PSN to Get Premium Subscriptions?


New member
Mar 7, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:
The ability to know what the hell is going on in half of Sony's ads would be nice.
that's easy, just go to a street corner and find yourself some weed and you'll understand them a bit better, if not then at least you'll have a good time

CantFaketheFunk said:
Download speeds that don't suck?
i've never had an issue with download speeds. me thinks it's your internet connection


New member
Jul 7, 2008
BaldursBananaSoap said:
No, Xbox live isn't even worth paying for with all it's kids, cluttered interface, ads and laggy P2P servers.
Yeah the interface really is so damn cluttered, why it was impossible for me to find things like the DLC for Fallout 3, or the Xbox Live Arcade Titles I was looking for. Wait no it wasn't, it was extremely easy.

As for kids, well whatever, the mute option was invented for a reason. And laggy P2P? Really? When? I haven't had a problem.

People really need to stop making it a case of "PSN vs. XBL" because so far I've heard enough bad things about both to come to the conclusion that nobody is ever happy.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:
The ability to know what the hell is going on in half of Sony's ads would be nice.
Slow down there big fella.We gotta take it one step at a time.First premium accounts,then understandment.

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
cleverlymadeup said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:
The ability to know what the hell is going on in half of Sony's ads would be nice.
that's easy, just go to a street corner and find yourself some weed and you'll understand them a bit better, if not then at least you'll have a good time

CantFaketheFunk said:
Download speeds that don't suck?
i've never had an issue with download speeds. me thinks it's your internet connection
Stuff on Xbox Live for me easily downloads three/four times as fast as PSN.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Truthfully, I think the game industry is getting too greedy and this is a sign to be honest. See one of the things that makes gaming such a big deal is the perception of value compared to what is being spent, despite what has always been massive overpricing. Things like the coordinated $10 accross the board price hike a few years ago, and the desire to get people to pay for simple online multiplayer which has always been free. Subscription fees like those charged for MMORPGs being justified for things like around the clock staffing and support, which in general your typical fighting game, FPS, or racing game does not apply. Nor does that subscription include free content upgrades like for a WoW (holidays, new dungeons, etc...) especially given the mania over DLC which is already being exploited.

Simply put I generally do not maintain a "gold" subscription for XBL except in very short bursts when I have a new game with multiplayer (typically a fighting game). Honestly though I am gradually leaning towards PSN for when I want to do fighting games, because despite early problems with slowdown I think the last couple of updates have increased the quality substantially.

As far as what could get me to pay for an online subscription to PSN, or more regularly pay for gold?

Well, right now I have my internet provided as part of a package deal that includes TV, Internet, and a lot of free "on demand" content as far as TV, movies, etc...

To get me to pay in addition to that, and feel the service was worthwhile, it would ultimatly have to provide services I do not currently receive. Such as free movies and shows that are not currently availible on free "on demand" servies, or simply taking a lot of these DLC games that you pay for and providing them free to subscribers the first month they are out or whatever.

Let's say that PSN offered a free game, and a free first run movie every month along with access to the same services provided by an "on demand" service. So basically instead of charging me a buck or two to watch an episode of a TV show from last season, it would be free. This being more useful to those who don't receive a "package deal" as it is right now. I'd consider that service worth say $10 a month as a recurring subscription. It would be fairly competitive with other services.

As it is right now I find it vaguely ironic that both PSN and XBL try and charge people for content that is free even without such a package deal. For example with just an internet fee (which you paying to access PSN or XBL) you can hop on something like and see a lot of the same horror movies at various time for nothing but enduring an advertisement or two, yet your console company wants anywhere from like $2-5 a pop. Sometimes it makes me wonder what these guys are smoking and if the guys evaluating the usefulness of these services and such even consider alternative (legal) ways of getting the same content. I mean anyone on say XBL already has an internet connection (duh).


New member
Aug 9, 2009
It'll be interesting to see how this goes down, and how PS3 users take it.

I'd be mildly fucked off if I were them, to say the least.

Anyway, back to Steam.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
Ok. So let me get this clear in my head:

Splitscreen has been largely phased out in favour of online multiplayer (so that everybody has to own a console).

Prices of games have been hiked (in order to justify the production costs for the game).

And now we are reaching a stage where both Microsoft AND Sony will charge people for online content.

At what point did they just decide to shaft us for as much cash as possible until their golden goose dies? Tch.


New member
Nov 14, 2009
I like XBL, I like PSN. XBL is better. If paying for PSN will help towards improving it, I'd be willing. (depending on the price obviously) I'm curious about what the premium content will be though.

Robby Foxfur

New member
Sep 1, 2009
JoshGod said:
Robby Foxfur said:
I'm gonna bet its the download speeds thing, I mean hell the only other thing they could do is make it so you can access porn and even then the download speed thing would still bring in more customers.
actually ive just gone and checked and the browser on ps3 does allow you to watch porn videos.
(watch not download)
Well then we know its no that one thing to check off the list till they tell us


New member
Jun 23, 2008
The number of Sony fanboys (not necessarily on this site - but other places I've seen it around the net too) that can all of a sudden say "well, it's Sony and PSN is great so I'll pay", honestly shocks me.

I know the first two rules of The Escapist are "we do NOT talk about Destructoid!", but it needs to be said... []


New member
Apr 9, 2008
I can see if they want to add a subscription fee for psn/psp game/movie rentals by download. That's fine. But if they want me to pay for access to demos, netflix, and stuff like that which we already get for free, they're going to hear from me.


New member
Mar 6, 2009
If this 'premium content' means being able to buy stuff on psn then consider me very pissed off.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
As long as what I get for free now doesn't change, I'm happy.

You always have to pay if you want more, its just the nature of life in this day and age.


New member
May 21, 2008
They'll most likely sneak in the same system M$ has... despite the wines of the sony fanboys, the whole PSN should improve with a little more cash in its system... or will it?