Quest for the Sidequest!


New member
Jul 13, 2009
You have a grenade launcher, super powers and a nuclear weapon.

but you can't open a door.

Project .hack

New member
Feb 11, 2009
It's quests like those that destroys the atmosphere of the game and brings you back to reality to realize it's a game and reason and simple logic does not or can not apply here. Depending on how severe it may take a long time to get re-immersed into the game again.


This name was cool in 2008.
Feb 11, 2009
I remember in resident evil 5 I was in this army base thing (couldn't give a toss about the plot) and there was a locked door, the only way to open the door was to kill two heavily armed brute guys with miniguns. Me and sheva managed to kick down every other door in the game so why not this one?


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I think Bioshock used a fetch quest correctly. Doctor Steinmen had blown up the entrance to his surgery, so you had to find the telekinesis plasmid, and throw a grenade (provided by a Splicer throwing them nearby) back at the rubble.


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Sep 2, 2009
Ahh for the days of Deus Ex where you could solve everything with: multi-tools, lockpicks, hacking, explosives, or crate stacking.........


Son of Makuta

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Nov 4, 2008
Bioshock. The two penultimate levels.
Despite the fact that even if I waste all my ammo shooting at Splicers, I'm still telekinetic and can shoot fire from my fingers, Tennenbaum makes me undergo an irreversible transformation into a Big Daddy. I lose the ability to speak in order to open a (yes, wooden) door. And guess what's on the other side of said door? An escort mission. A HORRENDOUS one.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
Sacred 2 had some very annoying fetch quests. None related to area access, but annoying all the same due to the size of the world, and limited travel options. Also, pretty much every quest in Oblivion and Morrowind. "Here, I need this thing that I, a man who can't fight, left at the bottom of a monster infested dungeon." HOW DID HE SURVIVE?


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Oct 23, 2009
I remember my first run into the Scarlet Monstary in WoW. The dungeon is made up of 4 different instances of difficulty. If I remember the level difficulties were 31,33,35,38. I was 35 at the time and one of like 4 rogues with a competent lock-pick skill. We were gonna do Armory (35) which was blocked by a locked door, which could of been picked. Despite having told the tank I could open the door and having did so several times I was forced into the Library section (33?) so we could get the key at the end boss. It was the only group on my server at the time so I rolled with it but that made me feel under valued and generally peeved.


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Aug 7, 2009
Starke said:
Chipperz said:
I always had it in my head that the key to Sledge's hideout was needed because it doesn't just unlock the gate, it activates the portal behind it - I have this whole theory that the portals are basically mini New-U stations that kill you off and recreate you at the exit.

The quest that pissed me off the most has to be the entire Thieve's Guild quest in Oblivion. Mainly the bit where you have to sneak through a monastery where all the monks are blind. Could I not just kill them all, then use the power of the Elder Scroll to bring them back to life? They picked me up in a jail, so they would know already that I'm fairly morally bankrupt...

That, or any survival horror door that requires a star-shaped pendant, an uncut ruby the size of a baby's skull and a three-speed vibrator to open.
In Oblivion, not killing off the Monks is kinda justified, because the Theves Guild makes a big point of not murdering people, though they do drop that in the next couple quests or so.

What isn't justified in Oblivion is the unpickable doors. I'm playing a thief who is probably the most accomplished lockpicker alive on Tamriel, I have the Skeleton Key (an ultimate lockpick from A GOD!) I could easily pick those 14 tumbler locks mentioned in the fluff books, and I cannot pick the door on this rickety old shack because it's tied into a plotline involving vampires!?

Fallout 3 has a similar issue with it's plot only doorways. EDIT: Come to think of it, most of Fallout 3 boils down to this. Key 1 is tracking down your father (which works). Key 2 is finding the mcguffin from Fallout 2, because, you know, we didn't do that in 1998 (which would work, kinda, except the ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD IS WHERE!?, heh). To get each of these keys expect to run around aimlessly for others in the interrum. The entire game is goddamn fedex quests. I can't remember a single quest that was just, "Go out there and kill somethin' for me, would'ya kindly?"

STALKER, you're in a military instilation that was abandoned in 1985, it's now 2012 or so, the place is falling apart, and yet the auto lock doors still work. The LIGHTs don't even work anymore in most of the place. But the keypads do. You can't use a crowbar on the rusty door? Or even your knife if you're determined? Hell, you CAN wedge the doors open with a gun, but that is technically a physics engine exploit.

Knights of the Old Republic pulled two of these in a row on the first planet. First find the disguise, (never mind that your other party members AREN'T in disguise and standing RIGHT THERE), and after that pick up authorization papers, which, might be more justified if there was any point to it. The only reason these detours occur is to provide exposition.
Oh dear GOD, i hated that part of KOTOR. And you don't get to be a Jedi until you finish all that nonsense (plus some more). And it took HOURS the first time. Miserable side quest!


Dec 16, 2008
Resident Evil 5 annoyed me.
At the end of the first level there is a gate that must be blown up, but your roket launcher has no effect.
You have to wait for a teammate with an Identical rocket launcher to blow it up.
Screw this, I said. And went Back to RE4.


New member
Dec 11, 2008
In Dracula: Origins, you pretty much fight the Prince of Darkness with fetch-quests.

