Question for Comic Book fans - Just starting... (Green Lantern)


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Over the past few months i have been getting hyped over the recent film adaptation of 'Green Lantern'. During that time i did a bit of research and found out some basic information about the character to help get me up to speed before i saw the film. I saw it last week and while i didn't hate it i didn't like it either, but that's another discussion.

But during my initial research I found myself incredible interested in the mythology created during the last half century. I've never been able to get into comic books (with the exception of standalone ones such as 'Watchmen' and 'The Killing Joke') because their history is so dense and i don't have the time or money to go back and find every issue of 'Green Lantern'.

However, apparently DC is rebooting their franchises in September with 52 franchises starting at Issue 1 again. However, these aren't going to be origin stories, they're gonna be stories that have these character at an earlier point at their lives (it's rather confusing for someone like me who doesn't keep up to date with Comic Book news so how does that work?). But because of this reboot i'm gonna try out Green Lantern this September. But because these aren't origin stories should i try and find the 'Green Lantern Chronicles'? Or Secret Origins? Or should i just wait until the reboot?