Question For The Pony Fans Out There: Why So Epic?

Victim of Progress

New member
Jul 11, 2011
Proeliator said:
If there is a reason, I would like to know it too.

I think it is because it is an extremely well executed show, and due to it's genre's naturally limited cognitive stimulation, fans will create a specific addendum that supersedes the genre in order to achieve a greater fulfillment, while simultaneously spreading that joy to others.

Also I laughed pretty hard at most of the videos, so, something is being done right.

Another wording for that would be: "I like the show, now I shall create custom content spitting in the face of show by not being related to it at all"

Rufus Shinra

New member
Oct 11, 2011
Anyway, to answer the OP... the show is alternating between slice of life episodes and moments where, well... they fight off gods and goddesses, dark lords, invasions and the such. They're troubleshooters for a god-queen, when one thinks about it. Add to it the Greek mythology present everywhere in the series, and you've got a feeling of epicness that easily comes to mind.

Many shows have done the thing about big badass heroes saving the day every week in massive FX battles, but here we have individuals who we can relate with, whose daily life we see, and who are ready to answer to the call of duty when it comes, when they have to protect their homes and their loved ones, and actually growing up as characters. What's not to like in here?

Blaze the Dragon

New member
Jan 8, 2010
while the show itself on the surface does not go into a lot of action and adventure and focuses more on character development. It doesn't take a significant leap in logic to determine that a lot of badassness is hidden right under that surface, or at the very least things that you wouldn't expect in a lighthearted kids show. One episode in particular implies that there used to be slavery, cannibalism, and constant threat of war in Equestria's distant past due to the hardships of the time. They reference many mythological beasts and locations, which have their own implications, like Tartarus. King Sombra on his own was pretty fucked up and easily came the closest to defeating the main cast, and is the only villain that they appear to have outright killed in the show. Hell, the implications of diarchs that live for thousands of years alone is worth a good discussion.

It's not necessarily the fandom just being random and ironic (sometimes), but rather just looking at the show just a little bit under the surface and realizing that it's pretty awesome under there. I mean come on, the main reason everyone is so friendly is because if they weren't, a huge blizzard would encase the land destroying all plant life, leading to a massive famine, and bringing back evil spirits that eat people! I don't know about you but that'd give me incentive to end a war.

Also, you could view it as a deconstruction of the "little girls" show. It's got all the elements (ha) of one, but it takes it further and develops the characters more realistically. It builds an entire world for these ponies to live in. So it only furthers that deconstruction and adds a bit of humor when people take it and extend it into other things like Gurren Lagann and Starcraft. I mean, if those settings are supposed to be our society in the future or after a big change, why can't they be what a pony society develops into in the future. What if you forwarded the timeline of a show about cartoon ponies by 1000 years with technology developing and whatnot.

The other main reason is that people love the shit out of crossovers and MLP is really popular right now so you see a lot of it. Especially in between seasons when people need their fix.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Ldude893 said:
Arnoxthe1 said:
It's a show about anthro girl ponies.
Just to clear up terminology:


Arnoxthe1 said:
My personal theory is that MLP's "popularity" arose from 4chan as a massive attempt to troll people. And the people, being very random, decided it was cool instead.
I'm guessing you went to google up bronydom before coming back to edit your post?

Anyways, you're partially right. The whole brony movement spawned after a certain online article bashed the new My Little Pony cartoon as a symbol for the 'end of the creator driven era' in animation. Some 4channers took curiousity to this, and went to watch the show themselves. If there was an attempt to troll people by actively displaying love for MLP, it was eclipsed completely by 4channers who genuinely enjoy the show..
I'm sure there are a lot of people outside of 4chan who caught on to the show themselves, and the people in 4chan weren't the only ones who fell in love with it. Still, it's a big factor in why it spread.
No, they're anthro. Just not that much.

Anthropomorphic: Characterized by or relating to anthropomorphism. (Straight from Google.)
Anthropomorphism: Attribution of human form or other characteristics to anything other than a human being. (From Wikipedia.)

MLP Ponies talk like, have eyes like, sometimes move like, and have thoughts similar to humans. They're pretty anthro. Of the feral kind to be really technical here.

As to that last-minute edit there, I pretty much knew that the MLP fandom was spawned in the depths of 4chan but I wanted to to be sure before I made a claim. You should check your sources a lot before you claim anything to make sure you're good to go if an argument ever gets under way.

BTW, I'm saying all this from a furries point of view. If I, a furry, can't understand why MLP has such a fandom, that's got to be saying something. Although, to be fair, there's about 50,000 kinds of furry fans so YMMV I suppose.

Rufus Shinra

New member
Oct 11, 2011
Arnoxthe1 said:
No, they're anthro. Just not that much.

Anthropomorphic: Characterized by or relating to anthropomorphism. (Straight from Google.)
Anthropomorphism: Attribution of human form or other characteristics to anything other than a human being. (From Wikipedia.)

