't seem to get a stable 60Hz even after getting both PC/360 to do so with RAGE
And that's the one that actually worries me. John Carmack is who the development gods pray to. No doubt the PS3 is superior in tech, but I don't like the direction Sony took. Oh well, I'm still getting it Q3-4 '10.

Didn't Sony also state the programing was made harder intentionaly to assure that later releases would be of a higher quality due to the time needed to optimise fully the hardware
It's a bullshit reason. The console is supposed to be head and shoulders above the 360, no one is going to look at games 8 years into it's life cycle and say "ho hum, we've seen this at the start. I think I'll sell my PS3, the graphics suck now". And it's not fair to the developers who end up making garbage ass games because they took a gamble with the hardware and lost.

Kaz Hirai needs to do a Cammie Dunaway/David Jaffe and STFU.

The Random One

New member
May 29, 2008
I would make a comment about how the PS3's complexity is finally coming back to become its red ring of death, but I'll save it for when (if) it happens to a game that actually matters, and not a game about thinly veiled bondage.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Eh, I never cared much for the game anyway. However, I am skeptical of just basing this off of one source that says "Oh, yeah, the PS3 version is worse, just trust me on it!@#", with no screenshots or gameplay footage of the PS3 version itself. It's the internet after all.

Everyone's getting their panties in such a twist so very quickly, developers always show their game usually primarily on one console. Hell, I rarely see most game demos not on 360 or PC.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Pendragon9 said:
This is Sega's fault right here. They promised equal graphical comparisons without doing their research on the Ps3's tech, and now once again they're shown as big fat liars.

I'm ignoring this game completely. Up yours Sega. And Platinum Games has really disappointed me too. Didn't they work on Devil May Cry? Disappointing.
You seem to be mistaking "promises" for promises. Unless you're in possession of a time machine one can't definitively promise anything or everything in a software development cycle.

And yes, back before Platinum Games (then known as Clover Studios) was even formed, some of the dev staff worked on Devil May Cry. But that might as well be ancient history. It's like cutting John Romero some slack for making Doom, despite his last big project being a colossal joke.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Megacherv said:
Can I just say i'm loving this thread, everyone seems to have something slightly constructive to say.

Snotnarok said:
The PS3 is too big of a pain in the ass to develop for, I've tried to get multiplatform games on it and I wound up getting the lesser version every time. Assassins creed had major framerate issues and almost no color vs the 360 version, Armored Core 4 had no color at all, even Resident Evil 4 had some problems (they were very very very minor but I spotted it).

The system does wonderful with exclusives but it's rare to see the same on both systems in terms of multiplatforming. I think Soul Calibur 4 ran better, but it honestly makes me nervous buying anything that isn't exclusive on PS3 with the poor experience I had with 4 games in a row (non-exclusives). Games like Uncharted are mind blowing how good they look, I just wish they had the same polish for the multiplatform games.
I actually thought that the lack of colour on Assassin's Creed gave it a good feel. It all depends on which studio is making it. Some developers are better at it than others. The 1st-party developers (i.e. Insomniac Games, Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch etc.) are very good obviously, since they've only been trained in PS3 development. Epic are very good at PS3 development from what I've seen with their UT3 support, Battlefield:BC runs great, Lego Star Wars, all of the games I own seem to run great for most of the time. If I get a few framerate glitches occasionallyIi tend to ignore them, as I'm probably enjoying the game too much to care.
Don't get me wrong I don't usually mind but with Assassins Creed I was very upset, the framerate difference is huge, it chugged on the PS3 and there's no reason they couldn't get it running smooth. I don't blame sony for that, well they get some blame for making the machine hard to program for but the developers get most of the blame.


New member
Aug 30, 2009
Oh well i guess my love of these games has floated away... oh wait i never have even heard of this game before i read this so I'm good


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Meh, I wasn't going to get this game anyway, God of War 3 will be the definitive action-adventure game of this generation.

Honestly, I was disappointed with DMC 4.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
The people who call other people fanboys are really fanboys themselves. i fucking hate when people call me a fanboy. on another site i said that i own a ps3 and not a 360 or wii and immediately got the response "stupid sony fanboy buy a fucking 360 you stupid piece of shit"... Well THAT was rather rude. so i bought a ps3. you don't see me burning the 360 because i don't own one. although to be honest i am getting a 360. i bought a ps3 first because playstation was the system i grew up on. i still remember playing spyro the dragon when i was 4 years old (my fist game before the series started to suck). and i just love ratchet and clank and jak and daxter and most of its other exclusives (with a few exceptions).


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Looks like PS3 Blu-ray formatting is just headaches all around.

Also, I never found Bayonetta to be particularly hot anyways...the thick-rim glasses can be off-putting.
Unless you've got one of those naughty teacher fantasies.