My bank account is really, really secure. And just recently, my bank gave out new cards with these handy-dandy chips embedded in them to make it even MORE secure. Didn't have to pay ten bucks for the card, and if anything goes wrong with my account for reasons beyond my control, THEY have to make it right again.
Maybe Blizzard's authenticator wouldn't piss me off so much if it didn't cost the end-user, since we already have to pay monthly fees for the game. If you're charging for the software itself, then charging for monthly access, I'd damn well expect better security as part of the deal. But then, if you charge a further amount for that better security, it had better be 100% foolproof. 99% doesn't cut it, 75% doesn't cut it, 100%! Otherwise, if someone has the authenticator, and it fails, Blizzard had better be willing to refund the cost of the damn thing, plus refund the full amount paid for the services and software, because 3 years of gameplay can be wiped out faster than you can say "Mumorpeger".