MLP Ponies talk like, have eyes like, sometimes move like, and have thoughts similar to humans. They're pretty anthro. Of the feral kind to be really technical here.

As to that last-minute edit there, I pretty much knew that the MLP fandom was spawned in the depths of 4chan but I wanted to to be sure before I made a claim. You should check your sources a lot before you claim anything to make sure you're good to go if an argument ever gets under way.

BTW, I'm saying all this from a furries point of view. If I, a furry, can't understand why MLP has such a fandom, that's got to be saying something. Although, to be fair, there's about 50,000 kinds of furry fans so YMMV I suppose.
Or, you know, a lot of people can like the characters without being furry or so. You're furry? Cool, but it has no relevance here. It would be just like saying that someone liking the character of Chewbacca is a furry.

The reasons why many people like the show is because the stories are good, the universe is really well-done, the animation is nice, the songs are catchy, and most importantly, because the characters are really interesting, evolving much more than in most other series and in a credible way. They could have been ponies, magical girls, aliens from Betelgeuse or elves, it wouldn't have mattered.

If you're trying to look at the show thinking "heh, I'm a furry, those are ponies, I could like it", you've got it wrong.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
Ponies are fun to make crossovers with.
I did that before the whole FiM-thing, not because I was a fan of ponies, but because they offered an interesting base. It's fun to turn humanoid and other characters to such different creatures and still keep them recognisable.

KeyMaster45 said:
Oh I'd distanced myself from the fandom long before season 3 started and that other stuff went down. The furries took over (something for which I will forever blame Sethisto for) and things got a bit too creepy for me to justify staying around. It all just became very hostile to anyone with a opinion that went against the grain. When I popped in briefly at the end of season 3 to see how others took the ending I could see that in the time I'd avoided it, it had become one giant circle jerk of "Love the show unconditionally or GTFO." Where at the beginning there was a nice pallet of fans that ran the spectrum, it would seem what was left was the extremists who ran off anyone more moderate.
Is there really such a thing as 'A fandom'?

Isn't it big enough that it has a lot of fandom subgroups. (Like actual little girls.)
So even if some forum or such gets taken over by the kinds of fans you don't get along, shouldn't it be easy to find like minded people?

My only interaction with such groups tends to be that I follow some artists who draw ponies a lot or make customs, and I haven't had to be a part of any drama.


Rufus Shinra said:
The reasons why many people like the show is because the stories are good, the universe is really well-done, the animation is nice, the songs are catchy, and most importantly, because the characters are really interesting, evolving much more than in most other series and in a credible way. They could have been ponies, magical girls, aliens from Betelgeuse or elves, it wouldn't have mattered.

If you're trying to look at the show thinking "heh, I'm a furry, those are ponies, I could like it", you've got it wrong.
And considering most of the erotic stuff (at least the most main-stream) has the ponies depicted as humans or at least much more humanoid than the show, it seems clear that most people who do have erotic interest in them don't have it because they are ponies but because of their personalities and stories.

Rufus Shinra

New member
Oct 11, 2011
Lieju said:
Is there really such a thing as 'A fandom'?

Isn't it big enough that it has a lot of fandom subgroups. (Like actual little girls.)
So even if some forum or such gets taken over by the kinds of fans you don't get along, shouldn't it be easy to find like minded people?

My only interaction with such groups tends to be that I follow some artists who draw ponies a lot or make customs, and I haven't had to be a part of any drama.
This. A thousand times this. There are as many MLP fandoms as boards and forums, probably even more. I lurk and post on Spacebattle's CW section, and I never really saw the drama people were talking about with relation to S3 or such. I enjoy the discussions and the fics, and that's pretty much it.

And considering most of the erotic stuff (at least the most main-stream) has the ponies depicted as humans or at least much more humanoid than the show, it seems clear that most people who do have erotic interest in them don't have it because they are ponies but because of their personalities and stories.
Didn't know about that (not really in either stuff myself), but if true, it seems to be a good confirmation indeed.

To add to the whole "furry" thing, I've been to various MLP conventions, and while I saw some fursuits there (I find them quite disturbing, but live and let live, heh), those are a minority of the people. The cosplays MLP are often made with human beings in mind, turning the styles of the characters into human clothing style (Flim&Flam, Spitfire and Shining Armour are classics, but also characters like Chrysalis were really well-done as cosplays, without being "animalistic" or such).

So, yeah: Brony =/= furry.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Well I guessing those who loved the shows CAN or have the talent make it into epicness (AMV, fanfic, trailer/ scene crossover). I mean they probably knew beforehand on making AMV, fanfic etc just like those anime AMV or media fanfic out there. I mean they are making it out of fun right?

