Question for Wrestling Fans


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
So what is the term for the person who doesn't really fight, but is there to mess with his ally's opponent? I haven't really kept up with wrestling since like...the 80s, but I remember, I think they called him a manager? He was this skinny guy with a mullet, and his motif was, if I recall correctly, hearts. He wore a lounge lizard style suit, wore glasses, and I think had a cane. And he would do stuff like distract the referee so the Heel could do some dirty moves, or do the dirty moves himself while the ref was talking to the Heel.

Jimmy Hart is the one I'm thinking of that embodies this specifically, and a quick search does call him a "manager." Is that still the general term for this kind of pro wrestler? I'm looking for the general terms like Face and Heel for this type of person. Which seems to be Manager, but I would like a little confirmation.