Father Time said:
What's your source on stuff like rapeplay leading to more pedophilia?
I meant RapeLay would encourage rape.
Rape media studies [http://lmgtfy.com/?q=rape+media+studies]
Rape culture studies [http://lmgtfy.com/?q=rape+culture+studies]
Click on Scholarly Articles at the top. Read deeply.
An abbreviation (from Blackwell Reference [http://www.blackwellreference.com/public/tocnode?id=g9780631202899_chunk_g978063120289920_ss1-1]):
"...the portrayal of sexual violence in the media [has] been shown to contribute."
Father Time said:
Azuaron said:
If NOTHING good and LOTS of bad will result from a game, why should it not be banned?
The bad here seems to be mostly speculative, and if some people can't handle it it's not fair to ban it from everyone.
As I mentioned above, I have two psychology degrees, both degrees of science. Everything I've said is backed by research.
And your statement that, "...if some people can't handle it it's not fair to ban it from everyone," is just silly. What if I stole your car? Can't handle it? Not fair to ban auto theft. Or if I lit your house on fire. Can't handle it? Certainly not fair to ban arson just because your can't handle it. Or let's get something that's actually more what you meant. What about libel/slander? Can't handle it? Not fair to ban it, right? Copyright violation? Patent infringement? Your statement, although I'm not sure you intended it this way, is a plea for anarchy.
ETA: This will be my last post on the subject, as I have more work than I can handle at the moment and internet debates [http://xkcd.com/386/] only fuel my unhealthy procrastination.