Racists boycott Thor movie because of Idris Elba playing a god


New member
Aug 4, 2010
"Did you know that the totally made-up-by-medieval-drunks gods of Norse mythology were all white? Literally none of them were African. We didn't know that, but thanks to the prodigious efforts of the Council of Conservative Citizens and their friends at Boycott-Thor.com, the truth has been revealed: Heimdall, Sentry of Asgard, was white and Idris Elba, the English actor hired to portray Heimdall in Marvel Studios' Thor, is black! BLACK!

More on this scandalous development after the jump!

The CCC's unhappiness with Elba's appearance in Thor jibes with the material on its Statement of Principles page, where they assert that "the United States is a European country and that Americans are part of the European people... that the American people and government should remain European in their composition and character," and thus "oppose all efforts to mix the races of mankind... to destroy or denigrate the European-American heritage, including the heritage of the Southern people, and to force the integration of the races." The Statement also makes plain the organization's desire for the United States to be extremely Christian, curmudgeonly, and for its citizens to appear as hobbit-like as possible.

As part of its tireless efforts to those ends, the CCC -- recognized as a genuine hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center -- wrote on its website that Marvel has "declared war on Norse mythology" with "an insulting multi-cultural makeover." Not a fan of Marvel in general, the CCC added that the publisher already "attacks conservative values" and "now mythological gods must be re-invented with black skin."

Marvel is similarly criticized on the politically conservative Boycott-Thor.com, whose motto is "Keep social engineering out of European mythology." Apparently unaware that Marvel orchestrated an elaborate and embarrassing plotline by which Spider-Man and his wife made a deal with the devil to erase their marriage from memory rather than see the iconic superhero suffer the destructive liberal indignity of divorce, Boycott-Thor.com put forth the following indictment of the publisher:

Marvel is headed by radical left-wingers who insert their ideologies and agendas into their comic books and movies.

In February 2010, the TEA Party movement was viciously attacked in an issue of Captain America. Marvel editor-in-chief Joe Qesada publicly defended the issue.

Marvel creator and front man Stan "Lee" Lieber is a notorious left-winger and financier of left-wing political candidates.

Elsewhere on the site, the Boycott-Thor.com author submitted that the reason "movies fail" is, "according [to] the experts," because of bad word-of-mouth. A Facebook page has been set up to help spread those bad words, and boasts a shocking 155-person "Like" count, but only a few comments.

"What is needed is a school campaign to get White kids to boycott everything that comes out of Marvel Studios," wrote a human being called Annis Isbell. Another fan of the boycott, James Hick wrote, "Need to try and get black sepratists in on this to. Let them know that marvel is trying to negate and down play their racial culture & heritage and saying by default blacks are cultureless unless they imbrace the white mans culture. That would sit a black back lash," which we suppose is an almost utopian sentiment for someone whose Facebook profile pic is the Confederate flag.

For his part, Idris Elba has playfully acknowledged the obvious incongruity between his complexion and what is conventionally thought to be the true appearance of a made-up mythological god who never existed. Best known for his superlative performance as Stringer Bell in HBO's The Wire and for his appearances on NBC's The Office (but identified by the CCC as "Hip Hop DJ Elba"), the performer told the UK's TV Times:

"There has been a big debate about it: can a black man play a Nordic character?" he told TV Times. "Hang about, Thor's mythical, right? Thor has a hammer that flies to him when he clicks his fingers. That's OK, but the colour of my skin is wrong? "I was cast in Thor and I'm cast as a Nordic god," he said. "If you know anything about the Nords, they don't look like me but there you go. I think that's a sign of the times for the future. I think we will see multi-level casting. I think we will see that, and I think that's good."

Obviously a fierce Googlebater, the Boycott-Thor author has kept track of his site's mentions in the media, and will no doubt read this ComicsAlliance post as well. He or she accuses our friends at Spinoff Online, who also covered this story, of "childish name-calling like 'racist,'" even though Spinoff writer Kevin Melrose's post is admirably neutral in its presentation of the facts and does not include the word "racist."

Our post will not be so neutral.

You people at the Council of Conservative Citizens and Boycott-Thor.com are racists. And because you believe that "racist" is a baseless term thrown out by "left-wingers" who "can't win based on the facts," I will explain precisely why you are racists, and I will do with the most relentless logic possible.

The reason Kenneth Branagh cast Stringer Bell as Heimdall in Thor is because that is awesome. Did you see the Thor trailer? Heimdall is awesome!

Along similar lines, the reason Mark Millar and Byran Hitch cast Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury in The Ultimates is because that was awesome. Have you read The Ultimates? Have you seen Samuel L. Jackson in the Iron Man movies? He is awesome!

