Question of the Day, March 10, 2010

Doc Cannon

I hate custom titles.
Feb 3, 2010
Scrythe said:
As a PS3 owner, I'd just like to ask: When are we getting a port Dead Space: Extraction? I don't want to buy a Wii just to be one of the only twelve people who own the game.
And I'd love that for PC as well! There needs to be more rail shooters on PC, and a Dead Space prequel would be a must-have.

But as far as PS3 exclusives go, I'd like to get my hands on God of War 3 or Infamous.


New member
Dec 26, 2008
i vote for mag because i have both a ps3 and a 360 and i want to try mag but refuse to buy it because of 2 reasons.

1. most of my friends have 360 so i wouldnt be able to play it with them and being a squad based game i would want to make sure i had people i know and can work well with in my squad

2. mag is a game that requires alot of communication, and blu tooth headsets are horrible. they pick up so much background noise from everyone that is wearing one that i cant play an online game on ps3 for more than a half hour without getting a headache. the only game on ps3 that i know of that fixes this problem is fat princess wich makes you hold r2 if you want to talk.

The Great JT

New member
Oct 6, 2008
I say Little Big Planet. Why?

Well first off, Sackboy's pretty much designed to be a weaponized form of cuteness, almost a blank slate for someone's creativity. Which of course means I'd give him a pair of goggles, overalls, a wrench and a construction helmet and say he's the Engineer from Team Fortress 2. Look, I don't have anything against cute mascots, I mean look at Yoshi, Kirby and Pikachu in that regard.

Second, there's a huge thing with a level design mode, and I've been known to tinker with things in Hammer Editor (thanks, Source SDK!) and Warcraft III's level editor. Plus, LBP's levels are all colorful and interesting to look at, which is pretty shocking considering it's on a gunmetal-black system that fully embraces gunmetal-black-and-dirt-brown games. Look, what I'm saying is that THE FUTURE WILL NOT BE BROWN. Remember The Jetsons and how colorful and interesting the future looked? Why did that go away?

Third, I friggin' LOVE old-school platforming. Oh don't get me wrong, precision platforming is now just as annoying as it was then, but there's a difference between tricky spots and trying to jump to a platform directly above you that barely is inside your jump height and if you miss it you fall into an instant-death lava pit. There's something I never thought I'd miss, instant-death obstacles like spikes and lava. Look, all I'm saying is that Platformers shouldn't have gone the way of Adventure games (assimilated into other genres or totally forgotten about) and that lately any attempts to use Platforming games has been detrimental to the genre. not one of those games. I'm glad to see that there are some games that still make the Platforming game good as the old-school NES and Sega Genesis games were.

The Great JT still does not call the Sega Genesis the Sega Master System. "Genesis" sounds better, it was called the "Genesis" where he lives so it's the friggin' Genesis!


New member
May 21, 2008
I have a PS2 with the first two God of War games, and that's enough quite frankly. They're not bad games, but I think I've played enough of them by now.

I never really cared much for Uncharted, and every time I see screens or videos of Heavy Rain I feel like connecting my Dreamcast to my TV again and play some Shenmue.

After Metal Gear Solid 3 I felt I was quite done with the series as I wasn't enjoying them as much as I was when it started anymore.

Last Guardian isn't even out yet, so it's way too early to start screaming for that title as it might still turn out to not be as magical and great as its predecessors. I do hope it's a going to be a good game, but I'll wait for it to actually be out in stores before making any form of judgement.

MAG... Can you imagine what that many players would be like on Xbox Live? Seriously? I can, and that's why I wouldn't want it anywhere near it.

This leaves us with Little Big Planet. I could probably spend days on the level editor. I don't really care for the online community surrounding it, or the downloadable levels. That's all moot. I'd rather create my own little castle in the sandbox than playing in another kid's castle with action figures.


New member
May 21, 2008
The Great JT said:
The Great JT still does not call the Sega Genesis the Sega Master System. "Genesis" sounds better, it was called the "Genesis" where he lives so it's the friggin' Genesis!
Sorry for the double post, but the Master System and the Genesis are two completely separate consoles. I think you're referring to the Sega Mega Drive. The Master System is an entire generation earlier.


New member
Oct 14, 2008
None, In fact I cant think of any console exclusives at all that I want, I am happy with my PC


New member
Aug 24, 2009
GoW for sure; i mean, senseless violence and destruction, what is more awesome and fun than that? ^^ (especially after coming home from work or so... damn that mus be fun)


New member
Nov 30, 2009
I love my ps3. I want them all except MAG. Great idea but just not as much fun as BC2 so i voted to let the xbots have it.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Tinq said:
Abedeus said:
Z) None of the above.

Ninja Gaiden plx.
As the owner of Ninja Gaiden Sigma, I implore you to change your answer.
As a fan of Ninja Gaiden on SNES and guy who played Ninja Gaiden 2 on Xbox 360 (and the DS version), I still want this over-difficult game on PC.


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
Well, I'll definitely be picking up a 360 before a PS3 so this question is particularly relevant to me. Of this list, Heavy Rain is the game I'd most like to see on the 360. Of all PS3 exclusives, gotta go with Disgaea 3.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Last Guardian

I would also like to see GoW on the 360, but Last Guardian is probably the only one that it will almost physically hurt to not be able to play unless I get a PS3 at some point.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Would you believe that mine is Infamous? I liked Prototype, I'd probably also like Prototype with lightning powers.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
Damn my inability in voting in that pole,since I already own a PS3.

Although having MGS4,or even the entire MGS series on PC would be fun.Since I want to play them on my PC.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Last Guardian. I would take God of War III, but it's reliant on it's gory graphics. And I want Last Guardian more. I fucking loved Shadow of The Colossus.


New member
Feb 27, 2010
To be honest, if I didn't have access to my little bro's PS3, I'd wish all of those games. Well thought-out list. Or, probably more accurately, a list of all the significant PS3 exclusives. I can't think of any that I just don't care about. Wait, wait. Lair was exclusive, wasn't it?