Quarter of a century old


New member
May 14, 2010
As of the twenty-ninth of July I turn twenty-five. Christ I'm not taking this well. People say that age is just a number but I can't just shake this being my quarter of a century birthday. I don't seem to have a direction in life. I've at least moved away from living with family, so I'm not a drain on them, but I haven't landed a job in a year. For two years I attended the University of Illinois on a disabled track scholarship, but by the end of the second year that deteriorated to the point that it stopped being even remotely fun or worth it. So any way, sorry for being emo and being a whiny ***** about this. To superficially add some discussion value: How did any one else deal with turning twenty five?

OT: Damn it captcha, I'm too drunk to accurately quote anything! And seriously, Norwegian cruise lines have food that tastes like shit.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
i just turned 25. well not just. i work in a club and the day before my birthday was the first date of a line of parties i organized with some friends in our club, we booked my favourite dj and had a commercially succesfull party in our club with music i love and nice people. so yeah i took it pretty well.


New member
May 14, 2010
Fetzenfisch said:
i just turned 25. well not just. i work in a club and the day before my birthday was the first date of a line of parties i organized with some friends in our club, we booked my favourite dj and had a commercially succesfull party in our club with music i love and nice people. so yeah i took it pretty well.
Hate, scathing hate... Actually not really. That sounds pretty cool. I've actually got a really absurdly sweet girlfriend and a core group or friends so I think I just need to put the vodka down and stop being a whiny emo kid... Anyway...

OT: Captcha: 'press into service' Okay these captchas are freaking me out.
Dec 14, 2009
I know how you feel. I'm 24 this year.

I still can't get over the fact that I was 13 ten years ago.

Time really does fly as you get older.

Robert Ewing

New member
Mar 2, 2011
I feel the same sort of depression as you. I'm 18, almost 19. I have Straight A GCSE's and A levels. Yet all the noobs that got D's and E's are the ones getting the jobs. I'm stuck here on the dole and in the unemployment line.

Screw school, it's freaking useless. I didn't work my entire life so far for this sort of treatment. Just goes to show, that you don't have to succeed in the classroom to get far in life.


Aug 24, 2009
I haven't turned 25 yet and won't for three and a half more years, but everything you talked about I felt when I turned 21. I still feel that way honestly.


New member
May 14, 2010
Phorkias said:
Rylot said:
I don't seem to have a direction in life.
Quarter life crisis. It's okay, you'll get over it.
Yeah, but I can't afford anything cool like a midlife crisis. No convertible, just an existential crisis of personal identity. Nothing cool.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Hey, I just entered my second decade.

I found myself just a few nights ago having to scroll down through a DOB Year menu. That was a little depressing.


New member
Jul 12, 2008
I am in a similar situation but a few years younger, so your post just made me feel a little bit better about myself. Thanks.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
I'm 30 now and due to an unfortunate business-enterprise, the 20.000 euros I saved up in the years prior to that are gone (+the steady job that got me that money).

I live in my sister's attick and have been looking for a job for a couple of months now.

Life turns to shit for some people sometimes, it did for me (though I've hit far from rock-bottom and there are too many scenarios far worse than mine, I know)

What keeps me going is the sense that anything can change with the right amount of luck and/or effort.

All in all, the biggest change for me is that I have to be careful financially (a lot of games on my to-buy-list and a new HDTV because I'll leave mine for my sis and her husband once I move out).
Other than that, I still love my family and friends and with them around me, I know I will get to a point where I start loving my life once again.