ninjaRiv said:
I'm excited but now that I know it's digital only (as far as we know) I'm less so. Digital only R&C suggests that it's short and there's no confidence in it. Like Insomniac are generate interest for the movie but don't really care for the game.
It's not digital only. The article here is wrong, but I've heard other sources say it's coming to both retail and digital. Mind you so was FFA and I doubt will be a full length release (I'm guesing 6 hours as opposed to the usual 10+). Then again, for a 4 hour adventure, I quite enjoyed Quest for Booty.
That bit in the article really should be changed.
Eclipse Dragon said:
Skip Deadlocked
Skip Size Matters and Secret Agent Clank
Play Future: Tools of Destruction
I'll probably play Quest for Booty anyway since it's cheap and short and since Future is meant to be a trilogy I don't really wanna cut out the middle part no matter how inconsequential.
Play Future: A Crack in Time
Skip everything after that. It seems like I don't actually have a lot of work ahead of me, talk about ups and downs.
Deadlocked ain't bad. It's just...different. Neronium is right though in respect to the whole "if you liked the arena battles of the other games, it's more of that". It is darker, but at the same time it has it's funny moments (there are also a few references made to this game in future installments, but nothing that crucial). Personally I liked Deadlocked, even if it's one of the weaker ones (certainly above A4O and FFA). It has a lot of vehicles, a multiplayer and co-op mode (though unlike FFA and A4O, it's doesn't so much feel like it or force you to do it), sparse platforming, and a weaker weapon selection. If you do get around to playing it, I advise you to NOT play it on PS3. I got that version with my copy of FFA and the characters in the cutscenes jitter constantly (not to mention the framerate is terrible, and this is the kind of game where you routinely have a million baddies on the screen).
Regarding Quest for Booty, for sure it's the one that can be the most neglected, but if you're willing to play it then sure. Not a whole lot of story there, but for those 4 hours, there is a lot of quality there. It introduces the kinetic tether (one of Ratchet's new tools he uses in ACIT too), some decent platforming and puzzles, pretty environments, and a surprising amount of atmosphere. The game was meant to be a primer for ACIT and introduces the conflict of the game. And besides Rusty Pete is in it!
Innegativeion said:
I really like Insomniac's style, even if some of their recent titles weren't Stirling winners.
Considering that at the time Jim gave Insomniac their lowest score in history with All 4 One, their titles weren't...
*dons sunglasses*
Sterling winners either.
(wow, first time I did one of those)