PSP Paradox


New member
May 29, 2008
Avida said:
Why all the PSP hate? I suppose the battery life is a bit rubbish and a 2nd nub would be nice but its a wonderful console :s.
i dont hate either The DS, or the Psp, or any other Console, in terms of Portables though i just want to make the right choice for me


New member
Jan 13, 2009
I personally love my little psp, to all those neigh sayers, I say "You've been buying the wrong games!", the PSP imo, is all about small portable games, that you play for a little while whalst travelling, the one's I always take are Lumines II, and wipeout pure, both great games, though there are some good FPS's as well, there was a strong online community playing some of the FPS's, like medal of honor heroes, but I'm not to sure if it's there anymore.


Man of Science
May 3, 2009
PSP vs. DS is really just the Game Gear vs. Gameboy of this generation.

Both the PSP and the DS are good systems, in slightly different ways. Graphically, the PSP wins hands down, but it has much shorter battery life. Sound is better on the PSP also, and I found it very easy to connect to my WiFi.

If you're very lucky, you'd be able to have them both, but really, either is good. For me, I think despite the battery problem, I'd pick the PSP, I prefer the games on it to the DS.


New member
Apr 28, 2008
Pigeon_Grenade said:
xXGeckoXx said:
Pigeon_Grenade said:
Well todays My 22nd Birthday, and i been looking At getting a PSP(Yay for Birthday Money?), the system itself has many of the types of games Im looking For(rpg/Strategy), im Wondering if i should get one close to Now, or later, or wait for a psp2,
The PSP is crap.... I don't know weather the PSP 2 will be better but the PSP is not good.
well whats wrong with it?
Lack of software, it's got a little of everything.

The operative word in that sentence is LITTLE.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
Pigeon_Grenade said:
Avida said:
Why all the PSP hate? I suppose the battery life is a bit rubbish and a 2nd nub would be nice but its a wonderful console :s.
i dont hate either The DS, or the Psp, or any other Console, in terms of Portables though i just want to make the right choice for me
Ohi know, it wasnt aimed at you, anyway i suppose im more of a PSP man than DS but i still dont and woudnt use either much, so just go with whichever has the more games you like and ignore anyone bitching about hardware :)


New member
Oct 14, 2008
The DS has games in every genre and the unique control system makes so many of them more enjoyable.

The only reason to buy a PSP is if you really want to play movies when you're out.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
xXGeckoXx said:
The PSP is crap.... I don't know weather the PSP 2 will be better but the PSP is not good.
Well that was a vacuous thing to say. Care to elaborate why the PSP is crap?

The only thing I'd say though is get custom firmware as soon as you can and play your *LEGALLY OWNED* games from the memory stick, as well as get scummvm, psptube, vlc and al the good stuff on it.

I've had my PSP for nearly six years and the battery has survived very well.


Elite Member
Nov 27, 2007
Can people just drop it already?

The latest PSP is going to be called "PSP Go!" and it is just going to be an improved version of the PSP. IN all its essce, it is extremely retarded that SONY is releasing a new version of teh PSP when the PSP3000 just got released.

Also, PSP are still ridiculously overpriced.
An Xbox360 Arcade cost LESS than a PSP?! Huh?! wtf...


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Go on and get it. Stop listening to the idiot fanboys in this thread. They like to think it only has one game, when it really has over 300 to choose from.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
Dale Cooper said:
22nd Birthday?

Birthday money?


I just got a handshake, a small plain tasteful card.
I got shitfaced.

The PSP is probably pretty good for what you are looking for. As always though, do your research first.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
CyberAkuma said:
Can people just drop it already?

The latest PSP is going to be called "PSP Go!" and it is just going to be an improved version of the PSP. IN all its essce, it is extremely retarded that SONY is releasing a new version of teh PSP when the PSP3000 just got released.

Also, PSP are still ridiculously overpriced.
An Xbox360 Arcade cost LESS than a PSP?! Huh?! wtf...
You do realize that that entire article was all, keyword: ALL, speculation right? There was not much of a source, and while the next PSP will most likely ditch UMD format in favor of digital distribution, I somehow doubt that they're going to release it soon. Also, the name "PSP Go" was not based off of anything concrete, and I doubt that Sony would name the next PSP something that lame. Finally, the arcade sucks anyways, because there is no hard-drive, so if you ever end up needing one, you have to pay $100!!!

Get the PSP now. The PSP 2, or whatever it will be called, won't be released soon enough, and the PSP finally has enough good games out for it that it's worth buying.


