

New member
Oct 4, 2006
*cough* *cough*
Okay, to put it simple - will we see anymore podcasts anytime soon? It's obvious that everyone were enjoying "the new GWJ radio". So... what's happened?
(I've been looking for any topics considering Radio or Fletcher comments on it but haven't found any. Am I blind or there wasn't anyone caring enough to ask?)
Sep 30, 2006
Yes, I'll second that sentiment. This is fast becoming ridiculous. Will we see anymore podcasts anytime ever? I didn't want to be the one to start a thread, as I revived the old "where's radio" thread a month ago or so and was simply linked to the "radio is on hiatus" thread.

Is it coming back or lost in the ether? It's time to shake your money makers :D and by that I mean mouths.

Shawn Andrich

New member
Aug 4, 2006
I think Russ has been reluctant to make any statements one way or another until he's sure what's going to shake out. He's so busy already, the kind of high quality show he puts together takes a great deal of time to do. After I saw this post I let Russ know I wouldn't be co-hosting the show anymore if he was planning to start it up again. I'm wrapped up in the new Gamers With Jobs podcast and my own life is getting busier in general too. I just don't want to leave you guys hanging.

I really hope Russ figures something out, the man is a natural when it comes to the audio entertainments. He's mentioned cloning himself a few times ... sounds promising!

Russ Pitts

The Boss of You
May 1, 2006
Yeah, Shawn has the right of it. Back when we first took Radio off the air I said that I was committed to keeping you guys in the loop and would chime in with news as to when (or if) we'd be bringing it back when there was any. That hasn't changed, but neither has the uncertainty surrounding the show.

I'm not going to produce a Radio show lacking in quality just to save time and resources. Neither am I going to skimp on my other various duties at The Escapist in order to find time to produce Radio. And I tried some experiments in sleep deprivation back in college, which were not promising. So that's out, too.

So mea culpa, I guess.

We're still looking at how to bring a new media program out to you under The Escapist banner, so all hope is not yet lost. I know at least three or four of you will be happy to hear that. And again, when there's something definitive to say on that subject, you'll hear it from me. I promise.

In the meantime we're working very hard on the same wonderful weekly content upon which The Escapist brand was built, and we think it's getting better each week. We're also putting a lot of energy into the new Escapist Daily, game news and editorial content refreshed each day with that wonderfully eclectic Escapist charm, you've come to know and love. I hope some of that content will at least keep you busy enough to not post a "Where's Radio" thread every week or so. Although, part of me is certainly glad that you're doing so.

Thanks for the continued support and curiosity.

Sep 30, 2006
Okay, well it's nice to have some closure although I'm sorry to see Shawn won't be returning to the show.

The articles certainly do keep me coming back for more, Radio was supposed to be the icing on an already very sweet cake. Now I have to find a way to not ravenously read through all of the articles in one sitting and instead stretch it out over the course of a week.

Of course, if ever you are able to bring radio back without having to sacrifice personal hygiene or close relationships there will be rejoicing in the streets or at least in my living room where I'll do a lil happy dance.


New member
Mar 29, 2008
i dont understand... there was "radio" here?

hows that for the search button? XD