These are two stellar examples of demonstrable awesomeness, and, as such, they can only be refuted by the poisoned minds of hateful racists. While you are denying yourself what's sure to be a joyous popcorn epic in Thor and falling on the sword for the most socially, economically and politically dominant ethnicity in the world and their ridiculous ancient gods, we will be watching Chris Hemsworth (an Australian) and Idris Elba (an Englishman) bring to life one of the great American superheroes created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby (JEWS!)

To adapt a quote from one of white culture's most celebrated and completely fake, totally made-up heroes, Buzz Lightyear: You are sad, strange little men, and you have our pity."

Thanks to comicsalliance for the story.


New member
Jul 2, 2010
Wow... it's bad enough that they're pretty much a white-supremacy group, but going after a comic-book movie, of all things? Really...


Future sovereign of Oz
Nov 6, 2010
I don't think it has that much to do with race. It's just the same thing as when the fanboys freaked out because Sonic's eyes were green.
Dec 14, 2009
I totally want a black god to show up now, just to see the look on the faces of people like this...

[small]Racist fucks.[/small]


Future sovereign of Oz
Nov 6, 2010
Oops, a white supremacy group. Never mind. It's about race. But it's still a comic book movie. That's pretty pathetic.


New member
Jul 25, 2010
Norse gods were white because the people who worshipped them were white. Period.
So ofcourse someone is bugged about it. Even I find it fricking stupid. But do I care that much about it? Nah. A shit movie where a black dude plays Thor? Sounds like something I wouldnt even rent.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
As a European, I'm insulted that these people use the word "European" in the same sentence as which they justify their malignant views!


New member
Oct 10, 2008
While I've never read these comics, it still goes to reason that the gods of the Norse mythology, basically part of my heritage since I'm Scandinavian, are white. Why? Because we are. We're all pale-ass motherfuckers 'cause we live in the far north. It's kinda like portraying Ra of Egyptian mythology as asian. There's nothing racist in it, and it's a pity that racists have taken this cause, but it's a pretty valid point that norse gods are, well, norse.

All this "no mixed races" bullshit can fuck right off, though.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
I want this man [http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTGhljeii5z-Rm8qyuKXXEaiM0WYgNlYfON_xppG0PXAsBwqVNk] to set them straight.

Does the race of a God matter? Hell no, not to me.

[sub][sub]I fucking hate racists.[/sub][/sub]


New member
Aug 21, 2010
Kenko said:
Norse gods were white because the people who worshipped them were white. Period.
So ofcourse someone is bugged about it. Even I find it fricking stupid. But do I care that much about it? Nah. A shit movie where a black dude plays Thor? Sounds like something I wouldnt even rent.
but who cares who plays a norse god? black white asian. there a freaking GOD i am sure they can take on what ever form they want.


New member
Nov 3, 2010
hmmm... well, if they depict the gods like they do in the comics, i'm sure the WBC will also protest, because long hair obviously means the gods are gay. (nevermind the fact that they're pagan gods, i'm sure "gay" trumps "pagan" to those idiots.) let's see how many hate groups they can piss off? :)


New member
Jun 16, 2009
Hmm, no, I think Norse gods should look like Norse people. Do recall the old adage, "If horses had religion, they'd depict their God as a horse," so I think that deities, while fictional and thus having no hard-and-fast appearance, should at least resemble the people who created them. Ergo, I think having a black person as a Norse god is incongruous.

Annoying as that is, however, it's not nearly enough to keep me from seeing the movie or accusing Marvel of being a bunch of radical left-wingers. Who knows? I'm sure Hollywood has plenty of radical left-wingers, so maybe one of them actually did have a say in this. That, or maybe the black guy is just a good enough actor, I can't say which, and I can't say I care.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
To quote a comment on comicbookmovie.com

"Do you not follow the comics or the info about the movie? The Marvel characters are not gods.They are beings from another realm/planet who came to Earth.They happened to end up in the Nordic regions, and because they were more advanced, they were seen as gods. They are not human, nor do they hail from Earth.Their skintone means nothing"


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Thor black? but thor is always portrayed as white skin with red(mythology) or blond(comics) hair. he's Scandinavian in origin, for crying out loud. why not make him the way he's forever been portrayed as?


New member
Aug 4, 2010
tthor said:
Thor black? but thor is always portrayed as white skin with red(mythology) or blond(comics) hair. he's Scandinavian in origin, for crying out loud. why not make him the way he's forever been portrayed as?
Did you read the article? Idris is playing Heimdall, a minor character, not Thor.