PSA: Xbox One "Backwards Compatibility" Prank Is Bricking Consoles


New member
Sep 11, 2005
CymbaIine said:
Kinitawowi said:
TKretts3 said:
They were tricked, coned, into damaging their own property. If someone walks into a dark alley to take a shortcut home and gets mugged, we don't let the mugger go because the victim was 'stupid enough' to walk into a dark alley. Similarly, when someone spreads false information with the intention of conning people into sabotaging and destroying property, the victim should not be the one who is blamed - the conman/conwoman is the guilty party.

Free speech offers no protection for when you commit, and encourage others to commit, crimes.

And just because the original posts have been deleted, does not mean that they're completely untraceable. This is the internet, one very well could find out who made the posts.
No. Just no. You are everything that's wrong with modern society. If somebody told you that jumping off a cliff (sorry to borrow a very old and very tired analogy) would make you stronger, who's liable when you do it? You are. Deal with it.

Mugging is a direct action involving the causing of explicit harm to a person. This is not that. This is a fraudster committing an act playing on people's sense of entitlement and allowing them to make idiots of themselves. If the fraudsters were acting as representatives of Microsoft, then sure, there's probably liability there. This is not that. This is a bunch of wags from some forum who are currently laughing their arses off at how gullible people can be.
I think you are everything that's wrong with society. You have no comprehension of those that are not as old, young or experienced as you and will side with malicious no-life twats whose idea of fun is to try make people unhappy.

I have a 12 year old and being 12 and stupid it wouldn't surprise me if he tried something like this (actually it would be only because he is lucky enough to live with a adult that's a little bit more tech savvy that most of his friends parents). That's great, 12 year olds are supposed to make mistakes and learn from them, the problem would be that he would screw it up for his Brother too (and me for that matter). I have no idea where "entitlement" comes into this, unless you mean the game industrys sense of entitlement. Is it really so hard to believe that their machines have features that they have locked 'cos MONEY?
Yeah I'm with this guy. There is waaaaaay too much "LOL the stupids got what they deserved, now I can feel better about myself as a person" floating about this site, and threads like this act as a freaking lightning rod for it.

People were tricked into destroying stuff they own by people who had the time and will to create and circulate a fairly convincing image/statement. This is not a thing to condone or celebrate.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
Despite my not so positive feeling in regards to the xbone I feel sort of sorry for people who have had this happen to them because of some dumbass that they know believing this to be true trying it on the console and then breaking it, because you know someones little brother would be dumb enough to believe this and it is easy enough to do that it likely has happened. Also why would Microsoft allow people to have access to the dev controls on a retail model that just leads to shit like this occurring due to the fact that many people won't know what the fuck is needed to run the system properly.

Reed Spacer

That guy with the thing.
Jan 11, 2011
I laughed.

Seriously, I had to turn my head so I didn't spit-take coffee on my laptop.

Reed Spacer

That guy with the thing.
Jan 11, 2011
Gromril said:
People were tricked into destroying stuff they own by people who had the time and will to create and circulate a fairly convincing image/statement. This is not a thing to condone or celebrate.
I disagree. Taking advantage of the gullibility of others is practically a law for me.

I was a moderator of an online game. As an April Fool's prank, I made it seem as though an absolutely terrible event happened that practically stripped your character bare of all their gear and money. I came back an hour later and half of the players were terrified that they'd get hit with it, and a good percentage threatened to quit outright.

Up to the point where the game shut down there were still people who thought the event was real and thanked god they didn't get it.

The other mods treated me like I was a god.


New member
Aug 23, 2013
Reed Spacer said:
Gromril said:
People were tricked into destroying stuff they own by people who had the time and will to create and circulate a fairly convincing image/statement. This is not a thing to condone or celebrate.
I disagree. Taking advantage of the gullibility of others is practically a law for me.

I was a moderator of an online game. As an April Fool's prank, I made it seem as though an absolutely terrible event happened that practically stripped your character bare of all their gear and money. I came back an hour later and half of the players were terrified that they'd get hit with it, and a good percentage threatened to quit outright.

Up to the point where the game shut down there were still people who thought the event was real and thanked god they didn't get it.

The other mods treated me like I was a god.
That's different, it's funny, nobodys property gets wrecked. If you have told them to delete system32 or whatever to fix it would be similar to this.


New member
Sep 11, 2005
Reed Spacer said:
Gromril said:
People were tricked into destroying stuff they own by people who had the time and will to create and circulate a fairly convincing image/statement. This is not a thing to condone or celebrate.
I disagree. Taking advantage of the gullibility of others is practically a law for me.

I was a moderator of an online game. As an April Fool's prank, I made it seem as though an absolutely terrible event happened that practically stripped your character bare of all their gear and money. I came back an hour later and half of the players were terrified that they'd get hit with it, and a good percentage threatened to quit outright.

Up to the point where the game shut down there were still people who thought the event was real and thanked god they didn't get it.

The other mods treated me like I was a god.
The game you worked on died, and people who didn't get it stated that the reason they didn't was a glitch you made up? Wow, that looks bad for your mod team.

And as others have said, that's not really different than blizards April fools yearly thing. Funny, especially when people fall for it every year. What I'm getting at is that people are out £450 worth of games console and internet smart guys are celebrating it as another win in the war against the stupids rather than the unfortunate act of cunning fraud that it is. This sort of attitude is prevalent in most stories like this.

Reed Spacer

That guy with the thing.
Jan 11, 2011
Gromril said:
The game you worked on died, and people who didn't get it stated that the reason they didn't was a glitch you made up? Wow, that looks bad for your mod team.
When I said 'it', I meant the event, not the game. Pay attention, please.


New member
Sep 11, 2005
Reed Spacer said:
Up to the point where the game shut down there were still people who thought the event was real and thanked god they didn't get it.
You mention the game, and then state that people didn't get "It". Not getting the event would be a wierd thing to thank, as people not getting a joke is seldom something they would "thank god" for.

I did pay attention, I simply misunderstood your sentence structure.