Question of the Day, July 19, 2010


New member
Apr 28, 2008
I suppose no, since the whole game is sorta boring. But my friends might convince me to try it.

i doubt it however.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
mb16 said:
DeadlyYellow said:
New option: I have never played WoW.
i second this notion
I third this plan. Wait, does that make sense?

Anyway, I have never played WoW and I have never desired to join. I don't have money to throw away and I've never really released getting addicted to an MMO.

EVE is the only one I would consider actually... Probably because I'm addicted to stuff that's in space.


Sock Hat
Jun 26, 2009
I gotta say this poll is kinda weak. Two options are basically the same thing and its missing several crucial options to be available for the escapist audience in its entirety.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
This poll kinda doesn't have some important answer choices.

I have a WoW account that I activated before Cataclysm was announced... so there will be no "re"-activation for Cataclysm...

and a friend of mine has never had a WoW account so if he starts one it will be an activation not a "re"-activation and if he doesn't

...well it doesn't really warrant the over-the-top "No, no, a million times no" response

Billion Backs

New member
Apr 20, 2010
Maybe... But probably not. Since after some accounting fuck-up during the time my WoW account was hijacked, Blizzard thinks I stole money from them (My account was stolen and then, I suppose, either resold or used by the same guy who stole it... They attached that special authenticator thing and even provided their own credit card) and my account is permanently locked until I return the money the hijacker didn't pay (despite the game card I added upon getting my account back).

Either way, it's a stupid rant but the point is even if I fix my problems with the old account, what I have (not) done is still a huge violation and it will leave my account one hit from permaban. And I don't think I want to bother playing if I can get permabanned for one little fuck-up...

So restarting my old account is a no-no, and re-buying all the expansions and leveling again is enough of a deterrent to keep me away for some time.

Although, frankly, Cataclysm does look interesting. The revamped zones especially, I loved exploring the world back in the vanilla days and even in the latest expansion - Blizzard has some truly masterpiece landscapes available.

Billion Backs

New member
Apr 20, 2010
Arduras said:
I'm tempted, sooo soooo tempted, but if I ever did, it would just be to level / quest in the new zones, I have no desire to get back into the daily grind that WoW has ended up being.

But no, I don't want the temptation to be there to interfere with work
Eh it's not like you actually HAVE to do the daily grind. I never did that, and I never bothered getting epic mounts on any of my characters except for one old main.

Daily grind is annoying, especially with stupid dailies, I'll give you that. But gold doesn't exactly have value in WoW anyways, crafted gear mostly sucks, epic flying mount is not required especially after the speed boost to the normal, and that's about all you'd waste money on.


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
I re-activated to screw around, but I am already suspecting that the next time I cancel, and I guess it will be soon, I won't touch it again. The game just isnt interesting to me anymore.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Tehlanna TPX said:
How about: I'm still playing, and will continue to play, and enjoy, Cataclysm?

This would be my choice if it existed on the poll, so I havent answered.

On the other hand, maybe, just maybe this wasnt directed at current subscribers?


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Billion Backs said:
Arduras said:
I'm tempted, sooo soooo tempted, but if I ever did, it would just be to level / quest in the new zones, I have no desire to get back into the daily grind that WoW has ended up being.

But no, I don't want the temptation to be there to interfere with work
Eh it's not like you actually HAVE to do the daily grind. I never did that, and I never bothered getting epic mounts on any of my characters except for one old main.

Daily grind is annoying, especially with stupid dailies, I'll give you that. But gold doesn't exactly have value in WoW anyways, crafted gear mostly sucks, epic flying mount is not required especially after the speed boost to the normal, and that's about all you'd waste money on.
Yeah, I realize that gold didn't have a huge value, but in the end, thats all that was there to do. Either Dailies, Raid or do an instance. (that and Pots cost soo bloody much for a healer.. although it -did- help I was a pally :p)

Billion Backs

New member
Apr 20, 2010
Arduras said:
Billion Backs said:
Arduras said:
I'm tempted, sooo soooo tempted, but if I ever did, it would just be to level / quest in the new zones, I have no desire to get back into the daily grind that WoW has ended up being.

But no, I don't want the temptation to be there to interfere with work
Eh it's not like you actually HAVE to do the daily grind. I never did that, and I never bothered getting epic mounts on any of my characters except for one old main.

Daily grind is annoying, especially with stupid dailies, I'll give you that. But gold doesn't exactly have value in WoW anyways, crafted gear mostly sucks, epic flying mount is not required especially after the speed boost to the normal, and that's about all you'd waste money on.
Yeah, I realize that gold didn't have a huge value, but in the end, thats all that was there to do. Either Dailies, Raid or do an instance. (that and Pots cost soo bloody much for a healer.. although it -did- help I was a pally :p)
Eh I just ended up running an instance every few days and doing some random PvP... And then getting bored enough to quit a month later =p

Having close friends play with you helps a lot, though. Running a shitty unoptimized arena group, doing some instances, and stuff.