really you let your kid play THIS


New member
Jul 6, 2010
The whole fear of a new media affecting peoples minds has been around since Shakespeare's time. A letter from the mayor of London accusing the plays of promoting lechery was sent (I forgot to whom) shortly after the Globe Theatre was built. Newspapers have been called seditious, Radio was called scandalous(I think thats how you spell it), and TV suffered similar complaints. So, Calm down ye moral knights. Nothing has actually changed in the last five centuries or so.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
One of the 3rd graders I tutor asked me if I was "an Assassin's Creed" and proceeded to mimic Etzio's wrist blades with a pair of pencils. He didn't understand the title and was playing around the same way I did with plastic forks pretending to be Wolverine when I was the same age. I felt it was pretty harmless.

Is it messed up that kids are exposed to this stuff? sure. But part of growing up is getting messed up by the world/media but finding a functional way around it. It's the people that can't do this that worry me.


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
anybody should have the rights to play any video game with their parents permission AND only if they are mature enough to play these games and won't act completely idiotic online.

Because some kids that have been in my game obviously have not matured yet and act like they are the best and WON'T SHUT UP. They are so loud its unbelievable.

But seriously, I blame the parenting. I am 15, and have been playing games like CoD since I was 10/11 years old, and have plenty of friends the same age as me who play the same. None of us are murderous or suicidal. It all boils down to the parenting and maturity of a person which determines what games they can play.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
I bet you have played atleast one of them and your only 14 ...

18 games don't make kids evil, parental neglect and hanging out in a gang (were all each member does is try to out do the rest) does.

I have been playing 18 games younger than the kid you talked to (resident evil on release date) and I haven't been in so much as a fist fight or arrested.


New member
Jun 14, 2008
HG131 said:
You. Are. Overreacting. He's 9, his mind won't be warped by it. In fact, mind warping is next to time warping (LETS DO THE TIME WARP, YEAH!) on the list of impossible things morons will believe.
And here I thought the jury was still out on the effect that violent video games may have on the psyche of children. I'm glad your extensive research has come in and cemented the matter.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
Ghostwise said:
AyrSuppli said:
It honestly kind of pisses me off how overprotective my parents are, and I'm against your view. I think if their parents let 'em play the games, then it's their decision. Actually, if and when I have kids, I'm going to let them do kind of whatever. Do your parents have a lot of restrictions on games, music, etc?
When you actually have a child your views will change drastically. I used to think the way you do when I was a young lad. You would seriously let your 8-9 year old play a game like Saints Row 2 where nudity and F-bombs are constant and nonstop?
I'm not saying I want a 9-year old playing that. They would have to prove that they could handle it and stuff. It's a privilege, not a right.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
Savagezion said:
squid5580 said:
Bullshit!!!! Pure and utter Bullshit. Rising cases of ADD my fuckin ass. Guess what kids are naturally hyper. Guess what kids don't like sitting in a school all day having someone teach them crap they don't care about. Oh gee little Jimmy isn't paying attention quick get him on drugs and then we can blame video games and the media. It is amazing the human race survived this long. I wonder how our ancestors dealt with ADD.

How about we blame the law for our kids problems? How about we blame the fact that we are no longer allowed to give them the ass kickings they deserve for thier disrespectful behaviour. Oh yeah that would kinda fall away from the blaming media game and WE CAN'T FUCKING WELL HAVE THAT CAN WE?
I see it the same way as you do for ADD. Look at the large picture here and not your little agenda. My point is these problems are more frequent because kids are undisciplined. And I am not referring to spankings here neccessarily. I am talking about lack of guidance or even misguidance. Way to pull the wool over your own eyes and totally miss the entire point of the post. (Provided you could focus long enough to read it and follow it without your mind wandering from the topic.) You're seriously unable to draw any logical conclusion from any of that?
Were you even paying attention as you read that I said video games could logically play a role in it an not soley point the finger at the media? No? You also reponded in an unintelligent manner and disregarded any civility thus respect for the post in your demeanor. If you were serious with your post way to prove me right again. If your post was not dead serious way to grab a small fraction of my point and skew it to obscurity.

EDIT: Also note the violent undertones in your post. It's like pure gold. You didn't miss a single symptom I described in the post you call "bullshit".
Oh dear I think you need a bit of video games so you can man up. Bullshit being violent lol. I hate to tell you but someone calling your post what it is is not violent.

Now lets look at all the facts shall we. How many of these undisiplined kids are coming from broken homes? How many are latch key kids? How many are raising themselves because the economy is in the crapper so thier parents are working 2-3 jobs? Oh no none of that can be a problem now can it? No it must be video games that are corrupting our youth. There is so many factors to this you can't just point at 1 aspect and say well that is the problem. Well I guess you can if you are a moron but it doesn't solve anything. It doesn't help anything. Because the only thing that will help is not getting them away from violent video games. The only thing that is going to help is getting them in homes with people who have parenting skills.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
I've been playing M rated games since like...forever. I grew up watching my dad play Duke Nukem, American McGee's Alice, Unreal, Doom, and a bunch of other games I can't remember right now. Once I started playing games for myself (I think I was 12 when I took an interest), my parents were fine letting me play M rated games. They know (and I know) that I'm mature enough and can handle that reality vs. fantasy thing.

Now, that I've just told you my life story, what I'm getting at is that I don't think it's a big deal. It's up to the parents and the kids to decide if it's ok in their household. Some make the wrong choice, unfortunately, but there are a lot of times where it's totally ok because the kid can handle it. -shrug-
Jun 11, 2008
IxionIndustries said:
As long as the kid isn't going around shooting people because he saw it on Call of Duty, then I have no issue.

