Quit Smoking With MC Frontalot's D&D Ruleset


New member
May 14, 2009
Kinda similar to the Nintendo DS game to help you quit smoking.


Didn't wanna bother BB-Coding it >.>


New member
Jan 11, 2009
I like this idea. Kinda makes me wish I smoked just so I could try this method of quitting. ;)

One could make a mini character sheet (trading card-sized) that would fit inside the cellophane wrapper around the smokes, maybe use the lung x-ray for the character pic. And one could use a d20 from Chessex's Nebula dice sets, http://bit.ly/oOkbd, they look like they have curls of smoke inside them.

Nerd Ho!


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Maxwell -EOD- said:
Awesome. I have a set of die for rolling on calls.

"Hmm, it's a level 5 IED, and I'm a level 7 EOD tech with a hydrajet. I rolled a 3, this is not the right tool for the job. PAN disrupter? 20! Critical disruption, this shit's gonna work colonel."

"Ahhh, um, is that the right way to decide what to do?"

"Look at the badge, look at the die, together, they only tell truth."
I dunno what you just said but it gave me a Nerderection.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
TsunamiWombat said:
Maxwell -EOD- said:
Awesome. I have a set of die for rolling on calls.

"Hmm, it's a level 5 IED, and I'm a level 7 EOD tech with a hydrajet. I rolled a 3, this is not the right tool for the job. PAN disrupter? 20! Critical disruption, this shit's gonna work colonel."

"Ahhh, um, is that the right way to decide what to do?"

"Look at the badge, look at the die, together, they only tell truth."
I dunno what you just said but it gave me a Nerderection.
Now, I feel like a whore. Is it wrong I like it?



High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
"You know, I was gonna give up smoking, then I decided not to because I'm not a quitter!"-Ed Byrne.

Still, it's a pretty good idea. What better way to impliment arbitrary rules than a d20 ruleset?


New member
Dec 12, 2007
Guestowel said:
Spacelord said:
This actually doesn't sound like such a bad idea. :) Then again I'll have to explain to everyone why I brought a d20 to the pub...
If it is a person of opposite sex you give them your most dashing look and say, "Charisma check, baby" then not only will you quit smoking, you get the girl as well.
Yeah, a d20 is an awesome social lubricant. I use it all the time :D
Of course rolling an epic fail does cost me the date since then I have to kill her, but chances are chances after all...


New member
Oct 1, 2009
That is actually a very good idea. If I ever start smoking, I will be prepared: I carry a dice bag almost everywhere I go!


New member
Dec 12, 2007
GreyWolf257 said:
That is actually a very good idea. If I ever start smoking, I will be prepared: I carry a dice bag almost everywhere I go!
A whole bag? Then you'll not only roll for chance but roll for damage too. 4d6 head-bang-into-wall (or some alternate but equally painful punishment) on each failed poison check, before or after smoking. Of course with this method, you'll have to smoke when you fail, and do the punishment too. That way, you'll associate smoking with pain and uncomfortable stuff instead of relaxation (the most cited reason smokers smoke).


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Playbahnosh said:
GreyWolf257 said:
That is actually a very good idea. If I ever start smoking, I will be prepared: I carry a dice bag almost everywhere I go!
A whole bag? Then you'll not only roll for chance but roll for damage too. 4d6 head-bang-into-wall (or some alternate but equally painful punishment) on each failed poison check, before or after smoking. Of course with this method, you'll have to smoke when you fail, and do the punishment too. That way, you'll associate smoking with pain and uncomfortable stuff instead of relaxation (the most cited reason smokers smoke).
Yeah, roll 2d4 for the number of cups of blood that you are required to shed. Roll a 2d12 for the number of times you have to punch yourself in the crotch. I'm pretty sure I would never smoke again after that.


New member
Dec 12, 2007
GreyWolf257 said:
Playbahnosh said:
GreyWolf257 said:
That is actually a very good idea. If I ever start smoking, I will be prepared: I carry a dice bag almost everywhere I go!
A whole bag? Then you'll not only roll for chance but roll for damage too. 4d6 head-bang-into-wall (or some alternate but equally painful punishment) on each failed poison check, before or after smoking. Of course with this method, you'll have to smoke when you fail, and do the punishment too. That way, you'll associate smoking with pain and uncomfortable stuff instead of relaxation (the most cited reason smokers smoke).
Yeah, roll 2d4 for the number of cups of blood that you are required to shed. Roll a 2d12 for the number of times you have to punch yourself in the crotch. I'm pretty sure I would never smoke again after that.
That's the idea, yes. If you assign bad thoughts and uncomfortableness to smoking, after some time you won't even want to do it, because smoking will not remind you of how awesome it is, it will remind you of how utterly bad or painful it is. Yea, 4d6 crotch-punches before every smoke will surely make you think twice before your next fix. And of course there is the other way...

Alan Carr's method involves concentrating on the other side. Most people tries to quit smoking by gathering reasons why smoking is bad for them, like it causes cancer, bad breath, loss of stamina...etc. Carr's method does not concentrate on why smoking is bad, it concentrates on why not smoking is good. People addicted to smoking are not so much addicted to nicotine or the cigarette itself, but rather the imagined benefits they get from smoking, like "it relaxes me/calms me down", "it's a good timewaster/conversation starter/social lubricant" or simply "it's hip/cool". Long time addicts don't even need reasons, because they've been smoking so long, they got so used to it they forgot why they do it in the first place, they smoke "just because". By turning the tables around, we change our perception of smoking. Concentrate on why not smoking is better, like "I'll have more money", "my sense of taste and smell will come back", "I'll be able to enjoy long activities without needing a smoke", "I'll have more stamina and be more healthy overall", "I won't cough up black crap from my lungs in the morning"...etc. Do not concentrate on what you are losing by quitting, concentrate on what you are winning.

I haven't tried it, but I heard from a lot of people that it actually works. Now we just have to combine that with a d20, and it'll be the EPIC way of quitting smoking. :D


New member
Jun 15, 2008
Kalezian said:
question: what edition are we using for this?
Not that it really matters, but since he mentions Will saves and Wisdom modifiers thereto, it's clearly 3rd edition. Possibly 4ed, not sure what they use there.

George Palmer said:
Spacelord said:
This actually doesn't sound like such a bad idea. :) Then again I'll have to explain to everyone why I brought a d20 to the pub...

Wait... doesn't everyone carry their d&d dice on them at all times? Am I the only one?

You're not alone. After seeing how perilous [http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2006/8/23/] the world outside can be for the unprepared, I decided to properly equip myself.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
I usually have to explain the random die when fishing for exact change.

Most bad-ass rapper + d20 system (non 4 point 0) + living longer to enjoy both = winz

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
George Palmer said:
Spacelord said:
This actually doesn't sound like such a bad idea. :) Then again I'll have to explain to everyone why I brought a d20 to the pub...

Wait... doesn't everyone carry their d&d dice on them at all times? Am I the only one?

I actually have a dice rolling app on my iPhone. Need to roll 2d30+5? I'm your man.


Mandalorian Buddha
Mar 6, 2008
This seems... silly. I have serious doubts as to the effectiveness of this method - if you're having serious cravings, no arbitrary action like a dice roll is going to help you resist it. It's a nice idea, and more power to you if it actually works, but I just don't really see how it could work that well.


New member
Nov 20, 2008
I still think the best way to quit is to stop putting cigarettes in your mouth and lighting them.


New member
May 18, 2009
This is awesome. Although, I couldn't help thinking when I read this that it's a reason to start smoking... Still, the reasons not to far outweigh that.