At one point, you need holy water as part of a door key. That's right, you never use it as a weapon, you need sacred water (and like 5 other obscure items, including a diamond, a silver coin, and *exactly* 5 ounces of gold) to open a magic door. There is only one priest in town because you're in Cairo and everyone is Muslim, and he refuses to bless water that has toucher the earth, because it is polluted. And so you must steal a casserole dish, take it to a camel trough and fill it with dirty water. You must also shatter a mirror, then hold it about the casserole dish while you boil the water over a barbecue pit. Once you have done this, you can gather the condensation on the mirror shard and pour it into an empty whiskey flask. Congratulations, you have one of five items needed to unlock a door. Naturally, since Dracula can turn into fog to pass through the door, finished his business, and left long before you got there, so chasing him here was mostly pointless.


New member
Mar 6, 2009
Shamus Young said:
Vlane said:
Like always: A really nice article.

But can somebody help me? I haven't played Resident Evil 4 in a while and I have no idea which gate Shamus means but I want to know.
Once you rescue President's Daughter, just try to take her back the way you came in when you first entered the village.
You mean the gate that leads to the area with the bridge that got destroyed after you killed the first enemy? At least, that's what I'm assuming from "back the way you came in when yu first entered the village".

ziggybogidou said:
Resident Evil 5 annoyed me.
At the end of the first level there is a gate that must be blown up, but your roket launcher has no effect.
You have to wait for a teammate with an Identical rocket launcher to blow it up.
Screw this, I said. And went Back to RE4.
Well, considering that you're not supposed to get the Rocket Launcher until you get to either Chapter 3 or 4? What were you expecting really.


New member
Sep 7, 2009
Nearly all of Half Life 2 left me in tears with the amount of doors and blocked ways that Gordon couldn't open just because it had some weird alien locker combo on it. The man is armed with an RPG, a Crowbar, a presumably heavy and clumsy HEV siut my (justification as to why he isn't as spry as Alyx)why couldn't he just bash through, explode, or otherwise decimate every arbitrary barrier in his path?


New member
Jul 16, 2009
TarkXT said:
Nearly all of Half Life 2 left me in tears with the amount of doors and blocked ways that Gordon couldn't open just because it had some weird alien locker combo on it. The man is armed with an RPG, a Crowbar, a presumably heavy and clumsy HEV siut my (justification as to why he isn't as spry as Alyx)why couldn't he just bash through, explode, or otherwise decimate every arbitrary barrier in his path?
He's Gordan Freeman! If the door isn't unlocked it isn't worthy of his presence.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
There was a very long, very difficult mod for the original half-life. This brutal single-player mod was based loosly off day of the dead and apocalypse now. There was a very long Resident Evilesque sequence where the player had to get "the rusty key" for the rusty door. After battling your way through unspeakably difficult hoards of opponents to get the red key, the blue key, the yellow key, the purple key, etc... you finally get the rusty key. Of course, the key snaps off in the lock, and the message came up "that he gave the door a slight kick, and it opened right up."

Urge to kill... rising.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
pumasuit said:
Starke said:
Knights of the Old Republic pulled two of these in a row on the first planet. First find the disguise, (never mind that your other party members AREN'T in disguise and standing RIGHT THERE), and after that pick up authorization papers, which, might be more justified if there was any point to it. The only reason these detours occur is to provide exposition.
Oh dear GOD, i hated that part of KOTOR. And you don't get to be a Jedi until you finish all that nonsense (plus some more). And it took HOURS the first time. Miserable side quest!
I've done that entire area in about 4 hours before, but, yeah, the entire first planet is pretty much an annoying speedbump in the way of having fun with the game.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
I like how you can't just bust open a chest in Diablo 2 or Guild Wars. Really? I just took down the devil and I can't break open a tiny wooden box?


New member
May 20, 2009
I haven't played as many games as i should have but as far as fetch quests go, the worst i've done is probably in Morrowind. If i had to pick one out i'd say the dark botherhood stuff in the first exspansion. (as i remember it and i may be wrong) You are sent by the king to kill a bunch of assassins with paralying blades and tough ************ armour to find a bounty notice on yourself placed by the king. why doesn't the king just tell the assasins who are working for him to not kill you? Also some of the assassination missions in morrowind of which there are more than a few are pretty shady on the logic.

The main plot quest does this a bit too. I'm level 35 and smashing through the country with mjolnir in my hands and the title of grandmaster of the fighters guild and i still need to get the abritrary approval of all the great houses and tribes Which will require yet more fetch quests and assassinations. and thats all to get the weapons and equipment i could get anyway without their approval. couldn't i just get the stuff when i'm strong enough, go kill satan, then go on a book tour or something getting there approval then?

Also in the exspansions you're a god and they still treat you like you just got off the boat. Why am i running errands at the beginning of bloodmoon and tribunal, logically with the character made in the original, to gain expeirence and trust when i'm a FREAKING GOD! like the king and the goddess in tribunal think you aren't strong enough to help them when i traveled to the top of a demon filled volcano, fought an evil god and his demigod minions and trancended my mortal coil, defeated a ancient giant robot thing and won the respect of the main tribunal god and all the people of the country? What more do you want? oh i have to pick up your groceries.

aside from that though the game is pretty solid and fun i wasn't complainign about it then so whatever.


New member
Feb 14, 2009
World of Warcraft, actually. A chain in Terrokar forest. They give you a disguise, and ask you to go talk to some people in an orc camp, including an advisor right next to their commander. You do that. You turn it in. They ask you to go back and kill the commander. Do they give you back that disguise that let you effortlessly walk up to him without him even blinking? The one he can give you over and over and over for that first quest? No. They don't. You have to slaughter your way through the camp to finish that particular quest.

It's so frustrating because the guy giving you the quest has the disguise, and he JUST gave it to you, and the experience you get from killing your way up there is marginal at best. It's just frustrating from a logical standpoint.