Mcoffey said:
Sounds good to me. I hate how it can take more than a day to download a game from steam. The faster the better.
Apparently, spending more than a day waiting is better than going out, because the sun is scary or something.
But seriously, folks, was this ever really in question? The US is one of the primary markets and it lacks the infrastructure to have console level sales on pure digital distribution.
WAIT! I hear people protest. STEEEEEEEEEEEAM!
Yeah, Steam completely owns DD on the PC. The PC market is estimated, according to Forbes' sources, at about 4 billion (all figures in USD unless marked otherwise) annually. Steam owns about 80% of that. They own 80% of 4 billion, to repeat.
The gaming market was worth an estimated 67 billion in 2012. So while no actual numbers are available on Steam (Since Valve doesn't release any figures; Gabe pinky swears they're making it big, though), even if they held 100% of the market, they're still, what? about a sixth of the overall market? Yeah....
Hell, let's be generous. The PC market is double what is estimated, and they're now just over a TENTH of the market.
Well, then, I can see no flaw assuming that bringing the rest of the market digital, with ten times the load, would work out okay.
The truth is, people want an all-digital future, and this is the only reason they're predicting it. There was no pragmatic reason to believe the PS4 or Durango would offer themselves up as solely digital devices, because there's no reason to velieve either Sony or Microsoft are THAT suicidal.