Hell, I was playing fucking Unreal Tournament when I was 6, so I grew up around that kind of shit.

The kid said his favorite games were shooters. Big deal. Fuck, lighten up for a bit.
It's not a big deal when they play them. It is big deal when they play them online then ***** and whine when they lose and bring down the maturity of the gaming community. Also lets be honest most kids don't have the same views of fair play as a fully grown adult or even a teenager near adult. As long as they win the game and do well they don't give a shit about anyone else's enjoyment of the game. They haven't learned that winning doesn't matter. This leads to lots of team switching in games like CoD on the PC not so much on Xbox. It also leads to much more abuse of imbalanced weapons and exploits.

Also fair enough if you weren't skewed by it but I wasn't allowed to watch or play movies more than 2 years outside my age group ie. I was 10 when I could movies rated 12, 14 for movies and games rated 16, etc. I thought and still think that is a fair enough as my parents would watch a movie before deciding to let me see it so they could fast forward past the bad bits. I think parents should actually play games before they let their kids play it. On that if the child genuinely knows the difference that what is on their isn't really and should never be replicated in a real situation and that it is only a game and losing doesn't matter I don't see a problem but that isn't always the case.

Dyp100 said:
Well, I was playing Halo when I was 7...What? Don't give me any looks.
I'd hardly call Halo an overly violent game now. Sure you shoot things but it just isn't in the same league as something like Saints Row, Gears of War or GTA.

OT: I have not met kids in real life who shouldn't of been playing games but I have been in clans with people who were not mature enough to be playing the games that they were playing. I wasn't the best when I was a bit younger online. I was quite the bit of a scrub but only when it came to abused imbalances in PvP or competitive. I find doing it to be really cheap and don't understand how someone is that obsessed with winning that they need every advantage possible.
Sep 14, 2009
WorkerMurphey said:
One of the 3rd graders I tutor asked me if I was "an Assassin's Creed" and proceeded to mimic Etzio's wrist blades with a pair of pencils. He didn't understand the title and was playing around the same way I did with plastic forks pretending to be Wolverine when I was the same age. I felt it was pretty harmless.

Is it messed up that kids are exposed to this stuff? sure. But part of growing up is getting messed up by the world/media but finding a functional way around it. It's the people that can't do this that worry me.

i know some kids down the street..a few years younger than me. the parents always took everything to the most extreme precautions..they couldn't watch space jam until they were 10 years THAT tells you something...

and believe me. these kids are...not normal in any way shape or form

when you aren't exposed to stuff as you grow up, you dont grow up, you become..mentally awkward and dont know how to deal with stuff


New member
Jun 16, 2010
honestly I think games would be one of the last things to influence somebody. Let's go to the extreme here. GTA. If the kid doesn't already have a strong sense of violence, he will probably just mess around on the game as an open world sandbox. If he wants to go on killing sprees he is probably already violent. I don't remember a mission where the goal was "kill everything." And even then, it won't make him go crazy outside of the game. I'm sure his parents have told him killing people is bad.


New member
Jun 14, 2008
HG131 said:
AgentNein said:
HG131 said:
You. Are. Overreacting. He's 9, his mind won't be warped by it. In fact, mind warping is next to time warping (LETS DO THE TIME WARP, YEAH!) on the list of impossible things morons will believe.
And here I thought the jury was still out on the effect that violent video games may have on the psyche of children. I'm glad your extensive research has come in and cemented the matter.
Studies have shown that it has NO LASTING EFFECT. The jury is in, it's harmless.
Cite your sources.


New member
Dec 20, 2009
dante brevity said:
I regularly teach students who A) play violent video games and B) have problems dealing with violence or bullying at school. Now let's be fair: there's no evidence of causation in that statement, but I think it's fair to say that seeing graphic depictions of violence being rewarded in games may skew kids' ideas regarding the consequences of violence. Also, there's some pretty conclusive evidence out there that says that violent video games correlate to aggressive kids.

Who knows what the mechanisms for this might be, but I know that my kids won't be playing violent games until their teen years, maybe 14 or so.
Well, there are "conclusive facts" on both sides of the fence for that one, so really it seems like more of an unresolved issue to me.

"They are harmless for the vast majority of kids but are harmful to a small minority with pre-existing personality or mental health problems." Is the key quote from that article.

So if the kid isn't predisposed to being a crazy little punk, then chances are those games aren't hurting him. What I'm more concerned with are his choices as "favourite games". Really? There are way better games out there than those to call your favourite.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
AyrSuppli said:
It honestly kind of pisses me off how overprotective my parents are, and I'm against your view. I think if their parents let 'em play the games, then it's their decision. Actually, if and when I have kids, I'm going to let them do kind of whatever. Do your parents have a lot of restrictions on games, music, etc?
while giving a child freedom is one thing letting them soak up and particpate in thigns like violent video games without supervision is just irresponsible. Same with interacting with people 8+ years older than them, they simply won't understand what's going on and they get bad influences at a younger age than they really should, at age 9 kids really aren't old enough to be making their own decisions.

IMO there is nothing wrong with a child palying these games as long as there is someon there to guide them and make sure they know it's not real and it's not ok to do anything like that in real life.

it's important to know that you're children's mind is very malleable and if you don't supervise them and nuture them then you are going ot churn out some messed up kids.

don't be over protective give them freedom and encourage them to be creative, but don't let your kid by a wild child or a menace, that will not help them later on.

and this isn't just directed at you AyrSuppli it's kind of a PSA for everyone


iDrink, iSmoke, iPill
Nov 16, 2008
Of course I would let my kid play those as long as he/she understood that what happens in the game doesn't carry over in real life. Long as they got that I would let them play or watch whatever the hell they wanted. Whats the problem here?