Rufus Shinra

New member
Oct 11, 2011
achicoria3 said:
All these people talking about mlp world ant its lore.
For me is quite the contrary, the reason the show lured me in was because how good season 1 was at macking me care about the characters and i think the same can be said about almost every mlp fan, the rest just jumped into the bandwagon because the funny pictures and videos.
Think about season 2. It obviously expanded the world much more than 1 did, we got discord, luna, dragons,the cmc, the story behind the creation of equestria, we learned how ponies get born,hearts and hooves day, a new princess, the changelings, etc and season 1 was still miles better. Its kind of the opposite to the lost effect, you start caring about the characters and then about the world they live in
That's, like, your opinion, man.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Ummmm, I've just started watching Ponies properly after getting nagged over it by my entire Skype friend list and it's... Really good. Fluttershy is best pony of course.

I'm just going to say it, the characters look adorable and their names are brilliant. Twilight Sparkle? Fluttershy? Fucking Rainbow Dash?

I can't even say what attracts grown men to it... It just does.

It's just well made I guess. Genuinely witty and funny too. I noticed the third episode had a chase scene with a song that was suspiciously not the Benny Hill song. Well played Pones... Well played.

Funnily enough the video that made me cave to watch it was this:


Rufus Shinra

New member
Oct 11, 2011
The Wykydtron said:
It's just well made I guess. Genuinely witty and funny too. I noticed the third episode had a chase scene with a song that was suspiciously not the Benny Hill song. Well played Pones... Well played.
You haven't seen anything yet: they're outright copying some Star Wars scenes, doing obvious parodies of Metal Gear Solid, they have characters from The Big Lebowski, one episode can be summed up as "Top Gun, with ponies", etc.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Rufus Shinra said:
The Wykydtron said:
It's just well made I guess. Genuinely witty and funny too. I noticed the third episode had a chase scene with a song that was suspiciously not the Benny Hill song. Well played Pones... Well played.
You haven't seen anything yet: they're outright copying some Star Wars scenes, doing obvious parodies of Metal Gear Solid, they have characters from The Big Lebowski, one episode can be summed up as "Top Gun, with ponies", etc.
Oh cool! I would be further into it already but I only find the time to watch it late at night on my phone. Hard to explain why i'm watching a show for little girls when mother inevitably walks in on it.

Put the PC in the downstairs kitchen alcove they said... It'll be fine they said.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Say what you will about the show and the fandom, we bronies are definitely a creative bunch. There are few who can deny that.

Honestly, it's the insane amount of fan-works and genuine talent that goes into this fandom that keeps me coming back. For example:

Daystar Clarion said:
I don't watch the show, I don't particularly like what I've seen of it.

However, this?

Is the best fucking thing ever.
And I'll be honest, this video is what eventually got me to get off my ass and finally get around to watching Gurren Lagann. That's another thing I like about this fandom. It introduces me to alot of really cool stuff that I otherwise wouldn't have know about, or would have ignored otherwise.

Rufus Shinra

New member
Oct 11, 2011
The Wykydtron said:
Oh cool! I would be further into it already but I only find the time to watch it late at night on my phone. Hard to explain why i'm watching a show for little girls when mother inevitably walks in on it.

Put the PC in the downstairs kitchen alcove they said... It'll be fine they said.
Ah, yes, that problem. The only time when, surprised by your parents, you yell: "No, no, it was porn! Horrible, gory porn!", because the alternative is even worse.

OTOH, my family shrugged it as one of my oddities, and my mom appreciates the Rainbow Dash plushie I got her (RD sleeping on a cloud). Anyway, welcome to the Herd!

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Arnoxthe1 said:
My personal theory is that MLP's "popularity" arose from 4chan as a massive attempt to troll people. And the people, being very random, decided it was cool instead.
Same here. When I first found out abou it I thought it was a joke.
I still do, kinda, though I hope this many people wouldn't waste their time just trolling.


New member
Oct 30, 2012
RJ 17 said:
I think it's because a lot of people are involved in the fandom and like a variety of things, but the one unifying thing is they all like pony as well.

If you watch the show then you already know there is epic stuff already in it. There are adventure themes there as well as the slice of life themes which tend to dominate it. A lot of it is just something to do with the off season as well. Many people love the characters and want to see them go to cool places and do cool things. The world itself is full of life and possibilities. It's a lot like Red Wall in that way, if you've ever heard of that book series.

No question, though. The show inspired tons of creative people to go out and create stuff. The quality of said stuff is debatable, but there is something about it that makes people go do some interesting things. Also, to understand pony, you need to understand where a lot of it came from. To understand the minds and how it all started, there is only one place you need to go, and that's the /co/ boards on 4chan


New member
Jul 17, 2011
Alssadar said:
I have nothing really of value to contribute as I do not watch the pony show any more, besides the original video that initially caused me to watch the ponies.
Holy crap, I just realized that whole explosion of the fandom was only 2 years ago.
That video is what got me to watch the show as well. Ponycraft 2 is pretty much one of my top favorite youtube videos of all time.

The juxtaposition of the cute and adorable combined with the epically badass vocal lines and music. It's a match that makes angels weep!

And it's nigh equally awesome sequel: