RAGE QUIT!!!! Any moments you have done it and why?


New member
Jun 15, 2013
Once again Escapist I spoke... cause you know, it's fun.

RAGE QUIT!!! That's right we have all done it before whether it's books, TV, movies, games, an annoying relative you just want to punch in the face at time but you can't cause they are "family"??

Here is a recent one I saw from my favourite Honest Trailers, well it could have been scripted but I would have acted that way if I paid to watch a movie that bad.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6x4qNdSM4dA - Enjoy


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
Family: I left Thanksgiving for my Dad's of the family last year because all my aunts and uncles were arguing about my new aunt who they all hate and on the a Christmas present for my grandma. I had to leave after hearing twenty minutes of the argument before I stood up and shouted "Shut the fuck up your all acting like god damn children!" and having my family hate me.

Book: Lord of the Rings. I managed to truck through The Fellowship, but when The Two Towers came I had to stop reading after five straight pages of landscape description. I just couldn't take it anymore and threw the book across the room. Luckily I owned the book.

Games: Mirrors Edge. I bought it a week ago and just now got to playing it. I raged quit because even on the lowest settings my FPS dropped to like two whenever glass broke. The laptop I'm playing on can run The Witcher 2 and Total War: Rome 2 on high. I eventually gave up on like the sixth mission after I died several times because of the lag.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Elfgore said:
Games: Mirrors Edge. I bought it a week ago and just now got to playing it. I raged quit because even on the lowest settings my FPS dropped to like two whenever glass broke. The laptop I'm playing on can run The Witcher 2 and Total War: Rome 2 on high. I eventually gave up on like the sixth mission after I died several times because of the lag.
Disable PhysX in the options menu. Yeah PhysX makes certain things in the game look pretty cool, but it's a massive resource hog and isn't worth it. I had the same issue as you, and disabling it fixed my FPS-issues completely.

On Topic: Probably the most recent example I can think of is an online class I was taking at my university earlier this semester. I originally signed up for it since it fufiled a requirement I needed and I figured "hey, doing this online will make things easier since I can do it at my own pace!"

... however, once I started actually trying to work on stuff in it, I noticed that whomever ran the thing really didn't do a good job maintaining the class at all. It was filled with formatting errors, outdated technology that didn't work at all (for example, most of the example videos were in some Quicktime-based format that was so old and outdated it didn't work on any browser I tried at all), and to top it all off any assignment you turned in was automatically marked late since the instructor didn't change the due dates at all. They were all set to being in November of 2006 or something akin to that.

So yeah, eventually I just said "Fuck this, whomever is running this clearly doesn't give enough of a shit to keep this properly maintained. Therefore this class isn't worth my time or money" and dropped it.

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
I threw the third book of the manga series Hot Gimmick away from me in disgust when it got too bad. That's the worst manga I've read in my life, and I've read over 650 different manga series.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I've rage quit a bunch of pedantic college texts on semiology and such. At some point I just went FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU and stomped on 'em. And then I picked them up and continued.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
I abandoned game 17 of the 23 game DOTA 2 losing streak when we got off to an 0-8 start. It was late, and I'd just lost 4 in a row that evening, and I couldn't be arsed to sit through another 40 minute loss. I like to think my teammates were grateful for the escape.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I did that last week trying to do the new event dungeon (I pretty much given up on it now due to how long and frustrating trying to complete that dungeon).

I was in a team up against the first bosses and we were getting our arsed kicked since they were new to it. I explain the tatic on how to defeat the bosses but I knew some amiss when they were doing the tactic.

Third time getting our butts handed over one person left and the leade asked what to do. I asked if they had read my tatic (seriously I typed the tatic three times in the chat log which you cannot missed) and one person said no.

I pretty much acted like "OMG??!!!". Sorry but I rather find that insulting and ignorant that you didn't read your party members comments at all especially during a boss fight!!

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
I rage quit Demon's Souls, the double "Maneater" boss and the fire boss were made to ruin Melee focused players. I love a challenge in games, but making it a lot harder on a player for choosing a certain class at the beginning of the game is lousy. I'll probably get some flack here for that, but it's how I feel.


Dec 3, 2010
Kind of rage quitted on my sister. She's got Aspbergers and wasn't diagnosed until she was 22 years old(a bit over two years ago) so growing up with her was difficult since she was so different. Not sure how much the diagnose would have helped, but at least then I could find answers for her behaviour and understand it. We had always been fighting a shitload and after our last, quite silly fight, we both got fed up for good. Haven't had any contact with her for two years.
My mom went to visit her recently(she lives as far away from us as possible these days) and I asked if I could tag along, but through my moms protests I caught the hint that I wasn't welcome, so now I care even less about her.

Also rage quitted the LOTRO books, as another mentioned above. Couldn't even get past the foreword about Hobbits. The descriptions were way too much for me and it was in Swedish, which made the names of everything sound really silly to me after being so used to the English version(movies + LOTRO for over three years).


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Myst 4 Revelations.

Only game I ever just stopped playing and uninstalled, for any reason. I just started screaming and didn't fully stop till I uninstalled.

It wasn't even for the painful as hell timed puzzles but for that one in the jungle with the sounds makers. You had to have a sound last an exact 1 , 1.5 or 2 seconds, and I just couldn't do the full sequence. Having to visualize the timing of a sound was just a hair too much for me. I got it a year later trying again but FFFFFF! You had to spin a dial for an exact amount of time which either means having a stopwatch while you do it or, as I later managed, turn every dial at the exact same speed but a differing number of revolutions.