New member
Mar 25, 2008
jsouth88 said:
I owned a PSP and had Crisis Core and FF: War of the Lions. The PSP loses appeal very fast. The battery dies super fast too. I did buy a dsi and I love it. The battery is awesome and it has tons of final fantasy games. And Chrono Trigger. I would do the dsi to be honest.
Err... My PSP lasts longer than my DS... awkward.

Also, PSP is only worth the money if you put custom firmware on it. I can play any of the 9 first Final Fantasies, FFT and FFTA, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, etc. etc.

... but you need an older PSP to be able to do it. Look into second hand if you REALLY want to do amazing stuff with it. If you want to not mess around with the firmware, I wouldn't recommend the PSP either (though you can't be too sure: look up all the games, and if there's enough interesting stuff out there for you, get it)


New member
May 10, 2009
PSP is a great system and if your looking for a RPG to go with it i would suggest Monster hunter freedom, Monster hunter freedom, or monster hunter unite(Coming soon)


New member
Mar 10, 2008
I'd say wait until E3 is over as Sony would probably announce something for it by then whether it's a bundle or the mystical "PSP2" That would be the smartest and safest bet for now and that's what I'm doing before I get a PSP myself.


New member
Nov 11, 2008
I got a PSP not too long ago, and i'm enjoying it very much. I've used my friends' DS' before, and they really don't compare to the PSP. Yes, the battery life is a lot shorter, but that's because it's supplying a huge bright ass screen, and some pretty nice graphics. If you need to play more than 6 hours straight, then just get another battery, they're not expensive.

Keep in mind, that if you mess with the firmware like some of these posts are mentioning, you need the PSP 2000 version. If you go with the newest, the 3001 (also called PSP "bright") then you won't be able to use all the custom stuff out there. They haven't cracked it, yet.

Anyway, I don't think you'd be sorry with a PSP. They have good RPG's, have a couple fighting games (with more on the way) and a bunch of other stuff. I don't regret purchasing mine at all.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Pigeon_Grenade said:
Well todays My 22nd Birthday, and i been looking At getting a PSP(Yay for Birthday Money?), the system itself has many of the types of games Im looking For(rpg/Strategy), im Wondering if i should get one close to Now, or later, or wait for a psp2,
Don't listen to them. Basically the PSP2 isn't going to be around for a while so I would just pick one up now. Then when the date that it's coming out is finally announced you can upgrade by selling your old PSP. So have fun and happy birthday!


New member
Dec 11, 2007
Dale Cooper said:
22nd Birthday?

Birthday money?


I just got a handshake, a small plain tasteful card.
haha, so true. My cut-off date for actual birthday money was 18, now I get pots and pans, and "practical" things.

OT: I never found the PSP to be that amazing, playing a buddy of mines for a while. You get a lot of garbage ports, and not as much original content as say, the DS gets. If you do like the RPGs and such, it probably wouldn;t be a horrible purchase, but I would say hold off a bit if they do intend to release PSP go soon. At least until after E3, which will release a lot more info on the do-dad.


New member
May 19, 2008
Battery life crap? wha!? yea it may not be as long as the DS's but I could go entire college days (8:30am-5:30pm) and then some before my battery died, so yea...crap battery my ass. No games? Oh you mean back when it came out, because these days THATS NOT THE CASE so nay sayers should stop using that retarded argument. And if people are gonna say the damn thing is crap give GOOD reasons, and that doesn't mean bitching about lack of 2 sticks. And don;t hold your breath for a PSP2, any business person with common sense would know that it would be suicide to do something that like, and I like to believe Sony isn't THAT stupid.

Oh and who the fuck said the PSP was expensive!? it's near the same price as a DS lite (where I live DSlite=$130, PSP=$150-60), you should be expecting to pay slightly more when the thing comes with more features and is more advanced a system. But an extra 20-30 bucks isn't that big of a difference.

As for the OP, I would say wait till E3 so all these retarded rumors can be debunked and we get to see what is really in store for you. 2009's line up of games is pretty damn good so far. Be sure though when deciding what hand held you really want you look at the games. The PSP has a lot of great games and since you stated that your an RPG/strategy buff, the PSP has a good abundance of them. Don't entirely leave out the DS though since you can go either way. Just look at each systems library and judge your decision on what system has the most enticing games. Although if you get a PSP you get an entire multi media center thats portable, and if modded, can play all your old emulated games as well greatly expanding your gameplay options.

I lean more to the PSP, but try to take into consideration both systems.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
I think the coolest thing about the psp is that it can be modded to run nintendo emulators.