Haakong said:
scw55 said:
Haakong said:
scw55 said:
If people want to raid, they join a guild. They build up social connections. Build up teamwork. Build trust. It's a magical thing. You raid. Did I mention that?
Why would anyone use this? So they can join a raid group with people they don't care about and vice versa?
You can argue some players "don't have time to join a guild and raid". Well, why don't you find a guild that accomodates your needs? There's a guild for pretty much anything in WoW.
Blizzard keep making stupid mistakes to cater for the imaginary fraction of the playerbase.
I hope they're enjoying the ride down their slippery slope.
I miss in old WoW where players were happy never seeing certain combat because they weren't good enough or didn't mind waiting patiently intill their guild got there. The players who weren't patient or happy where goddamn guild hoppers and saw it anyway due to the epic-guild ladder. The nostalgia rose-tinted glasses argument could be applied here, and would die instantly.
If you want a randomer for your guild's 10man run what's wrong with having someone in a capital city spamming trade? I can't imagine anyone who'd guildless who's thrive off waiting all day long in the raid finder looking for a group. I remember pugging on my druid in WOTLK. I wanted to rip my eyes out. This tool will only make people depressed more quickly.
You know what the biggest problem is with raiding, compared to dungeons and PvP? It requires planning, schedules and attendance. Many players that are "hardcore", also got a pretty busy RL. Thats one of the main reasons Ive loved arenas: its pick up and play. Each game lasts from 1-15 min (with a few exceptions) which means you can join and leave whenever it pleases you. Also, you play with 1-2 good friends (2v2 and 3v3) instead of a huge group where your flaw waste 9-24 other people's time.
A LFR tool will remove all that keeps me away from raiding: I can join whenever I want, I will always get a spot, there will always be room for friends, and I can leave whenever I want without a huge impact on the raid (they press "find one more", and in 1 min Im replaced). Spamming trade takes time, precious time, and replacing someone is an even greater hassle. Crying over someone getting just as cool toys as you cheaper is just elitist. You should have gotten used to that after the first 2 weeks of arena season 2, where every random guy and his dog had equal gear that you had bled for in season 1
I've never cried over people getting as cool toys as me. Given I havn't played WoW for 6months and plan to never play it again further kills your claim
I'm not an elitist as a result. I don't understand why they try and balance around PvP given that there are
better Player Vs. Player games/MMOs out there. Many classes have been destroyed for the sake of PvP balance (Feral druids got raped severly due to bleeds being too potent in PvP due to their damage and being unable to be dispelled).
Apologies then for missreading you.
Yet, I would rather hear you comment on my points regarding LFR tool than me missunderstanding your intent for disliking it.
Want a fun fact? Ferals are still OP in PvP, even after the nerfs
Poor PvE ferals....
The LFR tool will only make disappointment occure easily and more often. Currently, people recruit for pugs manually and it takes ages. 90% of the time the raid will end prematurely with everyone with a negative attitude because frankly humanity as a species is shit. Someone might bail out after one wipe because they have a high elitism level. The raid leader might give up because he lacks a backbone. Someone might get bored of waiting and ninjapull the boss and leave. Loot dispute.
Basically. The LFR tool only removes waiting. Infact, the saturation of exposure to negative human contact is increased as it's easier to replace douchebags with more douchebags. This is a pesimistic view, but say, take a breakdown of douchbag player and non douchebag player, regardless of the % breakdown, you will still be exposed to more of them.
You can argue this will reinforce people wanting to join a guild to raid. Well... not with the whole "if you wait for x months for the next content patch you can buy some of the previous tier of gear" mentality. Humans are lazy. Humans want the easiest route to their epics. If it means that they cannot find a guild and wait for the current raid gear to be 'last seasons'' then they will do that.
I dislike this parallel of arena gear system to pve gear. With the arena, Blizzard needs to make some rewards to encourage people to take part beyond the sake of 'pvp for the hell of it'. Humans are greedy. As WoW is an RPG, a meaningful reward is an increase in stats; ie better PvP gear. There is a problem. Every season they need to add more powerful rewards to encourage the players who are fully arena geared up to keep competing. However, as the seasons progress, the entry level to compete against other players rises. For some reason, team ratings get reset and other mechanics. It means when you go in at base rating, there is a good chance you'll fight against players in UBERKILLU arena gear. This means with your basic pvp gear you'll get massacred. Skill can only take you so far; at the end of the day it's an RPG so numbers win ultimately. Therefore Blizzard's approach to the problem is letting people grind for last season's gear in Battlegrounds which has nothing to do with arena play what so ever.
This does not translate logically at all in PvE. PvE is *not* competative. It is if you consider progress battles for "world's first/server first/region first" or just general progression on the server. But these races are fought by well establish guilds or semi-competant guilds. If you're competing in PvE for self-reasons, like trying to get better gear than someone else then stop being so goddamn vain or stop that other play from down tredding you.
The enviroment of PvE is constant (inless Blizzard decides to nerf/buff encounters or buff/nerf classes or combat mechanics). Using WOTLK raids here, Naxx will always stay the same base difficulty (over-come by experience and gear) as will Ulduar. Thoes raids will always stay there and in spirit stay viable. There is no need to add seasonal gear to PvE. Infact seasonal gear makes Naxxaramas and Ulduar obsolete in raid instances whilst you're in the same expansion. There only reason why you'd run them for LOLRUNS/getting a unique looking piece of equipment/Legenedary or the Weekly Quest or badge grinding. The loot from thoes instances no longer have any value aside from pristege or aesphetics.
Blizzard keep doing things with the best intentions but the outcomes are usually tragic. They also seem to ignore backlash against negative changes. It's as though because so many people complain about the most pitiful things, that when someone genuinly negative occures Blizzard just thinks "here they go again, QQ moar".
In short, human nature makes the LFR tool a bad idea.