Tentacle God
Feb 28, 2012
Many, many times in Dark souls, most recently in the Duke's Archives because I got bored and frustrated at the same time. I may pick it up again sometime. More likely I'll wait for DS2 and play half of that before getting bored again. Smough and Ornstein made me rage quit a lot though. Not as many times as I did while playing Super Meat Boy, nor did I die nearly as many times as I did against Dr Fetus.
I gave up reading Dune after the first dozen or so pages. It got silly when the author was introducing all these stupid names for silly little things.
Nocturne many, many times. The riders in particular pissed me off, as did Mot. How are you supposed to fight an enemy who is capable of 2HKO'ing you, has only one weakness and is able to give itself extra turns whenever it feels like it? First time I didn't even get a chance to move, it just spammed the extra turn abilities and its attack raising move and then killed me with an Almighty attack. Also getting special mentions are Trumpeter and Matador, both of whom screwed me over big time.
Going for the champion tournament in Pokemon BW2 is an exercise in frustration. Having to beat 3 gym leaders in a row 10 times over was far harder than it seemed, especially since whichever pokemon I had leading ended up being weak to the first enemy I encountered. Finally did it after about 30 tries. I haven't a clue how you'd do it without a knowledge of EV's and sets; even with my best trio I had a 20% chance or more of losing any individual battle.


New member
Mar 30, 2012
Just today actually, in Smite, I always get put in bad teams and the guys I'm playing against ALWAYS pick the overpowered characters. When I lose so many times in a row I just lose my patience. Mostly because I can't do anything about it, you're depending on four other players after all.

I just couldn't stand it anymore and uninstalled. At least in League of Legends you can play against bots. A far less frustrating experience.


New member
Apr 14, 2013
I often put in earbuds and just blast music as loud as I can handle to tune out the political arguments that inevitably erupt between members of my family, which is basically the worst rhetoric of Republicans going against the worst rhetoric of Democrats. I do the same when one goes on an extended monologue about their political beliefs. I also skip over a lot of Facebook posts because the person posting it decides that they want to litter my Facebook page with it. It gets particularly annoying when it is about their environmental views, which supports the worst pseudoscience that both sides have managed to conjure up over the years.

When I discovered I could adequately pull off moves in Mortal Kombat by rotating the analog stick in reverse order, I quit. It didn't help that doing it correctly failed so many times in that match.

I stopped reading Steven James's Patrick Bowers Files once he started using the books to spout out his religious right rhetoric in ways that were completely unrelated to the story. Not to mention, he got incredibly predictable, removing the mystery that made the first three books so enjoyable (the fourth was only saved because it was easily the most intense story of the series). Actually no, I'm being unfair, it sometimes worked its way into the story, but in just the most ludicrous ways possible, such as:

The antagonist organization was a bunch of ecoterrorists, which were completely misrepresented compared to what ecoterrorists actually are I might add, that wanted to remotely take over a submarine with Trident missiles as part of some protest! Oh, but their leader had no connection to environmental activism and was only using them so she could help her boss launch a missile at Israel. And to top it all off, they managed to convince Iran, Iran, to shoot the missile down so they could create a story about how they had stopped a rogue American state. I just...I...I...gah!

I also stopped reading The Lord of the Rings about half way through The Two Towers. Sorry, but Tolkein's writing is just so annoying to read through. It isn't even just the lengthy descriptions, as Hawthorne is enjoyable to read regardless of easily outdoing Tolkein in that regard, but it is the fact that his ability to describe is just horrible. It's boring as hell, yet it takes up 75% of the book.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
My most recent rage quit was in GTA V. I haven't really touched my PS3 in about a year and hadn't played a GTA game since 3 so I was rusty at best.

Its a mission really early on
Where you're playing as Franklin and Lamar and have to repo the bike from that gang member.
I lost my target that many times that I was starting to twitch with rage. Then finally I got within range, fucked up the targeting and then rear ended a truck.


I didnt even quit the game, I just pulled the plug out of the power socket.


New member
Nov 13, 2011
Most recent was Don't Starve; couldn't face starting over (again) after 150 days, maybe tomorrow. Probably tomorrow.


New member
Nov 30, 2012
ANY of teh NBA 2K games. I find a lot of the time the game punishes you for crap that isn't your fault (Like when your own team are physically in your way thus being unable to defend your player and then getting punished for them scoring).


New member
Mar 17, 2011
I rage quit Magic the Gathering. I used to be a Regional (Level 2) Judge in the DCI, but after M2010's overhaul noobified the rules of the game, I quit.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
SilkySkyKitten said:
Elfgore said:
Games: Mirrors Edge. I bought it a week ago and just now got to playing it. I raged quit because even on the lowest settings my FPS dropped to like two whenever glass broke. The laptop I'm playing on can run The Witcher 2 and Total War: Rome 2 on high. I eventually gave up on like the sixth mission after I died several times because of the lag.
Disable PhysX in the options menu. Yeah PhysX makes certain things in the game look pretty cool, but it's a massive resource hog and isn't worth it.
It's not a resource hog, though. Well, yes, it is, sort of. As long as you've a graphics card that's capable of PhysX, you won't even have a framerate drop. At least, not from the physics. That's because PhysX takes up a few shader cores that will not be used for rendering graphics, but for physics. So in that sense, it does hog resources. That means that when physics happen, there's no additional load on the rest of the system, as the cores already dedicated to that handles it. However, when you don't have a PhysX enabled card, or if PhysX functionality is disabled for some reason, the game will try to run on the CPU, which can't even begin to handle it. Not even top tier Haswell i7 CPUs can do that well. That's why most PhysX games will have the PhysX option greyed out unless you've a GPU compatible with it, despite technically being able to run (very poorly) on a CPU.

As for my ragequits, it's mostly games like X3, M&B and, XCOM. Especially XCOM. Fuck XCOM!

Wait, I'm sorry XCOM, I didn't mean it! I love you.

Fuck you XCOM!